Italian founder of welfare economics.
Fundamental work: "Der Tugendmythos und die unmoralisierte Literatur", 1911
Faculty of Business Studies and Economics
„Die hkk Krankenkasse arbeitet seit Jahren erfolgreich mit dem Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Bremen zusammen. Dabei schätzen wir insbesondere die hohe fachliche Qualität gepaart mit ausgeprägter Praxisnähe.“
Lutz Trey
hkk Krankenkasse, Stellvertreter des Vorstands, Bereichsleiter Kundenservice, Markt und Unternehmenskommunikation
„Wir freuen uns über die Möglichkeit, unsere Forschungsergebnisse den Studierenden direkt in den Vorlesungen zu vermitteln. Der Fachbereich 7 gibt uns die Möglichkeit, unsere Forschungsergebnisse sofort mit Studierenden und Wissenschaftlern zu teilen.“
Prof. Dr. Sarianna M. Lundan
Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls für Internationales Management und Governance
„Der Fachbereich bietet mir mehr als nur eine gute fachliche Ausbildung. Er gibt mir die Möglichkeit, wertvolle Erfahrungen – unter anderem als studentischer Tutor – zu sammeln und mit dem erlangten Wissen auch außerhalb der Universität neue Wege zu beschreiten. Außerdem überzeugt der Fachbereich durch die Vielfalt seiner Studierenden.“
Johannes Voshaar
Werkstudent bei Ernst & Young GmbH und studentische Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling
"Mit der Kombination aus einer breiten betriebswirtschaftlichen Ausbildung, anspruchsvollen Vertiefungen und einer internationalen Ausrichtung ist das Studium am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft ein verlässliches Fundament für erfolgreiche Karrieren in Management und Beratung."
Dr. Philipp Volmer
Experte für Sanierung und Turnaround bei KPMG, Alumni des FB7
„Meine Zugehörigkeit zur Graduiertengruppe Digitalisierung ermöglicht es mir, mich mit anderen Promovierenden über zukunftsweisende Fragestellungen auszutauschen. Die Unterstützung, die ich dabei vom markstones Institute bekomme, ist erstklassig.“
Hendrik Hinrichs
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Graduiertengruppe „Digitalisierung"
"Forschen und Lehren am FB 7 – in offener, wertschätzender und zugewandter Atmosphäre."
Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein
Professorin für BWL, insbesondere Marketing und Konsumentenverhalten am FB 7
„Der Bezug des Fachbereichs zur Praxis ist ein echter Mehrwert. Das Curriculum ist geprägt von Vorträgen namenhafter Referenten aus der Wirtschaft. Außerdem bieten zahlreiche Projektmodule die Chance, die erlernte Theorie direkt in Kooperationen mit Praxispartnern anzuwenden. Dadurch bekommt man als Studierende/r schon früh die Chance sich ein Netzwerk in der Wirtschaft aufzubauen.“
Simon Hinz
Masterstudent BWL und studentische Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für innovatives Markenmanagement
"Der Kurs stimmt: interdisziplinär und praxisbezogen mit neuen Antworten auf neue Fragen."
Prof. Dr. Franz Jürgen Marx
Hochschullehrer im Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft seit 1998
„Die Promotion am Lehrstuhl ermöglicht mir eine hervorragende akademische Ausbildung und eine optimale Förderung meiner Kompetenzen.“
Steffen Guder
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für ABWL, Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling
"Begeisterung für Statistik als Schlüsselqualifikation für Wissenschaft, Beruf und Alltag bei den Studierenden zu wecken, folgt dem Selbstverständnis eines empirisch forschenden Fachbereichs und ist mir und meinem Team ein steter Ansporn!"
Prof. Dr. Martin Missong
Professor für Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung und angewandte Statistik
"Die Promotion am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft eröffnet neue Horizonte und fördert die Begegnung und den Austausch mit vielen interessanten Menschen und Persönlichkeiten."
Julie Thies
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für ABWL, Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling
"Einfallsreiche Lehre braucht innovative Forschung, einfallsreiche Forschung braucht innovative Lehre; dafür stehen wir am Fachbereich 7."
Prof. Dr. habil. Martin G. Möhrle
Leiter des Instituts für Projektmanagement und Innovation & Associate Editor der „World Patent Information“ und bekannt für Flipped-classroom-Angebote
"Durch meine Promotion am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft habe ich das Gefühl, bestmöglich auf zukünftige fachliche und persönliche Herausforderungen vorbereitet zu sein."
