Faculty 3 - Mathematics and Computer Science


In Faculty 3, we are passionate about mathematics and computer science. Within the University of Bremen, our faculty is characterized by our great strength in research, which these sites provide detailed information about, including our research profiles, research groups, and members. Our research groups are very productive in their own right, but are also active in interdisciplinary research collaborations in all of the University's high-profile areas as well as in large collaborative projects. These include several Collaborative Research Centrers and Research Training Groups. Among the prizes and grants received by members of our department are an ERC Grant and Koselleck Project, as well as Heisenberg and Lichtenberg Professorships.

More information about the degree programs and courses offered by this wide-ranging faculty may be found by clicking on Studies & Teaching.

If you are interested in working with us, you will find more detailed information about research in Mathematics and Computer Science here.

Social Media


Illustration of 2 Students learning

Orientation week: October 7-11, 2024

There is an orientation week (O-week for short) especially for all first-year students before the start of their studies. However, introductory events also take place before the O-week.

Picture of Haddawy

Transcending Research Boundaries

Peter Haddawy’s work incorporates both computer science and medicine, and connects Germany with Thailand

Mint Plakat

6th MINT Day

The 6th MINT Day in Bremen and Bremerhaven will take place on November 13th

Ein Stand von Nordwest mit Award-Vergabe

Nordwest Award für #MOIN Modellregion Industriemathematik

Die Besten im Nordwesten: Transferinitiative #MOIN Modellregion Industriemathematik gewinnt den NordWest Award der Metropolregion Nordwest

KI Kognition Robotik Illustration

3rd International Robotics and Software Engineering Meeting

The 3rd International Robotics and Software Engineering Meeting will take place in Bremen from September 2 to 5, 2024. This year's event is being organized by the Software Engineering for Cognitive Robots and Systems (SECORO) working group.

A picture of Nicole Megow

Prof. Dr. Nicole Megow elected spokesperson of the DFG Review Board 4.43 Computer Science

The members of the newly elected DFG Review Board 4.43 Computer Science have chosen Professor Dr. Nicole Megow, Chair of the Combinatorial Optimization and Logistics Group at the University of Bremen, as their spokesperson.

Information for the Forum with an Illustration of Wind Energy

Invitation to the 3rd Industrial Mathematics Forum on the topic of energy

The Forum Industrial Mathematics is entering its 3rd round! We - the Model Region Industrial Mathematics #MOIN, the Optimization & Optimal Control working group at the Center for Industrial Mathematics at the University of Bremen and TOPAS Industriemathematik gGmbH - cordially inviteyou to join us.

Logo of Hackathon

KI-Hackathon 2024

From September 20 to 22, 2024, AI enthusiasts will meet, form teams and work on the development of prototypes and concepts within 48 hours.

Logo of the Workshop on Boolean Problems

16th International Workshop on Boolean Problems

The "16th International Workshop on Boolean Problems" will take place in Bremen from September 19 to 20, 2024. This year's event is being organized by the University of Bremen and the Cyber-Physical Systems research department of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI).

Ein Lehrender spricht vor Zuhörern im vollen Hörsaal.

Future field mathematics

We are continuing the series and this year's focus is on the interface of AI in medical and industrial applications. We are thus offering students the opportunity to gain exciting insights into mathematics and to engage in a personal exchange with the speakers.

Die Sommeruniversitäten umfassen Inhalte aus den Technikwissenschaften wie Informatik, Maschinenbau, Verfahrenstechnik, Elektrotechnik, und Architektur.

Places Available at Informatica Feminale and International Summer University for Women in Engineering

Informatica Feminale and the International Summer University for Women in Engineering are offering around 60 classes from August 14 to 29. Female students of all subjects, female researchers, and other women interested in further training are invited to attend.

Das Bremer Team schoss im Verlauf des Turniers 86 Tore und kassierte nur 1 Gegentor.

Bremen Is World Champion: B-Human Wins 2024 RoboCup World Cup

Robots can also play soccer – this was demonstrated in recent days at the RoboCup World Cup in Eindhoven. Team B-Human from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) won the world championship title for the eleventh time.

