Doris Ochterbeck

Foto Doris Ochterbeck
Doris Ochterbeck

Research interests

Doris Ochterbeck studied health sciences. Her work focuses on addiction research. In her doctoral project, she investigated the effects of addiction models. She is currently preparing a complex addiction prevention project with digital components for adolescents.


Professional career

2/2023 - ongoing

University of Bremen, Leibniz Science Campus Digital Public Health (LScDiPH), Research Associate

3/2018 - ongoing

Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS GmbH, Department of Prevention and Evaluation, Research Associate

11/2015 - 04/2016

WHO Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen/Dk, Division of Information, Evidence, Research, and Innovation (DIR), Research internship

3/2014 - 6/2014

University of Applied Sciences (HAW) Hamburg, Department of Health Sciences, Student Assistant

8/2013 - 11/2013

Diakoniewerk TABEA e. V., Hamburg, Internship



09/2014 - 07/2017                            

University of Applied Sciences (HAW) Hamburg Health Sciences, Degree: Master of Science                                                          

03/2011 - 06/2014                            

University of Applied Sciences (HAW) Hamburg Health Sciences, Degree: Bachelor of Science

10/1980 - 7/1986                               

RWTH Aachen (pre-clinic) University of Düsseldorf (clinic) Human medicine discontinued immediately before the 2nd section of the medical examination due to family time


Journal articles with peer review

  1. Ochterbeck, Doris, Forberger, Sarah, 2022,

Is a brain-based understanding of addiction predominant? An assessment of addiction researchers’ conceptions of addiction and their evaluation of brain-based explanations.

Drug and Alcohol Review, 41(7), 1630–1641,

  1. Ochterbeck, Doris,Frense, Jennifer, Forberger, Sarah, 2023, [4]

A survey of international addiction researchers’ views on implications of brain-based explanations of addiction and the responsibility of affected persons,

Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2023 Aug 11,

  1. Ochterbeck, Doris,Frense, Jennifer, Forberger, Sarah, 2023, [5]

International addiction researchers’ perspectives on the needs of persons with addictions, the use of neuroscientific research for prevention and treatment, and future foci in addictions research.

Addiction Research & Theory. 2023 Apr 5,



Matilda Hellman, Michael Egerer, Janne Stoneham, Sarah Forberger, Vilja Männistö-Inkinen, Doris Ochterbeck, Samantha Rundle, 2022, Addiction and the Brain, Knowledge, Beliefs and Ethical Considerations from a Social Perspective, Palgrave Macmillan Singapore.


Posters at scientific conferences

  1. Ochterbeck D., Hellman M., Forberger S., Ethical implications of brain-based explanations for addiction: A survey among scientists. 5th International Conference on Neuroethics (ICONE), 15-18 September 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
  2. Ochterbeck D., Hellman M., Forberger S., Scientific communities in addiction research: Attributes and attitudes. A multi methods approach.Lisbon Addictions 2019 - 3rd European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies, 23-25 October 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.

Invited lectures

  1. Ochterbeck D., Forberger S. On the acceptance of brain-based explanations of addiction: What do researchers think? Addiction Theory Network (ATN) Webinar, 13 June 2022, online Präsentation.