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incredibly broad knowledge” and above all to the “high degree of authenticity and enthusiasm” he brings to the subject. His teaching is inspiring and he motivates students to participate in critical dialogue
findings, and the scientist’s versatility in a way that can only be mediated by music. The piece brings the person to life – Darwin‘s insatiable curiosity, his doubts, as well as his love of his family
one of its kind in Germany, combines research-based learning with dramaturgical work. The aim is to bring the files alive on the stage and in this way to expose a broad public to source-based research. More
have been working on the technically obsolete control system of a KUKA IR 163.15 industrial robot to bring it up to modern-day scratch – just in time to play its part in cheering on the German national soccer
by the practice of compiling a learning diary to accompany the research process. This inevitably brings students to reflect on what and how they are learning. Despite the large number of participants,
spend a semester abroad. The International Guest Lecturer Program of the International Office now brings international experience to the students: Guest lecturers from outside of Europe come to Bremen and
fellow students, Steffen Büffel (Cologne) and Marcel Kirchner (Ilmenau), he came up with the idea of bringing media experts together with students to discuss new and emerging trends in online learning. This
t at but are not tied to any particular times. They must also bring their own writing utensils, from pen and paper to laptop. Attendance is free of charge, though.
Asia and the Pacific (Manila), the symposium ‘Translating Sea-Level Change in Urban Life’ aims to bring together researchers from the social sciences, the humanities and area studies with practitioners
Section: Sites
one of the leading worldwide institutions extending the knowledge on operations management (OM) by bringing OM scholars together. This year’s EurOMA conference in Berlin from 01.07.2022-06.07.2022 is themed
Section: FB7