Philipp Genschel

Prof. Dr. Philipp Genschel
UNICOM, Mary-Somerville-Straße 7 (Haus Wien)
Raum: 7.2170
Tel.: +49 421 218-67470
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2014 - 2022
Professor and Chair of European Public Policy, European University Institute
Seit 2013
Professor of Public Policy, Universität Bremen (beurlaubt bis 2023)
Professor of Political Science, Jacobs University Bremen (beurlaubt von 2014 bis 2023)
2013 -2014
Visiting Professor, Department of Government, Harvard University
Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, Universität Bremen.
Associate Prof essor of Political Science Jacobs University Bremen,(formerly known as International University
Visiting Professor , Department of Political Science, Technische Universität München München.
Visiting Assistant Professor , University of Chicago.
1997 – 1998
Jean Monnet Fello w, European University Institute, Florence.
Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies,Cologne.
Visiting Scholar, Center for Organization Research, Stanford University.
PhD Student, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne.
Abschlüsse & Qualifikationen
Habilitation in Political Science, University of Konstanz (committee members: Gerald Schneider, Fritz Scharpf and Michael Zürn)
PhD in Sociology , University of Cologne ( PhD advisor: Renate Mayntz)
MA in Political Science, Economics and Sociology, University of Hamburg.
‚Best Teacher of the Year ’’, Jacobs University Bremen
‚Best Teacher of the Year ’’, Jacobs University Bremen
Internationale Politische Ökonomie
Europäische Integration
Internationale Organisationen
Monographien & Sammelbände
2022: Global Taxation. How Modern Taxes conquered the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Ko-Herausgeberschaft mit Laura Seelkopf).
2020: The Governor’s Dilemma: Indirect Governance Beyond Principals and Agents. Oxford: Oxford University Press (Ko-Herausgeberschaft mit Kenneth Abbott, Duncan Snidal und Bernhard Zangl).
2015: International Organizations as orchestrators. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Ko-Autorenschaft mit Kenneth Abbott, Duncan Snidal & Bernhard Zangl
2014: Beyond the regulatory polity. The European integration of core state powers . Oxford: Oxford University Press (Ko-Herausgeberschaft mit Markus Jachtenfuchs).
2011: Wozu Staat? Governance in Räumen begrenzter und konsolidierter Staatlichkeit. Baden Baden: Nomos (Ko-Herausgeberschaft mit Marianne Beisheim, Tanja Börzel & Bernhard Zangl).
2002: Steuerwettbewerb und Steuerharmonisierung in der Europäischen Union. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus.
1995: Standards in der Informationstechnik. Institutioneller Wandel in der Internationalen Standardisierung. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus.
Artikel in Fachzeitschriften
2023: Differentiated integration as symbolic politics? Constitutional differentiation and policy reintegration in core state powers. In: European Union Politics 24(1), 81-101 (mit Markus Jachtenfuchs and Marta Migliorati).
2023: War and integration. The Russian attack on Ukraine and the institutional development of the EU. In: Journal of European Integration 45(3), 343-360 (mit Lauren Leek und Jordy Weyns).
2023: The security state in Europe: regulatory or positive? In: Journal of European Public Policy 30(7), 1447-1457 (mit Markus Jachtenfuchs).
2022: Bellicist integration? The war, the European Union and core state powers. In: Journal of European Public Policy 29(12), 1885-1900.
2022: War, political development, and European integration: a debate on Kelemen and McNamara’s ‘State-building and the European Union. In: Journal of European Public Policy 29(12), 1867-1870 (mit Frank Schimmelfennig).
2021: Beyond Opportunism: Intermediary Loyalty in Regulation and Governance. In: Regulation and Governance 15 (S), 83-101 (mit Ken Abbott, Duncan Snidal und Bernhard Zangl).
2021: Postfunctionalism reversed: Solidarity and Re-bordering during the COVID-19 pandemic. In: Journal of European Public Policy, 28 (3), 350-369 (mit Markus Jachtenfuchs).
2021: The rise of modern taxation: A new comprehensive dataset of tax introductions worldwide. In: Review of International Organizations, 16(1), 239-263 (mit Laura Seelkopf, Moritz Bubek, Edgars Eihmanis, Joseph Ganderson, Julian Limberg, Youssef Mnaili und Paula Zuluaga).
2020: Juncker’s curse? Identity, interest and public support for the integration of core state powers. In: Journal of Common Market Studies, 58 (1), 56-75 (with Björn Bremer and Markus Jachtenfuchs).