Baltic way Logo

Female student from Bremen nominated for international competition

Student Zhuoyu Du, who will be in Year 10 at Herman-Böse-Gymnasium after the summer vacation, has been nominated for the German team in the "Baltic Way" mathematics competition. The challenging competition, in which countries bordering the Baltic Sea and several other Nordic countries take part,…

Picture of 2 Students sitting at a Table

Mentoring program for female students at FB3

Under the leadership of Nicole Megow and Maike Vollstedt, the Women's Representative Collective has developed a mentoring program for female Master's and advanced Bachelor's students*.

Picture of math exhibits

IdeenExpo 2024

The IdeenExpo 2024 took place in Hanover from June 8-16, 2024. It is Europe's largest youth event for technology and science and takes place every two years in Hanover.

Picture of Rolf Drechsler

Rolf Drechsler Named Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery

Rolf Drechsler, Professor of Computer Architecture at the University of Bremen, has been named a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and has thus received the international association's most prestigious honor.

Picture of Rolf Drechsler (Dean) talking

Festive graduation ceremony 2024

Every year, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science invites its graduates to a festive graduation ceremony.

Data Snacks Programm Sheet

University of Bremen Is Founding Member of the Robotics Institute Germany (RIG)

On July 1, the Robotics Institute Germany will be established. Its work will strengthen Germany as an international hub for robotics, while fostering talent and accelerating the transfer of innovative technologies to industry and society.

A Picture of Luisa Gunia and Professor Rademacher standing behind a desk with flyers and information

ISI - Information day for prospective students

At this year's "Information Day for Prospective Students" (ISI for short) at the University of Bremen, Faculty 3 was also represented with an information stand and information events on the degree programs.

Group Photo of the Mathematical Olympiad participants.

Mathematical Olympiad

The Mathematical Olympiad is a competition for pupils who can demonstrate their mathematical abilities and skills in four rounds of competition each year.

Dynamics Days Europe 2024 Flyer

Conference XLIV Dynamics Days Europe

The conference “XLIV Dynamics Days Europe” will take place from July 29 to August 2, 2024 in Bremen. This conference is one of the largest events for researchers in dynamical systems, and discusses topics relevant to both theoretical and practical applications of dynamics, such as machine learning,…

CHE Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung

CHE Ranking: High student satisfaction at the University of Bremen & Faculty 3

In the latest university ranking by the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE), student satisfaction at the University of Bremen is above the national average. Faculty 3 Mathematics and Computer Science performs very well.

Mit sieben Siegen in sieben Spielen sicherte sich B-Human souverän den Titel in Kassel.

Triumph in Kassel: B-Human Continues Its Winning Streak at the RoboCup German Open

In a thrilling final, B-Human, the team from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), defeated the HTWK robots from Leipzig, continuing the ten-time world champion’s unprecedented run of success in the RoboCup Standard Platform League.

Neurodermitis und Schuppenflechte beeinträchtigen viele Menschen. Das TZI der Universität Bremen arbeitet gemeinsam mit einem Start-Up an KI-Lösungen, die ein System zur besseren Behandlung solcher Erkrankungen in den eigenen vier Wänden ermöglicht.

Chronic Skin Conditions: AI Support for Safe Light Therapy at Home

In a joint research project, the Center for Computing Technologies at the University of Bremen and the start-up Skinuvita are developing new AI-based image analysis methods. The goal is to provide a system to treat skin conditions at home using phototherapy.

Beraten jetzt das Bundeskanzleramt: Die Professorinnen Iris Pigeot (links) und Tanja Schultz von der Universität Bremen sind jetzt in den Expert: innenrat „Gesundheit und Resilienz“ berufen worden.

Iris Pigeot and Tanja Schultz from the Faculty 3 are appointed to Federal Chancellery Expert Council

Professor Iris Pigeot, director of the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology – BIPS, and Professor Tanja Schultz, head of the Cognitive Systems Lab at the University of Bremen, have been appointed to the Federal Chancellery's new Expert Council on Health and Resilience.

