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Newly published: 3rd edition of the standard work Health Technology Assessment

Prof. Dr. Ansgar Gerhardus from IPP is Co-editor

The importance of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) as a basis for evidence-based decisions in the healthcare sector has increased once again in recent years. High-quality HTA reports are indispensable for all decisions on the eligibility of medical technologies for reimbursement. The new edition takes into account all the reform processes that have further developed the HTA landscape in the German-speaking countries and in the EU.

The book is equally suitable as a systematic introduction and as a reference work for specific aspects: Authors of HTA reports and also their users receive a basic overview of the principles of HTA. The content is first-hand and well-founded throughout. The work presents the institutional and legal framework conditions in the healthcare system, describes the analysis of the status of technologies, deals with information and knowledge management and offers a detailed methodological introduction to the assessment of safety, efficacy, cost-effectiveness as well as ethical, socio-cultural, organizational and legal aspects of medical technologies. With its well-founded content, the book offers practical help for everyday life.

Perleth M, Busse R, Fuchs S, Gerhardus A, Gibis B & Lühmann D editors. Health Technology Assessment. 3. Auflage. Berlin: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft; 2023.

Prof. Dr. med. Ansgar Gerhardus, M.A., MPH
Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen

Phone: +49(0)421-218 68800 Email:


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