Dr.-Ing. Zhao Ren

Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5
Cartesium, Raum 2.015
28359 Bremen
+49(0)421-218 60262
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Dr.-Ing. Zhao Ren is a postdoctoral researcher at the Cognitive Systems Lab, University of Bremen, Germany. Her research interests concentrate on developing AI algorithms for providing personalised healthcare solutions, especially in speech pathology and body acoustics. This includes trustworthy AI, reliable AI, efficient AI, and other AI algorithms in acoustic tasks such as speech emotion recognition, and speech-based bipolar disorder detection, abnormal heart sound detection, and respiratory sound analysis. Currently, she is mainly contributing to the project on “MyVoice: Myoelectric Vocal Interaction and Communication Engine”, with the target of helping laryngectomized patients and healthy individuals who cannot speak with voice in specific situations on building communications via electromyographic signal-to-speech technologies.
If you are interested, please find more information about her research via:
Personal Website: http://zhaoren.one
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Klrd5CQAAAAJ&hl=en