Ahmed Elsayed

Ahmed Elsayed
UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Straße 7 (Haus Wien)
Raum: 7.2150
Tel.: +49 421 218-67478
Ahmed Elsayed is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Intercultural and International Studies (InIIS) at the University of Bremen. He currently works within the Project Group "Social Policy and Rural Development in Africa" in the CRC 1342 "Global Dynamics of Social Policy". He assumed various research roles at different research institutions, think tanks, and human rights organisations in Cairo, Berlin, and Washington D.C. His research foci are legitimacy, power, armed groups, democratisation, human rights, extremism and conflict transformation in the Middle East.
Ahmed is the Press Emblem Campaign's 2011 award laureate and a DAAD Helmut-Schmidt-Program and Chevening Scholar. His articles on Middle Eastern and global politics have appeared on Arabic and international news and media platforms.
Education and Degrees
- University of Bremen - Dr. rer. pol. (magna cum laude), July 2024.
- Hertie School of Governance, Berlin - Master of Public Policy, May 2019.
- Maastricht School of Management - Diploma in Project Management, December 2015.
- University of East Anglia (Norwich, United Kingdom) - Master of Arts with Distinction in Politics, December 2014
Ahmed Elsayed war Mitglied des von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderten Forschungsprojekts "Legitimitätspolitik bewaffneter Gruppen", das von Dr. Stephan Hensell und Prof. Klaus Schlichte geleitet wird. Zuvor nahm Ahmed Elsayed an dem von der Deutschen Stiftung Friedensforschung (DSF) geförderten Forschungsprojekt "Salafistische Dschihadistengruppen - (De)Eskalationspfade und Dialogoptionen" der Berghof Foundation teil.
Elsayed, Ahmed. 2025. Recognition on Their Own Terms? The Paradox of the Taliban’s Quest for International Legitimacy, in Armed Groups and the Politics of International Legitimation, edited by Stephan Hensell and Klaus Schlichte, forthcoming: Oxford University Press.
Elsayed, Ahmed. 2024: Beliefs and International Legitimacy: The Janus Face of the Taliban’s Political Worldview and Value Rationality. InIIS Working Paper Nr. 45/2024. Bremen: InIIS.
Elsayed, Ahmed, 2023: From the Mountains to the Élysée: The Precarious International Legitimacy of the Syrian Kurdish YPG and PYD. In: The Middle East Journal 77 (1), 53-77.
Göldner-Ebenthal, Karin; Elsayed, Ahmed, 2019: Salafi jihadi armed groups and conflict (de-)escalation: The case of Ahrar al-Sham in Syria/2019, Berghof Foundation.
Elsayed, Ahmed, 2019: Boboev v. Tajikistan. Headnote report, Oxford Public International Law.
Elsayed, Ahmed, 2019: The battle over the memory of Egypt’s revolution, Open Democracy.
Elsayed, Ahmed, 2019: Bernie Sanders w al-Qadeyya al-Filastiniyah’ (Bernie Sanders and the Palestinian Cause), Al Jumhuriya.
Elsayed, Ahmed, 2018: Egypt’s Social Welfare: A Lifeline for the People or the Ruling Regime?, in: E-International Relations, 23.07.2018.
Elsayed, Ahmed, 2016: The Moment the Revolution Broke Down in Tears, Open Democracy.
Elsayed, Ahmed, 2015: The Dilemma of Middle Eastern Democracy, in: E-International Relations, 04.10.2015.
Elsayed, Ahmed, 2015: The Eclipse of Pan-Arab Nationalism, in: E-International Relations, 25.05.2015.
Ahmed Elsayed hielt den Vortrag "The Curios Case of the Syrian Kurdish YPG/PYD's International Legitimacy" (Der kuriose Fall der internationalen Legitimität der syrisch-kurdischen YPG/PYD) auf der Arab Garduate Students Conference, die vom 26. bis 28. März 2022 in Doha stattfand. Die Konferenz wird vom Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies organisiert und ausgerichtet.