
Short description
In the IntEL4CoRo (Interactive Learning Environment for Cognitive Robotics) project, a highly immersive learning environment for cognitive robotics is being implemented in university teaching. Existing and tried-and-tested learning resources and environments will be meaningfully combined and didactically prepared. The immersive learning environment is intended to serve as a national and international networking and education platform in the long term.
The project is managed and coordinated by the Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IAI). As a competence partner for e-learning, the Centre for Multimedia in Teaching (ZMML) supports the project in the areas of media didactics as well as the implementation and supervision of the model application.
The learning environment is designed to be highly immersive, providing and enabling robot control systems and photorealistic, physics-based simulation environments for experiments. The control systems and simulation environments serve to illustrate the concepts taught in the university courses. They also enable the generation of suitable tasks for all related subject areas - students should then be able to solve these tasks independently by programming new components or correcting faulty parts of the teaching systems. In addition, the learning environment should be usable for the preparation of final theses, team-based software development projects and robot competitions.
Configurations of the teaching system that can be transferred to real robots provide the necessary practical relevance. Additional simulation scenarios in which autonomous robots assist and cooperate with humans provide a basis for discussion and a framework for ethical, legal and social issues (ELSI) relating to AI and cognitive robotics.

Jeroen van Kempen
Project coordination, scientific support
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