Evaluation and Implementation Research in Nursing Science
Head of Department:
Prof. Dr. Birte Berger-Höger
Tel.: +49 421 218-68900
Christiane Degering-Machirus
Tel.: +49 421 218-68901
Grazer Straße 4
28359 Bremen
Our department aims to promote evidence-based nursing practice to prevent overuse, underuse or misuse of care for patients and their relatives.
We develop and evaluate complex nursing interventions with regard to their efficacy and effectiveness. In the case of effective interventions, we develop suitable implementation concepts that have been theoretically developed and empirically tested in order to transfer the findings into practice. Central questions are which strategies, processes and factors promote and which inhibit the implementation of evidence-based interventions within certain care settings (e.g. in outpatient care, long-term care facilities, community or acute inpatient settings)
Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods are used to develop, pilot and evaluate these complex interventions. The interventions are evaluated summatively (efficacy and effectiveness research) and formatively (process evaluation). The research is also intended to contribute to the further development of theories, concepts and methods of evaluation and implementation research.
- Evidence-based nursing practice, development and evaluation of complex interventions
- Informed shared decision making
- Decision coaching

Better health information for migrants in oncology