ForstA Digital Promotion

As digitalisation progresses, teaching and research are facing major changes and increasing demands - both for students and teachers. With ForstA Digital we want to meet these challenges at the University of Bremen. ForstA Digital is a package of measures within the framework of the call for proposals "Studying research right from the start. ForstAintegriert - Heterogeneity as potential". The ZMML will support the sponsored teachers in the development and implementation of a blended learning concept focusing on Inverted Classroom and the creation, dissemination and publication of Open Educational Resources (OER) in teaching.
Introduction to Psychology for Business Studies
Within the framework of the project, our Human Resources Department is working on the conversion of the course "Introduction to Psychology for Economics" to an inverted classroom format. This means that from now on students will be able to access the content at their own learning pace, independent of time and place, and thus take responsibility for their own learning process. The lecture contents are now prepared didactically in the form of weekly work packages and made available online in the form of videos and accompanying material. Each work package is rounded off by reflection questions in multiple-choice format, single-choice format and gap text format. These also give students the opportunity to collect bonus points for the final exam.
A more detailed description of the project can be found on the ZMML website.