2020: Competence versus Control: The Governor’s Dilemma. In: Regulation and Governance, 14 (4), 619-636 (with Ken Abbott, Duncan Snidal and Bernhard Zangl).Competence versus Control: The Governor’s Dilemma. In: Regulation and Governance, 14 (4), 619-636 (with Ken Abbott, Duncan Snidal and Bernhard Zangl).
2019: From Market Integration to Core State Powers: The Eurozone Crisis, the Refugee Crisis and Integration Theory. In: Journal of Common Market Studies, 56 (1), 178-196 (with Markus Jachtenfuchs).
2016: Did they learn to tax? Taxation trends outside the OECD. In: Review of International Political Economy, 23(2), 316-344 (with Laura Seelkopf).
2016: Dictators don’t compete: Autocracy, democracy and tax competition. In: Review of International Political Economy, 23(2), 290-315 (with Hanna Lierse and Laura Seelkopf).
2016: More integration, less federation: The European integration of core state powers. In: Journal of European Public Policy 23(1), 42-59 (with Markus Jachtenfuchs).
2016: Happy taxation: Increasing tax compliance through positive rewards? Journal of Public Policy, (with Hilke Brockmann and Laura Seelkopf),.
2015: Two logics of indirect governance: Delegation and orchestration. In: British Journal of Political Science 45 (mit Kenneth W. Abbott, Duncan Snidal & Bernhard Zangl).
2014: State transformations in OECD countries. In: Annual Review of Political Science 17, 337 354 (mit Bernhard Zangl).
2013: Alles ganz normal! Eine institutionelle Analyse der Euro Krise. In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 20 (1) (with Markus Jachtenfuchs).
2011: L’état et l’exercice de l’autorité politique. Dénationalisation et administration. In: Revue Française de Sociologie 5 2 (3), 509 535 (with Bernhard Zangl).
2011: How the European Union constrains the state: Multilevel Governance of taxation. In: European Journal of Political Research 50 (3), 293 314 (with Markus Jachtenfuchs).
2011: Accelerating downhill: How the EU shapes corporate tax competition in the Single Market. In: Journal of Common Market Studies 49 (3), 585 606 with Achim Kemmerling & Eric Seils).
2011: Tax competition: A literature review. In: Socio Economic Review 9 (2), 339 370 (with Peter Schwarz).
2009: Mehr Globalisierung, weniger Wohlfahrtsstaat? (More globalization, less of the welfare state?). In: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften 20 (1), 158 180 (co authored by Henning Deters).
2008: Metamorphosen des Staates: Vom Herrschaftsmonopolisten zum Herrschaftsmanager (Transformations of the state: From monopo list to manager of political authority). In: Leviathan 36 (3 ), 430 454 with Bernhard Zangl). (New imprint in: Herbert Obinger & Elmar Rieger (eds.) 2009: Wohlfahrtsstaatlichkeit in entwickelten Demokratien (Welfare regimes in advanced Western democracies). Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 611 641.)
2008: Taxation and Democracy in the EU. In: Journal of European Public Policy 15 (1), 58 77 with Steffen Ganghof).
2008: Schupperts Staat: Wie beobachtet man den Wandel einer Formidee (Schuppert’s state: how to observe concept change ). In: Der Staat 47 (3), 359 380 (co authored by Stephan Leibfried)
2007: Why no mutual recognition of VAT? Regulation, taxation and the integration of the EU’s interna l market for goods. In: Journal of European Public Policy 14(5), 743 761.
2007: Die Zerfaserung von Staatlichkeit und die Zentralität des Staates (The fragmentation of sovereignty and the centrality of the state). In: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 20 21/2 007, 10 16 (with Bernhard Zangl). (New imprint in: Peter Siller & Gerhard Pitz (eds.) 2009: Politik der Gerechtigkeit (The politics of fairness). Baden Baden: Nomos, 345 354.) (Abridged reprint in: Christian Schmidt (2012): Globalisierung und die EU Entgrenzung der Demokratie in Deutschland. In: Unterrichts Konzepte Politik . Freising: Stark Verlag, 67.)
2007: Die Ursachen des europäischen Steuerwettbewerbs (The institutional foundations of European tax competition). In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 48, Sp ecial Issue 2007/2, Governance in der EU, 297 320 (with Thomas Rixen & Susanne Uhl).
2004: Globalization and the welfare state: A retrospective. In: Journal of European Public Policy 11 (4), 613 636.
2002: Globalization, tax competition and the welfare state. In: Politics & Society 30 (2), 245 272.
1999: Tax competition in the European Union. In: Politics and Society 27 (3); 403 430 ( with Vivek Dehejia).