Prof. Dr. Nicole Megow

Seven Researchers Elected to DFG Review Boards

Nicole Megow was elected to the “Computer Science” review board in the subject area “Theoretical Computer Science.” She is a professor in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and heads the Combinatorial Optimization and Logisticsresearch group.

Picture of someone holding a speech

Lecture Series on Sustainability, Net Zero, and Climate Justice

In the 2023/24 winter semester, several lecture series at the University of Bremen address interdisciplinary approaches to a sustainable future – from virtual reality for a sustainable development in mathematics to global challenges in cultural and educational sciences.

Room full of students

Mathematical Olympiad - Award ceremony in the House of Science

At the beginning of this week, the award ceremony at the Haus der Wissenschaft concluded the Bremen-related part of the Mathematical Olympiad. A good 200 students and parents accepted the invitation. Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dickhaus, Vice Dean of the Faculty 3 Mathematics and Computer Science, was thus…

Logo Bremen Big Data Challenge

Bremen Big Data Challenge 2024 starts

The Cognitive Systems Lab invites you to participate in the ninth Bremen Big Data Challenge (BBDC). Participants can compete against each other until March 31, 2024. In this data analysis competition, there are cash prizes worth a total of 1,500 Euro as well as attractive non-cash prizes to be won.

Bild einer Frau die eine Lesung hält

Women in Mathematics @ Uni Bremen, workshop on March 8, 2024

Dear colleagues:

On this year's International Women's Day, March 8, 2024, we want to celebrate women in mathematics and recognize their contributions and achievements with a special focus on female mathematicians in our department!

As part of a workshop, female mathematicians from FB3 will give…

Prof. Dr. Tanja Schultz

4.8 Million Euros for Biosignals Hub at the University of Bremen

In the “Biosignals HUB: Biosignal Sensors for Human-Centered AI @ University of Bremen” project, computer scientists led by Professor Tanja Schultz are working on devices that collect and interpret biosignal data such as eye movements or brain activity.


By Researchers for Children: 2024 Bremen Kids’ University from March 12 to 21

The University of Bremen is inviting children to the 2024 Kids' University from March 12 to 21. Children between the ages of 8 and 12 can take part. Registration is now open.

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His Last Lecture - The longest-serving professor at the University of Bremen, Frieder Nake, says goodbye

On January 30, 2024, Professor Frieder Nake goes into well-deserved retirement. Well-deserved is not just a saying at this point, but a fact: the current semester was his 103rd at the University of Bremen.

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Decoding a Decade - Kamalika Datta’s Academic Journey from India to Germany

In 2013, Kamalika Datta made her first journey from India to Germany to participate in a project funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) at the University of Bremen.

Virtual Building

Revolutionizing AI Research through an Immersive Virtual Building

Researchers from Bremen, Bielefeld, and Paderborn are using a new virtual building to share insights about their work

Mein Ziel ist, dass der Roboter jede beliebige Flüssigkeit aus jedem beliebigen Gefäß schütten kann, in jedem beliebigen Kontext“, sagt Michael Beetz.

The Countless Variations of Pouring - How robots learn supposedly easy everyday tasks

Pouring tea water, pouring off pasta water, or filling a glass with cola – pouring liquids is a frequent task in everyday life. Therefore, robots have to master this if they are to help us in the household in the future.

Professor Nico Hochgeschwender

New Professor in the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science: Nico Hochgeschwender

Nico Hochgeschwender joined the University of Bremen for the winter semester 2023/24 as professor for software engineering for cognitive robotics and cognitive systems.

Bei der Preisverleihung (von links nach rechts): Professor Rolf Drechsler (Dekan des Fachbereichs Mathematik und Informatik), Henrike Illig (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik), Veronika Oechtering (Wissenschaftliche Leiterin des Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik), Professorin Christiane Floyd (Laudatorin) und Professorin Sanaz Mostaghim (Juryvorsitzende).

Informatica Feminale Awarded Prize for Outstanding Gender Equality Work

The Informatica Feminale – International Summer University for Women in Computer Science was awarded the prize for outstanding gender equality work by the German Council of University Faculties in Computer Science. The prize was awarded this year for the first time.


