Member profile

Dominik Domhoff

Building/room:  Grazer Straße 4 (GRA4) A1100
Phone:  +49 421 218-68909

Research associate

Dominik Domhoff is a health scientist at the Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP) at the University of Bremen and a qualified nurse. In addition to research into care structures for people in need of care, he is also involved with innovative digital technologies in care.

Publications & Social Media





  • Health services research on medical and nursing care

  • Development, implementation and use of innovative technologies in care and associated framework conditions

  • Financing of health and care services, social insurance

  • Quantitative methods and secondary data analyse


  • Statistical data analysis with R (summer semester 2020 to summer semester 2021)

  • Health Economics 2: Financing and Remuneration of Health Services (winter semester 2017/2018 to winter semester 2019/2020)


  • German Society for Demography (DGD)

  • German Society for Epidemiology (DGEpi)

  • Working Group on the Collection and Utilisation of Secondary Data (AGENS)


2017: Allianz Young Talent Award for Demography for the Master's thesis "Catholicism and Mortality: Spatial Patterns and Associations of Religious Affiliation and Causes of Death in Germany

Professional career

since 11/2016

Research assistant in the Department of Nursing Research, Institute for Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen


Professional qualification in healthcare and nursing

Academic career


Master's degree programme in Public Health/Nursing Science at the University of Bremen

Degree: Master of Arts

Topic of the Master's thesis: "Catholicism and Mortality: Spatial Patterns and Associations of Religious Affiliation and Causes of Death in Germany"


Bachelor's degree programme in Public Health/Health Sciences at the University of Bremen

Degree: Bachelor of Arts

Topic of the Bachelor's thesis: "The influence of occupational status on sickness-related absenteeism at work - results of the GEDA study 2010"