Take Home Exam via Stud.IP

Brief description

The Take Home Exam is a variant of the Open Book exams. The common feature is that any materials such as books and records may be used and that mainly open questions with complex problem solutions are asked. These can be, for example, case analyses, evaluations or reviews of scientific publications. Thus, the answers cannot be standardized and are individual. The essential difference to synchronous open book examinations with a small time allotment is that a written elaboration with approx. 2 to 4 hours processing time is prepared within a period of 6 to 48 hours. Due to the complexity of the question, research on the Internet is a necessity here rather than an unauthorized aid. Since an exchange among the students is likely, either individual tasks must be set or cooperation must be explicitly provided for (e.g. distribution of roles in a joint problem-solving scenario). The examination form thus corresponds to a term paper according to AT-PO §8 Abs. 5, but under special conditions. The simple tools of the learning management system Stud.IP are sufficient for providing the examination and uploading the examination documents.

Group size

10 to 50 participants

Procedure and digital tools

  1.  Early information of the students about the procedure:
    • Registration, deregistration and withdrawal from exams
    • Procedure in Stud.IP (instructions)
    • Processing instructions (scope, horizon of expectation, layout requirements, citation method)
    • Time schedule for distribution of assignments, submission in Stud.IP and latest time until results are available.
  2.  Automatic, time-controlled provision of the tasks (incl. declaration of independence) and fixed deadline submission of the results via time-controlled folders or the plug-in DoIT in Stud.IP.
  3.  Implementation of a plagiarism check (PlagScan). If identical texts are found, all affected examinations will be graded as "failed".
  4.  Re-evaluation by the lecturers and announcement of the results in the usual way (PABO).


  • Low-threshold technical implementation without access barriers
  • Technical risks are low
  • High time flexibility for students (e.g. in case of care obligations) with well calculable workload
  • Time period for assessment easier to estimate than for normal assignments


Collaboration among students is highly probable and the correction effort for lecturers is high. There is a risk that some students will overexert themselves and spend also the entire time provided for uploading to work on their answers.