Dr. Michael Streit
Geschäftsführung Streit Datentechnik GmbH
"Jede gute Praxis benötigt zunächst einmal eine gute Theorie, am Besten wie am Fachbereich Wirtschaft: eine gute Theorie mit Praxisrelevanz!"
Prof. Dr. Heiko Staroßom
Vorstand der Sparkasse Bremen für Firmenkunden und Treasury sowie Honorarprofessor für Unternehmensfinanzierung
Accounting & Finance Research Seminar with Sebastian A. Tideman-Frappart
Delegation der Wirtschaftsuniversität Odesa (Ukraine) zu Besuch in Bremen – Neue Kooperation
Ankündigung Gastvortrag Till Tietje
Accounting & Finance Research Seminar with Sven Hartlieb
Prof. Klein über Black Friday bei NDR Info
Neue Veröffentlichung in Psychology & Marketing
Accounting & Finance Research Seminar Yilong Xu
Information on the O-Woche (orientation week)
Prof. Klein on NDR2 radio
New publication in the Journal of Marketing Research
Announcement "Accounting & Finance Research Seminar" in Winter Semester 2024/2025
Das markstones Institut gleich doppelt bei butenunbinnen vertreten
Accounting & Finance Research Seminar Stefan Zeisberger
Bremen engages in Sustainable Logistics through new Taylor & Francis scientific journal "Sustainable Transport and Livability"
Accounting & Finance Research Seminar Marco Ceccarelli
Master Wirtschaftspsychologie: Bewerbungsfrist bis 31. Mai 2024
Accounting & Finance Research Seminar Tobin Hanspal
Announcement "Accounting & Finance Research Seminar" in Summer Semester 2024
Virtual Talk at Munich School
Virtual Talk at Munich School
Book Publication in Book Series on Personnel Psychology Practice
Best in Track Paper Award auf der 2024 Winter AMA Conference
Diginomics student Fabian Siekmann successfully presents his research at the HICSS conference (Hawaii, US)
Neuer Honorarprofessor für Institutionenökonomik und Ocean Governance am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Paper zur Veröffentlichung im Journal of Finance angenommen
WiWi Onboarding Challenge
Neues Dekanat übernimmt am Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft der Universität Bremen
Vortrag von LinkedIn Co-Founder Konstantin Guericke
Einladung zum markstones Research Talk feat. Diginomics Group
Neue A-Publikation veröffentlicht
Doktorand Debarshee Bhardwaj erhält Prestige-Stipendium für innovative Forschung; World Conference on Transportation Research Society (WCTRS) - Montréal 2023
Publication in the Journal of Vocational Behavior
Start of the Competence Center RessourcE
New publication: Communication quality affects performance of astronauts and support teams through increased workload: Insights from the AMADEE-20 analog Mars mission
Teaching Cooperation with Football Club Bayer 04 Leverkusen
Publication on Work-Related Learning and Employability
New Publication: Firm innovation and generalized trust as a regional resource
Research Talk mit Prof. Dr. Lopo L. Rego
Prof. Dr. Kristina Klein gewinnt den IJRM Best Paper Award 2022
2. Auflage des Lehrbuches „Mathematik im Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften“ von Lothar Walter
Förderpreis der Nürnberger Steuergespräche 2022
Spitzenplätze im CHE Ranking
Eine Buchpräsentation von Professorin Sibylle Heilbrunn!
Ein neuer Workshop von Professorin Sibylle Heilbrunn!
Einladung: Vorsitzender der FDP-Bundestagsfraktion am Fachbereich 7
Research Talk mit Professor Dr. Thomas Scholdra (Universität zu Köln)
New Publication on Assessment of Patentability by Means of Semantic Patent Analysis
New Course from LEMEX!
2021 Best Paper Award in the category "Highly Commented"
LEMEX in Neapel
New publication by Tenzin Yeshi, Aki Harima, and Jörg Freiling in European Management Journal on: "Resilience on an emotional rollercoaster: Refugee entrepreneurship under adversity."
