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Press release of the DGPH and the DGSMP on the planned Federal Institute for Prevention and Education in Medicine (BIPAM)

Experts plead for urgent corrections

Das Foto zeigt eine Hausfassade in Bremen-Blumenthal mit einer Brache und einem Bauzaun davor.
Sozialepidemiologie| Epidemiologie des demographischen Wandels|

Joint project “SalusTransform” starts: Evaluation of measures for equitable health-promoting urban development

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) promotes innovative interdisciplinary research of Prof. Gabriele Bolte and Prof. Karin Bammann at the IPP with 900.000 €

Portrait PD Dr. Guido Schmiemann

PD Dr Guido Schmiemann appointed to the Climate Conscious Inhalants Action Alliance.

Guido Schmiemann from the IPP represents the German Society for General Practice and Family Medicine (DEGAM).

Notes on a pinboard.
Pflegewissenschaftliche Versorgungsforschung|

Student assistant (f/m/d) wanted for research project on video-based nursing assessment

To support the Department of „Pflegewissenschaftliche Versorgungsforschung" (Nursing Science Research) at the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP), led by Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann, we are looking for a committed student assistant to join our team at the earliest possible date.

Cover des Flyers

Adequate integration of gender in quantitative health research

Compact presentation of the newly developed instruments for implementation by Prof Dr Gabriele Bolte and Sophie Horstmann

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Gesundheit und Gesellschaft| Sozialepidemiologie| Public Health-Ethik und Health Humanities|

“Innovative teaching in public health and nursing science” - 21st edition of IPPinfo newly published

The focus of the current issue: innovative and participative learning formats in public health and nursing science. For the first time with numerous contributions from students!

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Darmann-Finck
Qualifikations- und Curriculumforschung|

Prof Dr Ingrid Darmann-Finck elected Chairwoman of the Expert Commission at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in accordance with Section 53 of the Nursing Professions Act

Prof Dr Ingrid Darmann-Finck (IPP) was also appointed to the expert commission for the second legislative period by the Federal Minister of Health, Prof Dr Karl Lauterbach, and the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Lisa Paus.

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Qualifikations- und Curriculumforschung|

The revised version of the Bremen curriculum is now available

Prof Dr Ingrid Darmann-Finck and Dr Sebastian Partsch (IPP) present the evaluated and updated version of the Bremen curriculum at a symposium.

Tagung Forschungscluster Gesunde Stadt Bremen 2024

"Healthy City" Conference - successful networking of practice and research on November 29, 2024

This year, the Research Cluster "Healthy City Bremen" set a focus of the conference on connecting practice and research discussing the "Healthy Cities" approach from various perspectives together with experts and researchers from Bremen and Bremerhaven.

Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann und Prof. Dr. Michal Kucera
Pflegewissenschaftliche Versorgungsforschung|

Prof Dr Karin Wolf-Ostermann from IPP at ‘AI 4 Health in the Northwest’

Exciting insights into the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and healthcare - i|2|b idea together with the U Bremen Research Alliance and the Integrated Health Campus Bremen (IGB)

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte elected into the ARL - Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association

Presentation at the general meeting on November 21, 2024, in Würzburg

Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann auf dem GSA Symposium 2024
Pflegewissenschaftliche Versorgungsforschung|

TCALL and comparable international model projects in long-term care: Prof. Dr Karin Wolf-Ostermann organises symposium at GSA 2024

Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann (IPP/University of Bremen) organised a symposium on Academic-Practice Partnerships in Long-Term Care at GSA 2024 and presented TCALL.

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Pflegewissenschaftliche Versorgungsforschung|

Prof Dr Karin Wolf-Ostermann and Janissa Altona at the GSA Conference 2024 (Gerontological Society of America)

IPP scientists present their research findings on the importance of social participation for people with dementia at an international annual conference and symposium in Seattle

Dr. Rebecca Maskos
Gesundheit und Gesellschaft|

Dr Rebecca Maskos receives Bremen Study Award for her dissertation on "Wheelchair avoidance and wheelchair appropriation in the context of ableism. A qualitative study"

Award ceremony on 27 November 2024 in the Bremen Parliament

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung| Sozialepidemiologie| Pflegewissenschaftliche Evaluations- und Implementierungsforschung|

IPP Board of Directors confirmed in office on 13 November 2024

Birte Berger-Höger and Benjamin Schüz re-elected as members of the Board of Directors, Gabriele Bolte re-elected as Managing Director of IPP

Logo Integrierter Gesundheitscampus Bremen
Qualifikations- und Curriculumforschung| Sozialepidemiologie|

Bremen Public Health and Nursing scientists campaign for Integrated Health Campus Bremen IGB

In a letter to the Senator for Health, Women and Consumer Protection and the Senator for Environment, Climate and Science, representatives of Department 11, the IPP and the SOCIUM speak out in favor of the continued existence of the IGB for network work

Eine Frau mit Baby sitzt auf einem Bett in einem kleinen Raum, der Boden ist mit Wasser überflutet
Global Health|

Melanie Böckmann contributed to section on maternal and reproductive health in a changing climate in: ´10 New Climate Insights 2025:

The report “10 New Insights in Climate Science” shows the threatening consequences of climate change: rising temperatures are endangering oceans, the Amazon rainforest and maternal health worldwide. Researchers call for decisive action.