DataNord: A Data Competence Center for the Bremen Region

The University of Bremen, in close collaboration with the U Bremen Research Alliance and other partners, is establishing a data competence center for the entire region. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is supporting the establishment of the center with over 3.5 million euros.

Neues Center für Ko-konstruktive Künstliche Intelligenz

New Co-constructive Artificial Intelligence Center

The universities of Bremen, Bielefeld, and Paderborn have joined forces to develop AI systems that can provide humans with targeted support in performing tasks.

Open Campus

Open Worlds – Share Knowledge: OPEN CAMPUS at the University of Bremen

On June 23 and 24, the University of Bremen invites you to OPEN CAMPUS. After an open-air concert on Friday evening, a full program of lectures, guided tours, and a poetry slam will follow on Saturday afternoon. In the evening, a live show with headliner Gentleman will conclude the event.


"MACHT SINN!" Exhibition on Science Foundations at the University of Bremen

Making the remarkable civil commitment of Bremen citizens to science and education visible and honoring it - that is the goal of the University of Bremen Foundation with its “MACHT SINN!” exhibition. It will be on display on the university campus from April 13, 2023, onwards.


Training at the University: Becoming an IT Specialist

Swen Rengers talks about training to become an IT specialist in his second apprenticeship year.

Das Projekt VaMEx-3, das von der Deutschen Raumfahrtagentur im DLR mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) gefördert wird, ermöglicht die Zusammenarbeit zwischen verschiedenen Robotersystemen, die eines Tages auf dem Mars landen sollen

Robot Swarm Practicing for Mars Exploration

Exploring Mars can be best achieved when robots with different capabilities work together – ideally autonomously. Important prerequisites for this are being created as part of the VaMEx-3 project, in which three working groups from the University of Bremen are playing a key role.

Prof. Dr. Michael Beetz

AI Researcher Michael Beetz Receives Coveted ERC Advanced Grant

AI achieves impressive results, however it still lacks the ability to plan actions predictively. Professor Michael Beetz from the Institute for Artificial Intelligence is working on the foundations for this and has received the ERC Advanced Grant, which is endowed with 2.5 million euros.

Erste-Hilfe-Kurse, die mit dem Erwerb des Kfz-Führerscheins absolviert werden müssen, konzentrieren sich vor allem auf die praktische Anwendung der Ersten Hilfe. Was fehlt, ist das Training unter realen Stressbedingungen.

Improving First-Aid Training with Virtual Reality

Professor Björn Niehaves and his team from the University of Bremen are aiming to prepare potential first-aiders for possible accident scenarios as realistically as possible in the ARRIVE project. To this end, they develop first-aid scenarios in virtual reality.

Science goes Public

Science Goes Public

Lots of entertaining science in an entertaining 30 minutes. Would you like some exciting insights into unknown worlds?

„Zusammenhalt“ ist das Motto der 16. BRIDGE StartUp-Lounge, die am 07. Dezember stattfindet. Organisator ist das Hochschulnetzwerk BRIDGE, die zentrale Anlaufstelle für Studierende und Angehörige der Bremer Hochschulen zum Thema Existenzgründung.

16th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge: Cohesion

“Cohesion” is the motto of the 16th BRIDGE StartUp Lounge, which will take place for the first time in the Digital Hub Industry on December 7. BRIDGE is the central contact point for students and members of Bremen higher education institutions (HEIs) on the subject of business start-ups.

Autonomes Fahren

Autonomous Driving: Important Advances Thanks to Cognitive Neuroinformatics

As part of a project with automotive supplier Continental, the Cognitive Neuroinformatics working group has contributed important research findings to the development of advanced driver assistance systems. Artificial intelligence makes it easier to identify complex traffic situations.

Macht Sinn!: Exhibition Opening November 10 in the Wallsaal

On November 2022, it will finally be time: the University of Bremen Foundation will be presenting its exhibition “MACHT SINN! Stiften für die Wissenschaft” in the Wallsaal of the Bremen public library. It summarizes the campaign MACHT SINN!, with which the Foundation participated in the universisity

Stiftung Ehrung Preis

Dr. Hans Riegel Specialist Prizes for Excellent Student Research

On November 2, 2022, the University of Bremen and the Dr. Hans Riegel-Stiftung honored students from the region for their particularly good prescientific work. The Dr. Hans Riegel specialist prizes are endowed with a total of 6,800 euros.