Aseem Kinra joins the Editorial Board for the International Journal of Operations & Production Management (IJOPM)
New article by Aseem Kinra in the International Journal of Production Research analyses global supply chain productivity impacts of Covid-19
New Publication: Comprehensive Patent Data of the German Democratic Republic 1949-1990
New Publication on Identification of Patent-based Inventor Competencies
Maik Eisenbeiß and Lars Hornuf Publish New Article in Finance Research Letters
New Publication: “Do not judge a business idea by its cover: The relation between topics in business ideas and incorporation probability”
First Congress of the German Society for East European Studies in Berlin
Workshop at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg
Susanne Schattenberg and Michael Rochlitz on the podcast Go Global! of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce
Course on Artificial Intelligence at the European Summer Academy Vilnius
Podcast of the German Chamber of Commerce in Moscow
Publication alert!
Science podcast: Privacy and data sovereignty
Presentation at the NBER Summer Institute in Boston
Book Presentation on Russia’s Energy Exports by Margarita Balmaceda
Prof. Andrei Yakovlev’s visit to the University of Bremen
New Working Paper on the Effect of Independent Media in an Autocracy
Dr. Kirsten Hillebrand and Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf receive EURAM «Best Paper Award»
Uni Bremen well-represented on the supply chain resilience and sustainability agenda at the most prestigious Operations Management scientific conferences
New Working Paper - Digital Transformation of Maritime Supply Chains Focusing on Ocean Shipping, Port Management and Hinterland Connection
Research visit to the University of Oxford
Tobias Wendler receives DFG funding for research stay at Tilburg University
Honorary doctorate awarded to Prof. Dr. Caren Sureth-Sloane
New Working Paper - Artificial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Big Data
New Working Paper - Asset Pricing in Digital Assets
Panel discussion of Sparkasse Bremen on network organizations
New Working Paper - Machine Learning in Accounting Research
Successful participation in the HFES conference in Turin
New Publication on Digitalization Trends in Patent Information Databases and Interrogation Tools
New Working Paper - Social Media Marketing for Equity Crowdfunding: Which Posts Trigger Investment Decisions?
Workshop on Refugee Entrepreneurship
New Working Paper - Digital Dark Nudges
Publication on gamification in the International Journal of Research in Marketing
New Publication in the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy
Analyses and Interviews on the Economic Impact of the War in Ukraine
New Working Paper - Virtual Business Incubators: A Support for Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas?
Lecture by Michael Rochlitz on the war in Ukraine at the Bremen Chamber of Commerce
The World of Russia’s Oligarchs
Special edition of the podcast "In der Wirtschaft" about the war in Ukraine
Interview on InfoRadio Berlin about the consequences of the sanctions for Russia's economy
New Working Paper - Marketing in a Digital World
Veranstaltungen| Praxis|
Career Camp 2022: Career Week of FB07
New Working Paper - HumanRoboLab: Experiments with Chatbots in Management Education at Universities
New Publication in Comparative Political Studies
New Working Paper - Human Resource Management in a Digital Environment
Publication on Influencer Marketing is one of the TOP 25 most downloaded articles in the International Journal of Research in Marketing
Live-Stream zum 80. Geburtstag von Rudolf Hickel: Alternative Wirtschaftspolitik
Jutta Günther in an interview on the Climate Enquete
New paper on the impact of surveillance and big data on innovation in artificial intelligence
Katharina Friz interviewed about "Data Train"
Journal special issue about transport and logistics systems performance evaluation published in Transport Policy
Ann Hipp receives DFG funding for her international scientific network
Professor Lars Hornuf on on the BaFin decision to limit the growth of N26
"Green hydrogen in Bremen" - Stakeholder-Workshop Online
Tobias Wendler represents the University of Bremen at the Indo-German Exchange on Sustainability Issues
Mariia Shkolnykova attends European workshop on "Open Science"
Exploring Ways to Sustainability – Learning Experiences and from Bremen and India
Professor Lars Hornuf Speaker at the Workshop on "AI & FINANCE"
Matheus E. Leusin participates and presents research results at DRUID 2021 in Copenhagen
New Publication about Disclosure Deregulation of Quarterly Reporting
INTERTEAM has started in the Negev Desert in Israel
New Publication in the Journal of Technology Transfer
Bestseller about the management innovation "open Strategy" from the ranks of our university
Information for the winter semester 2021/22
New Publication in the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
GISD Susstainable Development Investing Creating a scalable SDI-aligened index
Thiessow Seminar 2021
Tobias Wendler presents at the annual conference of the German Economic Association
Professor Lars Hornuf at the Research Seminar of SKEMA Business School in Paris
Lars Hornuf talks about the bank in his pocket
Successful participation in the AOWI conference in Chemnitz
Prof. Dr. Kinra in interview on global supply chain disruptions and resilience
Publication in Psychology & Marketing
New forthcoming publication on influencer marketing disclosure in the International Journal of Research in Marketing
Jutta Günther in Deutsche Welle TV interview on green hydrogen
Film Screening of the Russian cult film “Brat” (Brother)
Library resources for economics - Tobias Wendler gives a presentation at the national meeting of subject librarians
Three presentations by the Chair of ABWL and Logistics Management at the 12th Logistics Management (LM 2021) conference
New publication from Michèle Rieth and Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann on the effects of the Covid-19 measures on employees
The markstones institute is present at the conference “DerMarkentag2021”!
