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Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - Models, Simulation and Technique Development | Dr. Cristoffer Cordes (Fraunhofer Institute for Medical Image Computing MEVIS, Bremen)

Start date: 15.01.2019 - 16:00
End date: 15.01.2019 - 17:30
Address: MZH 6210
Preis: 0€

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique, based on a physical process that can be described by the Bloch equations. These equations are trivially easy to solve numerically, but impractical to scale up to realistic applications. Consequently, the field of MRI research is filled with creative model simplifications to extract clinically relevant information from acquired data. A standard MRI device can be used to not only acquire anatomical information, but also information about flow, diffusion, perfusion, chemical properties, brain activity and more. The art of driving the MRI hardware to ultimately produce such images in a fast and robust way is called MRI pulse sequence development. MRI pulse sequence development and image reconstruction are highly active research topics in a niche between computer science, mathematics, physics and medicine. This talk will highlight the bigger picture of MRI research, the simulation of the MRI process, and the challenges of abstract MRI pulse sequence development.

Einladung von Prof. Knipping