Evaluation von teilautomatisierten Pflegeprozessen in der Langzeitpflege am Beispiel von KI-basiertem Bewegungsmonitoring

Im Projekt ETAP entwickeln und untersuchen wir KI-Lösungen, sowie deren Anwendung und möglichen Entlastungseffekte für Pflegekräfte im Pflegealltag. Der Fokus liegt auf der automatischen Sturzerkennung, Sturzrisikoabschätzungen und Dokumentation von Bewegungen der Bewohner:innen von Pflegeeinrichtungen. Diese Aufgaben werden durch moderne Algorithmen des Maschinellen Lernens, inklusive Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Long short-term memory Netzen (LSTMs) und Hidden Markov Modellen, erreicht und in einen Co-Creation Prozess in den Langzeitpflegealltag integriert.

Die Webseite des ETAP-Projektes finden Sie hier:


Leitung: Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz

Kontaktperson: Rinu Elizabeth Paul 


ETAP Project meeting at Bremen, 13th and 14th of April 2023


The project ETAP (“Evaluation of semi-automated care processes in long-term care using the example of of AI-based movement monitoring” ), funded by the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), kicked off from February 2022. The project, coordinated by Westphalian University (IAT), involves nine partners in total, i.e. two groups from the University of Bremen, namely the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) for ETAP research in Nursing Science and the Cognitive Systems Lab (CSL) for ETAP research in Artificial Intelligence, FutureApp Solutions GmbH (FutureApp) for ETAP System integration, AWO Karlsruhe gGmbH (AWO) and Stift Tilbeck (TIL) for ETAP Nursing Practice, Digital HealthCare-Systems Gmbh (DHC) for a Multimodal AI ETAP system and Digital Health Strategy, Business Development and Innovation (CMD) for Health economic evaluation in ETAP.

On 13th and 14th of April 2023 the ETAP project team met in Bremen to hold the second meeting in presence since the establishment of the project. The Cognitive Systems Lab (CSL) at University of Bremen was happy to serve as the host.


The meeting was attended by representatives from AWO, CMD, DHC, FutureApp, IAT, TIL, IPP, CSL and by guests from Altenhilfe Rosendahl.


During the two-day meeting, the participants presented the status of the ETAP project with all its work packages. They also discussed technical problems in order to achieve the set project goals for 2023. Furthermore, each partner described the next steps. The team also discussed the remaining open points such as the testing of the hybrid solution, the training of nursing staff, the adaptation of the information material, the change requests to the ethics committee and financial open points.

The ETAP team engaged in a dense two-day meeting. The members from CSL had organized a lab tour to showcase the Biosignals Lab featuring its multimodal biosignal data processing and interaction capabilities, including a virtual reality demonstration, and the recognition of human activities based on smart helmets and intelligent bandages. 

The meeting was rounded of by a joint dinner at the Beck’s im Schnoor and a night-watchman tour that led from the town hall to the cathedral, across the market square, through Böttcherstraße, past the Schlachte and ended in the Schnoor.

The ETAP project team is now preparing for the next meeting which will take place in Karlsruhe, organized by AWO.