New third-party funded project approved
Professor Lars Hornuf as speaker at the IFABS conference in Oxford
Four Presentations at the EAEPE Conference 2021
3rd Crowdworking Symposium
Photo exhibition on the 35th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster
New third-party funded project with MARUM: "Aims3"- Investigations on CO2 storage at the ocean crust
Jutta Günther interview on steel production with green hydrogen
Participation in the AOW conference in Chemnitz
New Publication from Michèle Rieth and Prof. Dr. Vera Hagemann
New Publication: Entrepreneurship Perception during the first COVID-19 Shock
Three presentations of the Chair of ABWL and Logistics Management at the 6th Colloquium on European Research in Retailing (CERR) 2021
New Publication by Ekaterina Paustyan
Michael Rochlitz as guest of the podcast “In der Wirtschaft”
Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf speaks to the Young Talent Group of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Seven papers presented by the working group “Innovation and Structural Change” at the International Schumpeter Conference 2021
Prof. Aseem Kinra endowed in new research project on supply chain resilience by the Danish Industrial Foundation
Presentation by Prof. Vera Hagemann at the Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL) information event on employee motivation in July 2021
New Publication: Green Technologies, Environmental Policy and Regional Growth
Supply chain disruptions are the new normal - Prof. Aseem Kinra in an interview with the Weserkurier
Philip Kerner and Tobias Wendler present at the international EAERE Conference 2021
Special Issue in „The Review of Evolutionary Political Economy” has appeared
HSE / ICSID conference "Political Economy in a Changing World"
Presentation by Prof. Dr. Michael Rochlitz at the University of Södertörn
Two new contributions in the Russian Analytica Digest
Podcast „Roundtable Osteuropa“ of the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS)
Professor Lars Hornuf as Speaker at the Paris Webinar on Financial Technology and Crypto
New Publication: “Do European firms obey the rules? Environmental innovativeness in light of institutional frameworks”
New publication in the “Journal of International Business Studies”
Prof. Klein presents research at the EMAC Conference
Presentation by Prof. Dr. Alexander Libman on the political long-term effects of the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline
Panel discussion on the transition from socialist planning to a market economy
Keynote-Lecture at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Tobias Wendler receives the CAMPUS PREIS of the Kellner & Stoll Foundation
Prof. Dr. Dong Jun Wu at the Diginomics Brownbag Seminar
New Publication in the Journal of Corporate Finance
Science pays off - a contribution to the discussion
Neueste Informationen zu den Prüfungen: Recht, Produktion & Logistik sowie Unternehmensbesteuerung
Guest Lecture at the University of Zurich
New Publication in the European Journal of Political Economy
Katharina Friz and Marcel Lange as co-authors of the book "Indicators for the measurement of research, development and innovation"
New Publication: „Who benefits from SMEs’ radical innovations?—empirical evidence from German biotechnology”
Professor Lars Hornuf Distinguished Guest Speaker at Georgia Tech
Start of the ITN Projekt “MARKETS”
INNcentive Workshop 2021 - Meeting, Exchange and Networking
New ebook publication
Prof. Dr. Aseem Kinra inducted into the Steering and Scientific Committees of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS)
New Innovation Indicators for Research and Policy - Successful Conclusion of the "Neo-Indikatorik" Project
40 years of Artificial Intelligence: Matheus Leusin presents a paper on the emergence of AI
New Publication: Using Topic Modeling in Innovation Studies: The Case of a Small Innovation System under Conditions of Pandemic Related Change
INNcentive program for young researchers celebrates its scholarship holders
Playing the Angel: Decomposing the Value of Early-Stage Investors
Jutta Günther on the expert hearing in the Deputation for Economic Affairs and Labor
New research project: Learning sustainability in virtual space
New Publication: The Potential of Care Robotics - A Systemic Exploratory Research.
