
New Course from LEMEX!

In the upcoming summer semester of 2023, Professor Sybille Heilbrunn will offer "Who are the Winners and the Losers of Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship?" in English.

The course is based on her recently published book "The Dark Sides of Start Up Nations - Who are the Winners and the Losers of Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship?" and applies insights from the Israeli tech entrepreneurship ecosystem to the German ecosystem.

The course is held in 2 one-week blocks in April and June. Here, students can actively develop a strategy to make the tech ecosystem more inclusive and present it as part of the course. The grade is based on the presentation and 5 assignments submitted during the course.

In the top right corone it shows the logo of Lemex in the middle is a text which says "Neue Veranstaltung! - New Course!"