Open Space Public Health Ethics

Our Student Conferences

Public health ethics is a very young discipline in Germany.  Public Health Ethics deals with the determination, evaluation and prioritization of possible approaches in the field of public health. It is based on ethical principles and values, but also on the convictions of interest groups. Ethicists work on an interdisciplinary basis to develop solutions to ethical problems in research and practice. The normative theories as well as the methodological approaches and thematic areas of public health ethics are currently being widely discussed.

From 2024, the Open Space Public Health Ethics will be a regular place for dialogue where research findings and perspectives, as well as practical moral challenges, will be discussed between various stakeholders in the healthcare system.  In addition, guests with many years of experience in the field of public health ethics will be invited to present their research and provide feedback on the presentations.  

The openness of the dialog forum has three dimensions: firstly, the topics are developed bottom-up, so that public health ethics at UBremen can emerge from the submissions. Secondly, the conference is open to various formats - from a classic lecture or poster to a world café, an ad hoc ethics consultation or artistic interventions, everything is possible. Thirdly, the Open Space offerd a place where researchers of all levels of experience are welcome. Solveig Lena Hansen is organizing the conference together with students in a participatory seminar. This way, students acquire skills in the organization of scientific conferences.

The results of the first Open Space were published in IPP-Info, issue 21 (from p.12) and in impu!se 124 (p. 21).