Dr. Joyce Salita
University of Bremen
GW2 A3.270
Tel.: 0421 218-61976
Email: jsalita(at)uni-bremen.de
Office hour during the semester break:
Tuesdays, 3 - 4 pm
Joyce Salita obtained her PhD in Biology from the University of Bremen. Since 2011, she has been teaching English for Special Purposes (natural sciences and technology) and English for Academic Purposes with emphasis on scientific writing skills. She was active in editing scientific papers for submission in scientific journals and regulatory bodies, and was in the editorial board of the European journal, “Medical Writing”, from 2010-2023.
Teaching English for academic purposes with emphasis on the natural sciences and engineering, and carrying out related activities such as advising and counselling students, and developing and organizing materials and tests.
As sole or first author:
Salita JT. 2021. Handling the challenges of online teaching. Medical Writing 30(2):90-97.
Salita JT and Pauly D. 2017. Diet and food intake of juvenile white-spotted spinefoot, Siganus fuscescens (Siganidae), pp. 40-48. In D Pauly, L Hood, KI Stergiou (eds.), Belated Contributions on the Biology of Fish, Fisheries and Features of their Ecosystems. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 25(1).Vancouver, Canada: University of British Columbia Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries.
Salita JT. 2016. The secrets of networking. Medical Writing 25(2):59-60.
Salita JT. 2015. Writing for lay audiences: A challenge for scientists. Medical Writing 24(4):183-189.
Salita JT. 2013. Mentorship in EMWA: A perspective. Medical Writing 22(2):134-136.
Salita JT. 2011. Evaluating the return of attending a conference. The Write Stuff 20(3):162-163. medicalwriting.emwa.org/article/show/pdf/741/
Salita JT. 2011. Comparing apples and oranges. Comment on Nairy et al.'s “A pseudo-randomised clinical trial on in situ gels of flucanozole for the treatment of oropharyngeal candidiasis” in Trials 12:99. www.trialsjournal.com/content/12/1/99/comments;
Salita JT. 2011. A VAT Experience. The Write Stuff 20(2):122. www.emwa.org/Freelancer/Salita_VAT%20experience.pdf
Salita JT. 2010. Authorship practices in Asian cultures. The Write Stuff 19(1):36-38. www.emwa.org/JournalArticles/JA_V19_I1_Salita1.pdf
Salita JT. 2010. Women's health. The Write Stuff 19(4):259-260. medicalwriting.emwa.org/article/show/pdf/658/
Salita JT, Ekau W, Saint-Paul U. 2003. Field evidence on the influence of seagrass landscapes on fish abundance in Bolinao, northern Philippines. Marine Ecology Progress Series 247:183-195.(http://www.int-res.com/articles/meps2003/247/m247p183.pdf)
Salita-Espinosa JT, Fortes MD. 1992. Some observations on the ichthyofauna of an artificial seagrass bed in Bolinao, Pangasinan, pp. 85-97. In: A.C. Alcala and L.T. McManus (eds.), Proceedings of the First National Symposium in Marine Science. Quezon City, Philippines: University of the Philippines Marine Science Institute.
Salita-Espinosa JT, Fortes MD, Flores GA. 1994. The spatial and temporal distribution of herbivorous macroinvertebrates in Cape Bolinao, northern Philippines, pp. 349-354. In: S. Sudara, C.R. Wilkinson and L.M. Chou (eds.), Proceedings, Third ASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources, Vol. 2: Research Papers. Bangkok, Thailand: Chulalongkorn University.
Salita-Espinosa JT, Klumpp DW, Fortes MD. 1992. Aspects of the feeding biology of the juvenile rabbitfish, Siganus fuscescens (Pisces: Siganidae), p. 341. In: L.M. Chou and C.R. Wilkinson (eds.), Third ASEAN Science and Technology Week Conference Proceedings, Vol. 6, Marine Science: Living Coastal Resources. Singapore: Department of Zoology, National University of Singapore and the National Science and Technology Board, Singapore. (Abstract)
Salita-Espinosa JT, Tiquio JP, Fortes MD. 1994. Feeding biology of the herbivorous topshell, Tectus (=Trochus) fenestratus in a seagrass bed in Cape Bolinao, northern Philippines, pp. 331-335. In: S. Sudara, C.R. Wilkinson and L.M. Chou (eds.), Proceedings, Third ASEAN-Australia Symposium on Living Coastal Resources, Vol. 2: Research Papers. Bangkok, Thailand: Chulalongkorn University.
As co-author:
Auel H, Jennerjahn T, Salita J. 2009. Tropical aquatic ecosystems – from large to small, pp. 25-45. In: M. Wolff (ed.), Tropical Waters and their Living Resources: Ecology, Assessment and Management. Bremen: Verlag H.M. Hauschild GmbH.
Klumpp DW, Salita-Espinosa JT, Fortes MD. 1992. The role of epiphytic periphyton and invertebrate grazers in the trophic flux of a tropical seagrass community. Aquatic Botany 43:327-349.
Klumpp DW, Salita-Espinosa JT, Fortes MD. 1993. The trophic significance of the seagrass grazers, Salmacis sphaeroides and Tripneustes gratilla in Bolinao, Pangasinan, northern Philippines. Aquatic Botany 45:205-229.