MDR publishes podcast on the panel discussion "30 Years of German Unity"
Jutta Günther as a guest at the VDI Technology Center's "Wake-up Call"
Lars Hornuf becomes member of the FIRM advisory board
18 Economists - one study: Consequences of the Corona Pandemic for the economy in the Federal State of Bremen
Jutta Günther appointed by the BMBF as Chairwoman of the Advisory Board for Research Data Collection of German Economy
Corona-Info für den Fachbereich 7
Economist of the month
Vilfredo Pareto (1848-1923)
Walter Eucken (1891-1950)
Masterminds of the social market economy from Germany.
Fundamental work: "Grundlagen der Nationalökonomie", 1939Werner Sombart (1863-1941)
German sociologist and economist.
Fundamental work: " Der moderne Kapitalismus", 1902Adam Smith (1723-1790)
Inventor of the "invisible hand".
U. a.: "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations", 1776Alfred Marshall (1842-1924)
English developers of the supply and demand curve.
Fundamental work: "Principles of Economics", 1890Arnold Picot (1944-2017)
German professor at the universities of Hannover and Munich.
U.A.: "European Communication Council Report: E-Merging Media, Kommunikation und Medienwirtschaft der Zukunft", 2004David Ricardo (1772-1823)
Developer of the theory of comparative cost advantages.
Fundamental work: "Principles of Political Economy and Texation", 1817Elinor Ostrom (1933-2012)
US-American Nobel Prize winner for economics.
U.a.: "Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action", 1990Erich Gutenberg (1897-1984)
Founder of modern German business administration after the Second World War.
U.a.: "Die Unternehmung als Gegenstand betriebswirtschaftlicher Theorie", 1929Eugen Schmalenbach (1873-1955)
German representative of the dynamic balance theory.
Fundamental work: "Dynamische Bilanz", 1956Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (1851-1914)
Founder of the Austrian capital theory.
Fundamental Work: " Kapital und Kapitalzins", 1884Friedrich August von Hayek (1899-1992)
Austrian Nobel Prize winner for economics.
Fundamental Work: "Preise und Produktion", 1931Friedrich List (1789-1846)
German economic theorist.
Fundamental Work: "Das nationale System der politischen Ökonomie", 1841Gary Becker (1930-2014)
US-American Nobel Prize winner for economics.
Fundamental work: "The Economics of Discrimination", 1957Gustav Stolper (1888-1947)
German-Austrian economist.
Fundamental work: "Die deutsche Wirklichkeit", 1948Irving Fisher (1867-1947)
Professor at Yale University.
Fundamental Work: "The Rate of Interest", 1907Joan Robinson (1903-1983)
British economist.
Fundamental work: "Theorie der unvollkommenen Konkurenz", 1933John Forbes Nash Jr. (1928-2015)
US-American Nobel Prize winner for economics.
Fundamental work: "Essays on Game Theory", 1996John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946)
British economist.
Fundamentak work: "A Treatise on Money", 1930Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950)
Austrian economist.
Fundamental work: "Kapitalismus, Sozialismus und Demokratie", 1942Karl Marx (1818-1883)
German social theorist.
Fundamental work: "Das Kapital", 1867Léon Walras (1834-1910)
French developer of the theory of marginal utility.
Fundamental work: "Théorie de la monnaie", 1886Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)
Austrian-American economist.
Fundamental work: "Nationalökonomie", 1940Max Weber (1864-1920)
German sociologist and economist.
Fundamental work: "Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft", 1922Milton Friedman (1912-2006)
US-American Nobel Prize winner for economics.
Fundamental work: "Capitalism and Freedom", 1962Reinhard Selten (1930-2016)
Only German Nobel Prize winner for economics.
U.a.: "Macht Einigkeit start? Spieltheoretische Analyse einer Verhandlungssituation", 1977Paul A. Samuelson (1915-2009)
American economist.
Fundamental work: "Economics: An Introductory Analysis", 1948Peter Drucker (1909-2005)
US-American pioneer of modern management theory.
Fundamental work: "The Practice of Management", 1954
You can discover the economist of the month and further 27 carefully chosen economists on the first floor of the WiWi1 building. The gallery containing portraits and quotes from prominent economists offers you inspiring thoughts on economics. Further information can be found at: