Chemie (Master of Education)


  • A person is holding a round glass flask.

    Fachbereich 02

    Chemie (Master of Education)

Title on graduation
Master of Education (M.Ed.)

Standard course length
4 Semester

Language of delivery

Application period (beginner)
winter semester: 01.05 - 15.07.

Open admission

Type of study
Education subject as M.Ed., chooseable for the school types

  • Secondary Schools
  • Vocational Schools

Study description

Chemistry is the natural science that deals with the properties of elements and compounds, with the transformations of one substance into another. It makes predictions about the properties of previously unknown compounds, provides methods for the synthesis of new compounds and measurement methods to decipher the chemical composition of unknown samples.

Given chemistry's close connection to the development of modern industrial societies, but also in view of potential burdens on the environment and quality of life, chemistry education is of considerable importance. Teaching should provide a basic understanding of chemical processes as they occur in industrial production, the environment or in everyday life.

In the course of study, students should acquire the subject-specific, subject-didactic and interdisciplinary prerequisites that enable them to teach at public schools in the chosen level focus.

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