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schüz
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung|

Benjamin Schüz has been appointed Fellow of the European Health Psychology Society

Prof. Benjamin Schüz has been appointed as Fellow of the European Health Psychology Society in acknowledgement of his contributions to the science of Health Psychology

Karin Wolf-Ostermann
Pflegewissenschaftliche Versorgungsforschung|

Excellent knowledge for better health and care in the jury of the Innovation Programme for Business Models and Pioneering Solutions (IGP)

Prof Karin Wolf-Ostermann from IPP appointed to an innovation jury of the BMWK (Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection)

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Pflegewissenschaftliche Versorgungsforschung|

Janissa Altona and Julia Misonow from IPP at the 23rd German Congress for Health Services Research (DKVF) in Potsdam

Intervention for people living with dementia in Shared Housing Arrangements attracted great interest from audience

Julia Misonow (l.) und Janissa Altona (r.)
Pflegewissenschaftliche Versorgungsforschung|

IPP scientists represented at 34th Alzheimer Europe Conference

Strategies for optimising urban development for dementia-friendly cities and results of the DemWG study on social health and quality of life

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Gesundheit und Gesellschaft|

Dr Hayer (IPP): How digitalisation is changing gambling addiction

15th episode of the Digital Public Health Podcast of the research focus Health Science of the University of Bremen published

Eine Gruppe von jungen Menschen steht vor einem großen Gebäude mit der Aufschrift „Vereinte Nationen – United Nations“
Global Health|

IPP PhD researchers visited United Nations institutions and NGOs in Geneva

Last week our two PhD scholars Sudeepa Khanal and Sophie Stützle represented our department at the German Alliance for Global Health Research (GLOHRA) academy field trip to Geneva

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Heat Action Plan Bremen – Bremerhaven published

Focus on health equity based on the expertise of Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte

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Newly published: Checklist for the theory-based, comprehensive integration of sex/gender in the research process of quantitative health research

Publication from the INGER research network under the direction of Prof. Dr. Gabriele Bolte

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“Securing medical and health care for people without health insurance and paperless people in Bremen - a pilot project” has achieved its goals according to the evaluation!

The Senator for Health, Women and Consumer Protection presents the final report of the evaluation project of the IPP's Health Services Research Department headed by Prof. Dr. Ansgar Gerhardus

Lizzi Müller genannt Schuhmacher

Public Health Research for the Public Health Service - Cooperation between the University of Bremen and the Bremen Public Health Department launched

Lizzi Müller genannt Schumacher from the Bremen Public Health Department as a guest researcher in the Department of Health Services Research at IPP headed by Ansgar Gerhardus at IPP

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Global Health| Sozialepidemiologie|

WHO Meeting in Bonn on heat health action plans

New heat health action guidance being developed by WHO

Woman smartphone benche face mask
Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung|

Christopher Jones wins early career research award

Christopher Jones receives an early career research award from the Division of Health Psychology in the German Psychological Society

Prof. Dr. Birte Berger-Höger
Pflegewissenschaftliche Evaluations- und Implementierungsforschung|

Better health information for migrants in oncology

People with a migration history often face barrieres when they when seeking trustworthy information about their cancer treatment. To develop improved health information resources for this population, the IPP and the University Medical Centre Halle are working together on the 'DivO-Inform' project.

Prof. Dr. Melanie Böckmann
Global Health|

Appointment to the Editorial board of BMC Global and Public Health

Melanie Böckmann appointed to the Editorial board of the journal Global and Public Health

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Global Health|

NEW TO THE IPP – Herfina Nababan and Lira Ramadani

The Department is growing!

Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann, Janissa Altona
Pflegewissenschaftliche Versorgungsforschung|

Symposium ‘Dementia-friendly Environment in the Community – An International Perspective on Concepts and Interventions

Prof. Dr. Karin Wolf-Ostermann and Janissa Altona from IPP at the University of Bremen presented findings from their research projects on dementia-friendly neighbourhoods at the annual meeting of the Gerontological Association of America.

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20th issue of IPP-Info newly published - Launch of our new online reader survey

In focus: Gender and intersectionality in health science research

Mitglieder der Fachkommission nach Pflegeberufegesetz und Bundesgesundheitsminister Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach
Qualifikations- und Curriculumforschung|

Successful completion of the 1st legislature of the expert commission under the Nursing Professions Act

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Darmann-Finck from the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research at the University of Bremen was Deputy Chairwoman for five years

A person writes on a flipchart.
Global Health|

Dept. of Global Health of the Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research offers summer academy for Bremen School Students

Workshop "Global Health - The Importance of Health Worldwide" for Bremen School Students