New Professor of Digital Administration

Professor of Information Systems Niehaves assumes the endowed professorship “Digital Transformation of Public Services” at the University of Bremen, financed by the Bremen Finance Department and the IT service provider Dataport. It is located in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Die besten Verfahren der automatisierten Codeanalyse können verschiedene Abhängigkeiten innerhalb eines Programms erkennen und diese zwecks weiterer Untersuchungen in Graphen übersetzen.

Improved AI Methods to Detect Programming Errors

On behalf of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), researchers from the University of Bremen and employees of the Bremen-based company team neusta investigated the possibilities of using artificial intelligence in code analysis. The study is available free of charge from the BSI.


When the Robot Sets the Table

The Institute for Artificial Intelligence equipped a new research laboratory with a kitchen and furniture. The aim is to support people with physical disabilities by improving the suitability of robots for undertaking everyday activities. There is also a “digital twin” for international researchers

Model Region for Industrial Mathematics Is Being Created in and around Bremen

How much (industrial) mathematics is part of our everyday lives? What do we know about it and how can society and industry benefit? This is what the “#MOIN! – MOdellregion INdustriemathematik” innovation and transfer project is all about. The BMBF is funding it with approximately 6 million euros.

Campus City

CAMPUS CITY – Experience the University in the City

Das Team der Informatica Feminale der Universität Bremen (von links): Isabel Matthias, Veronika Oechtering und Henrike Illig.

25th Anniversary of the International Summer University Informatica Feminale

For 25 years, the international summer university Informatica Feminale at the University of Bremen has offered women a diverse range of science- and practice-oriented courses in computer science. It enables new impulses, creates networks, and demands gender justice.

Künstliche Intelligenz

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence to be held in Bremen in 2026

Bremen will be hosting the prestigious International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence in 2026. Thanks to the successful application made by the U Bremen Research Alliance and the Section for Artificial Intelligence at the German Informatics Society the conference will be held in Germany.

Universität Bremen

University Spin-Off Ubica Wins European Robotics Award

The start-up Ubica Robotics, founded as a spin-off of the University of Bremen, makes robotics and artificial intelligence retail friendly. Together with the university and dmTECH GmbH, it has now received the euRobotics Technology Transfer Award 2022.

Prof. Dr. Tanja Schlutz

Funding in the Millions for New AI Research Group

As part of its strategic funding initiative on artificial intelligence (AI), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [German Research Foundation – DFG] is establishing eight new research groups. One is coming to Bremen – “Lifespan AI: From Longitudinal Data to Lifespan Inference in Health”.

EASE Fall School 2022

EASE Fall School 2022

The EASE Fall School is the possibility to get into the exciting field of cognition-enabled everyday activity robotics. In order to gain an insight into Everyday Activity Science and Engineering, our Fall school gives doctoral students the chance to learn more about AI and robotics.

Studiieninteressierte Menschen

May 18 on Campus: Information Day for Prospective Students (isi)

Prospective students can learn everything they need to know about studying at the University of Bremen on Wednesday, May 18. After two years of pandemic, the Information Day for Prospective Students (isi) will once again take place on campus.

Lisa Hesselbarth und Thomas Höring mit ihrem Modell eines City Campus im FabLab Bremen.

Students Work on Possible City Campus

The possibility of a partial university relocation to the former Sparkasse Bank building is being discussed and the science authority has ordered a feasibility study. The matter is something that students have considered. The "3D Modeling with FabLab Technologies" class invites you to an exhibition.

Welche Studiengänge kann ich in Bremen an welcher Hochschule studieren? Die Teams der Studienberatungen beantworten wichtige Fragen.

Studying in Bremen and Bremerhaven

The universities in Bremen State will introduce themselves and provide information on their degree offers and application processes at a joint online event, which will take place twice. Namely on March 17 and on May 31, 2022, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Bild Prof. Dr. Horst Hahn

Horst Hahn accepts professorship at the University of Bremen

The director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Karl Hahn, has been appointed full professor of “Digital Medicine” at the University of Bremen, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, effective February 1, 2022.