1998: Markt und Staat in Europa (Markets and states in Europe). In: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 39 (1), 55 79.
1997: Regulatory competition and international cooperation. In: European Journal of Public Policy 4 (4), 626 642 ( with Thomas Plümper).(German translation: Wettbewerb und Kooperation in der internationalen Finanzmarktregulierung (Competition a nd cooperation in the regulation of international finance). In: Andreas Busch & Thomas Plümper (eds.): Nationaler Staat und internationale Wirtschaft. Anmerkungen zum Thema Globalisierung (Nation state and international economy. Comments on the subject of globalizatio n) Baden Baden: Nomos, 251 275 .)
1997: How fragmentation can improve coordination: Setting standards in international telecommunication. In: Organization Studies 18 (4), 602-622. (New Imprint in: B.Guy Peters & Jon Pierre (eds.) 2007: Institutionalism. London: Sage, Vol. III, 241 260
1997: The dynamics of inertia: Institutional persistence and change in telecommunications and health care. In: Governance 10 (1), 43 66.
1997: Wenn Kriege chronisch werden: Der Bürgerkrieg (Civil war as a chronic condition). In: Leviathan 25 (4), 501 517 ( with Klaus Schlichte).(English translation: Civil war as a chronic condition . Law and State 58 (1998), 107-123.
1996: Wenn Reden Silber und Handeln Gold ist: Kommunikation und Kooperation in der International en Bankenregulierung (Communication and cooperation in international banking regulation). In: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 3 (2), 225 253 ( with Thomas Plümper).
1993: From national hierarchies to international standardization: modal changes i n the governance of telecommunications. In: Journal of Public Policy 13 (3), 203 225 ( with Raymund Werle). (German translation: Koordination durch Standards (Coordination through standards). In: Patrick Kenis & Volker Schneider (eds.): Organisation und Net zwerk. Institutionelle Steuerung in Wirtschaft und Politik (Organizations and networks. Institutional control and coordination in politics and the economy) Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 387 421 , 1996.)
Papiere und Sammelbandbeiträge
2022: Global Pathways to Modern Taxation. In: Philipp Genschel and Laura Seelkopf (eds.): Global Taxation. How Modern Taxes conquered the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2020: EU solidarity in times of Covid-19. RSCAS Policy Briefs, 2020/34. Florence: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies: European Governance and Politics Programme (with Lorenzo Cicchi, Anton Hemerijck and Mohamed Nasr).
2020: Competence-Control Theory: The Challenge of Governing through Intermediaries. In: Ken Abbott, Philipp Genschel, Duncan Snidal and Bernhard Zangl (eds.): The Governor’s Dilemma: Indirect Governance Beyond Principals and Agents. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3-37 (co-edited with Kenneth Abbott, Duncan Snidal and Bernhard Zangl).
2019: Code-book – Tax Introduction Database. Version May 2019. Available at: (with Laura Seelkopf).
2018: Solidarity in Europe. Florence: European University Institute, School of Transnational Governance Policy Brief 2018/01 (with Anton Hemerijck).
2017: The Rise of Non-State Authority and the Reconfiguration of the State. In: Patrick Le Gales and Desmond King (eds.): Reconfiguring European States in Crisis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 62-77 (with Bernhard Zangl).
2016: Winners and Losers of Tax Competition. In: Peter Dietsch and Thomas Rixen (eds.): Global Tax Governance. What is wrong with it and how to fix it. Colchester: ECPR Press, 55-75 (with Laura Seelkopf).
2016: Globalization and Tax Policy. In: Evan M. Berman (ed.): Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, Second Edition, Milton Park: Taylor&Francis, DOI: 10.1081/E-EPAP2-120053258 (with Laura Seelkopf).
2016: Conflict-minimizing Integration : How the EU achieves massive Integration despite massive Protest. In: Damian Chalmers, Markus Jachtenfuchs and Christian Joerges (eds): The End of the Eurocrats’ Dream: Adjusting to European Diversity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 166-189 (with Markus Jachtenfuchs).
2015: Settling and Unsettling the Transnational Legal Order of International Taxation. In: Gregory Shaffer and Terrence Halliday (eds.): Transnational Legal Orders. New York: Cambridge University Press, 154-183 (with Thomas Rixen).
2015: The competition state. In: Stephan Leibfried, Evelyne Huber, Jonah Levy, Frank Nullmeier and John Stephens (eds.): Oxford Handbook on the Transformation of the State. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 234-249 (with Laura Seelkopf).
2015: Orchestration: Global Governance through Intermediaries. In: Ken Abbott, Philipp Genschel, Duncan Snidal and Bernhard Zangl (eds.): International Organizations as Orchestrators. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3-36, forthcoming (with Ken Abbott, Duncan Snidal and Bernhard Zangl).
2015: Orchestrating Global Governance: From Empirical Findings to Theoretical Implications. In: Ken Abbott, Philipp Genschel, Duncan Snidal and Bernhard Zangl (eds.): International Organizations as Orchestrators. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 349-379, forthcoming (with Ken Abbott, Duncan Snidal and Bernhard Zangl).
2014: Beyond Market Regulation. Analyzing the European Integration of core state powers. In: Philipp Genschel and Markus Jachtenfuchs (eds.): Beyond the regulatory polity? The European Integration of core state powers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-23 (with Markus Jachtenfuchs).
2014: The European Integration of core state powers: Patterns and causes. In: Philipp Genschel and Markus Jachtenfuchs (eds.): Beyond the regulatory polity? The European Integration of core state powers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 249-270 (with Markus Jachtenfuchs).
2014: Settling and Unsettling the Transnational Legal Order of International Taxation. In: Gregory Shaffer & Terrence Halliday (eds.): Transnational Legal Orders . New York: Cambridge University Press, 154-183, forthcoming (with Thomas (with Thomas Rixen).
2013: Tax competition and fiscal democracy. In: Wolfang Streeck & Armin Schäfer (eds.): Politics in the age of austerity . Cambridge: Polity Press, 59-83 (with Peter Schwarz).
2012: Die Internationalisierung der Steuerpolitik (The internationalisation of taxation) In: Gisela Hürlimann & Jakob Tanner (eds.): Steuern und umverteilen: Effizienz versus Gerechtigkeit (Taxation and redistribution: Efficiency versus fairness). Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag, 233-248.
2011: Einleitung: Der staatliche Beitrag zu Governance in Räumen konsolidierter und begrenzter Staatlichkeit (Introduction. State governance in developed and developing societies). In: Marianne Beisheim, Tanja Börzel, Philipp Genschel und Bernhard Zangl (Hg.): Wozu Staat? Governance in Räumen begrenzter und konsolidierter Staatlichkeit (What’s the use of the state? Patterns of governance in developed and developing societies). Baden-Baden: Nomos, 11-35 (with Marianne Beisheim, Tanja Börzel & Bernhard Zangl).
2011: Governance jenseits des Staates. Das Zusammenspiel staatlicher und nicht-staatlicher Governance (Governance beyond the state. The interaction of state and nonstate actors). In: Marianne Beisheim, Tanja Börzel, Philipp Genschel & Bernhard Zangl (eds.): Wozu Staat? Governance in Räumen begrenzter und konsolidierter Staatlichkeit (What’s the use of the state? Patterns of governance in developed and developing societies). Baden-Baden: Nomos, 251-266 (with Marianne Beisheim, Tanja Börzel & Bernhard Zangl).
2011: One trap and many exits: How the joint decision shapes EU tax policy. In : Gerda Falkner (ed.): Exits from the joint decision trap. Comparing EU policies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 54-72
2011: Tax Policy. In: Be rtrand Badie, Dirk Berg Schlosser & Leonardo Morlino eds .): International Encyclopaedia of Politica l Science , Vol. 8, (please check page numbers London: Sage.
2008: Deregulierte Steuerpolitik: Körperschaftsteuerwettbewerb und Einkommensbesteuerung in Eur opa (Deregulating taxation: Cor porate tax competition and income taxation in Europe). In: Martin Hoepner & Armin Schäfer (eds.): Die politische Ökonomie der Europäischen Integration (The political economy of European integration). Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 311-333.
2008: Die Europäisierung der Steuerpolitik (The Europeanization of taxation). In: Frank Decker & Marcus Höreth (eds.): Die Verfassung Europas (Europe’s constitution). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 201-216.
2007: Der zerfasernde Staat: Vom Wandel des Subjekts moderner Politik (The fragmentation of the state: On the change of the subject of modern policy). In: Wolf, Klaus Dieter (ed.): Staat und Gesellschaft fähig zur Reform? (State and society capable of reform?) Baden Baden: Nom os, 37 45 (with Stephan Leibfried & Bernhard Zangl). (New Imprint in: Vorgänge 47 (2) 2008, 4-13.)
2007: Steuerwettbewerb und Demokratie: Probleme und Lösungen (TaxCompetition and Democracy: Problems and Solutions). In: Christian Kellermann & Jana Zitzler ( e ds. Steuern im europäischen Wettbewerb. Unterbieten oder gemeinsam gestalten? (European tax competition. To undercut or to harmonize?). Bonn: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 76 82.
2006: Der Steuerstaat und die Globalisierung (Globalization and the ‚tax state’ state’). In: Stephan Leibfried & Michael Zürn (eds.): Transformationen des Staates? (Transformations of the state?) Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 92-119 (with Susanne Uhl).
2005: Path Dependence. In: Jens Becker Milan Zafiroysky (eds.): International Encyclopaedia of Economic Sociology . London: Routledge, 504 506.
2005: Globale Strukturen und deren Steuerung (The regulation of global structures). MPIfG Forschungsbericht 1 , Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies co authored by Renate Mayntz, Armin von Bogdandy Susanne Lütz).
2005: Wieviel Steuerwettbewerb gibt es im Binnenmarkt? Das Beispiel der Unternehmensbesteuerung (How much tax competition in the European Single Market? The example of company taxation). In: Joachim Lange Kilian Bizer (eds .): Um Steuern! Die Reform des Steuer und Abgabensystems (U turn: Reforming the tax and contribution system) Loccum: Loccumer Protokolle 25/04, 101-120.
2004: Wie man die europäische Steuerpolitik (nicht) reformieren sollte (How (not) to reform European t ax policy) policy). In: Patricia Bauer & Helmut Voelzkow (eds .): Die Europäische Union Marionette oder Regisseur? (The European Union puppet or director?) Wiesbaden: Verlage für Sozialwissenschaften, 216-234.
2004: Löst der Verfassungsentwurf die Probleme der europäischen Steuerpolitik? (Does the draft Constitution solve the problems of European tax policy? policy?) In: Olivier Beaud, Arnaud Lechevalier, Ingolf Pernice & Sylvie Strudel (eds.): L’Europe en voie de Constitution Pour un bilan critique des travaux de la Convention . Brussels: Bruylant.
2003: Globalisierung als Problem, als Lösung und als Staffage (Globalization as a problem, as a solution, and as a part of the landscape) In: Gunther Hellmann, Klaus Dieter Wolf & Michael Zürn (eds.) 2003: Die neuen Internationalen Beziehungen (The new International Relations). Baden-Baden: Nomos, 429-464.
2003: Kontexteffekte der europäischen Integration: Das Beispiel der Zinsbesteuerung (European Integration and international context: The example of savings taxation). In: Thomas Plümper (ed.): Politische Integration (Political integration). Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 28-52.
2002: Tax competition in the Single Market: A policy constraint for the European welfare state. In: Michael Dauderstädt & Lothar Witte (eds .): Work a nd welfare in the enlarging Euroland. Bonn: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 75-98.
2000: Grenzen der Problemlösungsfähigkeit der EU. Steuerharmonisierung und Währungsintegration im Vergleich (The limits of the problem solving capacity of the EU: Tax harmonization and monetary integration compared ). In: Edgar Grande & Markus Jachtenfuchs (eds.): Wie problemlösungsfähig ist die EU? Regieren im europäischen Mehrebenensystem (How is the problem solving capacity of the EU? Governing in the European multi level system) Baden Baden: Nomos, 191-207.
1996: Koordination durch Standards (Coordination through standards).In: Patrick Kenis & Volker Schneider (eds.): Organisation und Netzwerk. Institutionelle Steuerung in Wirtschaft und Politik (Organizations and networks. Inst itutional control and coordination in politics and the economy) Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 387-421 (with Raymund (with Raymund Werle).
1995: Dynamische Verflechtung in der internationalen Standardisierung (Dynamic networks in international standard setting). In: Renate Mayntz & Fritz W. Scharpf (eds.): Gesellschaftliche Selbstregelung und politische Steuerung (Social self coordination and political control) Frankfurt a.M.: Campus, 233-265.
2008: Ausweitung der Staatszone (Extending the state space). In: Die Zeit No.46, 6. November 2008, 15.
2007: Und er kann es doch (Can do!). In: Die Zeit No.36, 30. August 2007, 14.
2005: Kompliziert ist einfach gut (The beauty of complexity). In:Die Zeit No. 36, 1. September 2005, 22.
2005: Warum Globalisierung? Was dagegen tun? (Why globalization? What to do about it?) In: Berliner Republik 7 (3), 30 34. (An abridged version has appeared in: Dirk Lange (ed.) 2008: Praxis Wirtschaft. Arbeitsblätter für Sek I und Sek II. Heft 2: Globalisierung. Braunschweig: Oldenbourg,12 1 3.)