E-exams in the testcenter
Current Notes:
- Due to the test center load and the insufficient cost/benefit ratio with low student numbers, there is an admission stop for new e-examinations with participant numbers below 50!
- The VPN connection to use with the Cisco AnyConnect Client for LTS3 and LTS-Editor has changed to vpn-intern.uni-bremen.de/testcenter
Brief description
After completion of the course an exam is written using the 120 PC in the test center under supervision at the times specified by the examination board (and booked by the lecturers). The number of slots depends on the number of participants. If there are more than 240 students (3 or more slots neccessary), different exam variants or a random selection from a larger pool of questions can be used. An extensive set of open-ended (e.g. constructed essays) and closed-ended question types (calculations, selected response like multiple choice or drag&drop mapping) is available. The registration procedure for the exam is the same as for written exams (usually via the ZPA-PABO). After the examination and completion of any necessary scoring the lecturers can export an excel sheet with the results as well as all other examination data (examination protocols for archiving, comment lists, examination statistics and many more) from the LTS3. If desired by the lecturers and if there is a sufficient number of participants, the inspection of examination protocols by students can also be organized in the test center.
Further informations and downloads
- Exam system and Testcenter-Management-Tool
- Handout and Tutorial LTS-Editor / question types / exam design (LTS3)
- Demo exam
- LPLUS-Manual LTS3 (exam design, scoring and reporting)
- LPLUS-Manual LTS-Editor
- Video-tutorials for LTS3 and LTS-Editor
- Checklist for supervising e-exams in the Testcenter (in german language)
- Testcenter
- Time saving
- Automatic scoring of question types with given solutions
- better readability of free text answers
- more efficient examination processes
- support in organizing and conducting your exams by the ZMML
- Competence and practice orientation: Extension of didactical possibilities compared to written exams
- Integration of subject-specific software tools
- Rich assessments through the use of multimedia elements (video, audio, simulations) and other digital resources (e.g. case studies, table collections, scripts)
- Possibility to upload files as an answer (e.g., drawings)
- Feedback quality:
- Faster delivery of exam results (immediately upon submission, if desired)
- Optional feedback of result statistics and weak point analysis (points per topic)
- Examination review on the basis of the examination pdf incl. solution and evaluation comments
- Objectivity: Higher objectivity of execution, evaluation and interpretation
- Quality management: Progressive quality assurance and improvement of the task catalogs through evaluation of student feedback, result, item and answer statistics.
- Legal certainty: Legally compliant assessment of learning outcomes in accordance with the examination regulations.

After an initial consultation on the organization and didactics of the examination and booking of appointments in the test center, the examiners receive a detailed schedule for all further steps as well as access to the test center management tool TMT (support files, file exchange, process control, booking management, etc.). The examiners receive a short training how to implement the questions with the LTS-Editor (approx. 2 hours). After the questions have been created, the ZMML sets up the exam in the examination system LTS3 and the examiners can then check it online via a secure VPN connection on the test center server. Some of the exam configuration (design, welcome message) can bei made by the examiners themself. Up to 10 days before the exam the editors can made final changes of questions in the LTS-Editor. The final version of the catalog is then transfered to the LTS3. After a final check of the questions and settings, the examiners transfer the list of participants (obtained from the ZPA) via the TMT to the ZMML, which registers the students for the corresponding exam variant in the examination system.
The exam in the test center takes place under the usual conditions for written exams (supervision, authentification via passport, only allowed aids at the place), the staff of the ZMML supervises every start and change between the slots (technical preparations, fixing log-in problems, missing registrations etc.). After the exam and any necessary scoring, the examiners can donload all results, exam data and statistics from the LTS3 . Appointments for an exam review by students can be booked individually.
These are the main dealines and steps for the exam (P = date of exam):
- P-35 or earlier: LTS-Editor-training (ZMML+Editors)
- P-21: Completion of the question catalog, info to the ZMML
- P-20: First transfer of the catalogue (ZMML) / start of testing and update of questions
- P-10: Finish of the configuration test in the LTS3 and of the questions updates / info to the ZMML
- P-09: Final transfer of question catalog (ZMML)
- P-03: Transfer of the participants list via www.zmml.uni-bremen.de/tcfiletool/
- Scoring and export of exam data
Standard services
- Consulting and training on organization, examination didactics and technical implementation
- Support and assumption of partial functions in exam management (schedules, data exchange, process control)
- Preparation and provision of the test center
- Technical/organizational support at the beginning and end of each examination slot
- Provision and administration of the examination system
- support for the statistical analysis of exam data
If required and subject to available resources
- Quality management of the question catalogs with regard to function, layout and design guidelines
- Provision and administration of the practice system for freely accessible mock exams
- Support and information of students concerning all questions on the e-examination
- Coordination with ZPA and examination board
- online quality control of the question catalogs and examination settings
- Provision of the list of participants as an Excel sheet (student id, last name, first name)
- Supervision in the test center
- If necessary, scoring of open questions like essays
- Export and archiving of the individual exams (see retention periods), reporting of examination results to the examination office
On request (examples from all departments available)