Jacobs University gGmbH Teilnehmende bei einem der ersten meerMINT-Workshops „Hirn + Körper = Dreamteam“ im Dock Nord.

District Scavenger Hunt and Robot Programing

The University of Bremen is coordinating the regional “meerMINT” cluster, which is being financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The activities on offer span from district scavenger hunts to robot programing and jam sessions. Children between the ages of 10 and 16 can take part.

Mind Talks

Lectures Series

What makes our brain so flexible? What mechanisms allow us to so seemingly effortlessly process the vast amounts of sensory information that pours into us every second? How do you establish efficient and adaptive communication between man and machine?

Haben die Jury vom Berninghausenpreis überzeugt: Juliane Jarke, Irina Zakharova, Jan Harima, Nina Heinrichs (v.l.)

Berninghausen Prize: Four Teaching Staff Members Honored

Four teaching staff members from the University of Bremen have received the Berninghausen Prize for Excellence in Teaching. The prizes were awarded in the categories “Participative Teaching” and “Students’ Prize” and are each endowed with 2,000 euros.

Das Bild zeigt Studierende im Gebäude MZH, wo sich der Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik befindet. Die Physik ist im Gebäude NW1 auf dem Campus. Alle drei Fächer haben im CHE-Ranking gut abgeschnitten.

CHE Ranking: Good Grades for Master’s Degrees

Praise for the university in the current CHE Ranking: Master’s degrees in mathematics, computer science, and physics receive great marks. Additionally, students praised the university’s management for information management during the corona crisis.

Professor Dr. Frieder Nake

The longest-Serving Professor

Frieder Nake is not entirely sure if he really is the longest serving teaching staff member at the University of Bremen. Probably. After all, his 100th semester will begin in April. After nearly 50 years of teaching, the 82-year-old computer science professor has a few stories to tell.

Eröffnung Ebene 6

Opening celebration of level 6 in the MZH buliding

The construction noise during the pandemic already made people sit up and take notice that they were actively working on level 6. Now the renovation work has come to an end. Last Monday, November 1st, 2021, Faculty 3 inaugurated it as part of a small opening ceremony.


Call for Papers: Workshop on Test Methods and Reliability of Circuits and Systems" (TuZ 2022)

The 34th workshop on Test Methods and Reliability of Circuits and Systems is the most significant German forum to discuss trends, results and current problems in the area of test, diagnosis and reliability of digital, analog, mixed-signal and high-frequency circuits and systems.

Global Game Jam

Science Goes Public

The autumn series starts on October 14th. and ends on November 18th, 2021!


The Smart Fence for Keeping Out Wolves

A joint project of the universities of Bremen and Gießen and the RoFlexs company is researching and developing a pasture fence that uses AI to detect and deter wolves. The system is designed to better protect grazing livestock and promote coexistence among people, livestock, and wolves.


Dissertation award for Franziska Eberle

Dissertation award for Franziska Eberle (Scheduling and Packing Under Uncertainty, University of Bremen, supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nicole Megow)

Fachtag Mathematik

Mathematics Day

On Friday, September 10, 2021, the Mathematics Day will take place at the University of Bremen from 9:00 a.m.

Zukunfstag Mathematik

Future field of mathematics

Where mathematicians work and research - the technical progress that determines our daily life is inconceivable without mathematics. Even so, many people are unaware that math plays a role almost everywhere.

Erneuerbare Energien

Smart Energy for the Countryside

Renewable energies are some of the most important sources of electricity. The “SmartFarm2” project from the university and its partners helps in optimizing private energy consumption with renewable energies. Interested parties near to Osterholz and in the Allgäu region can take part in the project.


B-Human Wins RoboCup Once Again

They remain unbeatable: For the eighth time, B-Human – the team from the University of Bremen and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) – were able to win the world championship in robot football. The tournament took place digitally due to the pandemic.

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Prize for Doctoral Supervision Awarded

For the second time, the University of Bremen has honored outstanding PhD supervision. Two first prizes were awarded to the political scholar Heiko Pleines and the computer scientist Rolf Drechsler. The Alumni Network of the University of Bremen donated the prize money of 2,000 euros per person.


Government Supports Bremen as Scientific Location

The government and state initiative “Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education” is supporting two University of Bremen projects. By doing so, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is strengthening Bremen’s position as a scientific location in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).

Prof. Christian Freksa

Christian Freksa passed away.

On November 12th 2020 our colleague Christian Freksa passed away with the age of 70.

Bild von Rolf Drechsler

Courage to take risks: millions of euros in funding for innovative research

This funding provides an extremely large amount of freedom to work innovatively in the field of science: The German Research Foundation (DFG) has once again approved a Reinhart Koselleck project for Prof. Rolf Drechsler. The funding will amount to more than 1.5 million over a period of five years.

Ein 3D generiertes Bild mit einer Landfläche des Mars und einem Roboter-Affen

Virtual swarm of robots on Mars

Scientists at the University of Bremen have reconstructed 40 square kilometers of Mars landscape in virtual reality. The test environment enables the realistic simulation of robot missions and radio networks under the conditions on the planet.

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[Translate to English:] Bremen Big Data Challenge 2019: Studierende aus Bremen und umzu analysieren große Datenmengen, um Alltagsaktivitäten zu erkennen

Auch in diesem Jahr haben Studierende aus Bremen und umzu an der Bremen Big Data Challenge (BBDC) teilgenommen, die vom Cognitive Systems Lab (CSL) des Fachbereichs Mathematik und Informatik der Universität Bremen seit 2016 veranstaltet wird.

Dynamics: Topology and Numbers

A conference on "Dynamic Systems, Topology and Number Theory" was held at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics from July 2 - 6, 2018.

Summer School - Spectral Theory of Schrödinger Operators

From July 31 - August 3, 2018 a summer school on the topic "Spectral Theory of Schrödinger Operators" took place at the University of Jena.

Ein Bild von Emily King

Oberwolfach Mini-Workshop "Algebraic, Geometric, and Combinatorial Methods in Frame Theory"

The central aim of the mini-workshop was to tackle open problems which seem to be accessible to an interdisciplinary approach from certain areas of frame theory, real algebraic geometry, symplectic geometry and combinatorics.

Bremen computer scientist develops navigation system for wheelchair users

Dr. Benjamin Tannert from Prof. Johannes Schöning's HCI working group would like to make the journey from A to B even easier for wheelchair users.

Computer scientist at the University of Bremen proposes to identify and eliminate negative "side effects" of computer science

Every field of science faces serious questions at some point about the positive and negative effects of its further development.

Ein Bild von Peter Maaß vor einer Tafel

Honorary doctorate for Peter Maaß

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Saarland University awards Peter Maaß an honorary doctorate on June 29, 2018.

Exciting IT Workshops for Girls

The smile project offers insights into cutting-edge IT research for schoolgirls from the 5th grade to university entry. The BMBF-funded workshops of the University of Bremen have set themselves the goal of presenting the attractiveness and diversity of IT professions to schoolgirls.

Prof. Beetz

Robotics expert Michael Beetz awarded honorary doctorate in Sweden

Press Release of the University of Bremen/ 11.02.2019 Stefanie Möller Computer Science Professor Michael Beetz has received an honorary doctorate from the Swedish University of Örebro for his outstanding achievements in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics.

Eine Platine in Nahaufnahme

New DFG project to manufacture computer chips

Over the next three years, the DFG will provide around 300,000 euros in funding for a project that will make it possible to manufacture computer chips that can simultaneously store and process data. The research project is headed by Professor Rolf Drechsler of the Computer Architecture Working Group


23. Oct
FBR Sitzung 09
09:15 11:15
11.15. Nov
EASE Fall School 2024
All day
13. Nov
6. MINT-Tag
09:00 14:00
27. Nov
FBR Sitzung
09:15 11:15


We'd like to talk tickle: The Department of Computer Science and Mathematics is the largest department at the University of Bremen with around 380 employees. You know some employees, some you may never have seen. In the Tacheles series we introduce some employees and students of the department. Have fun watching!