Member profile

Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Karin Wolf-Ostermann

: Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Karin Wolf-Ostermann


Karin Wolf-Ostermann is Professor of "Health Care Research" at the University of Bremen and Head of the same named Department at the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP), University of Bremen. She is co-spokesperson of the scientific focus "Health Sciences" at the University of Bremen and the research cluster "Evaluation" of the Leibniz Science Campus "Digital Public Health".

She is the spokesperson of the Nursing Sciences Expert Commission and heads the "Community Health Care and Nursing" degree programme.

Moreover, Karin Wolf-Ostermann is vice-chair of the Ethics Committee of the German Society for Nursing Science, a member of numerous national advisory boards, on the editorial board of various national and international journals, and a consultant and expert reviewer for national and international organisations.

Publications & Social Media



  • Health services research in the field of health and nursing care

  • Use of digitalisation and artificial intelligence in nursing care

  • Development, implementation and use of innovative technologies in nursing care

  • Care of people with dementia and their formal and informal carers

  • Quality development/assurance in care

  • Quantitative methods and mixed-methods design


  • Module responsibility and teaching in the nursing science degree programmes


  • German Society for Gerontology and Geriatrics e.V.

  • German Society for Nursing Science e.V. (Board of Directors until 2018)

  • Interdem (pan-European network of researchers collaborating in research on and dissemination of early, timely and quality psychosocial interventions in dementia)

  • International Biometric Society - German Region

  • Platform Learning Systems - Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)


  • Science Prize of the Turkish Gerontological Society 2023

  • Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America

  • Hufeland Prize for the "Demnet-D" study

  • Poster Prize of the German Society for Nursing Science (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pflegewissenschaft e.V.)

  • Science prize of the nursing journal and the German Center for Evidence-based Nursing "sapere aude

  • Research prize of the Medical Working Group on Smoking and Health


Curriculum Vitae

since 2014

Professor for Health Care Research at the University of Bremen


Professor for empirical Social- and Nursing research at Alice Salomon-University of Applied Sciences, Berlin


Research Fellow at the Universities Siegen and Köln as well as Philipps University Marburg


Research Fellow at the University of Wuppertal


Parental leave


Research Fellow at the University of Bayreuth

Academic Career

since 1999

Teaching and research stays at the Imperial College, London (UK), Ca‘ Foscari University Venedig (IT), Socialhögskolan University Lund (SE), School of Nursing, Johns Hopkins-Universität, Baltimore (USA), School of Nursing, New York University (USA)


Member of the „Graduiertenkolleg Applied Statistics“, Department of Statistics at the University of Dortmund

Dissertation and graduation: Dr. rer. nat. at the Department of Statistics, University of Dortmund


Study of statistics and Theoretical Medicine at the Universities Dortmund and Bochum

Graduation: Dipl.-Statistician