Fachbereich 11
Sports (Bachelor)
Title on graduation
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Standard course length
6 Semester
Language of delivery
Application period (beginner)
winter semester: 01.05 - 15.07.
Restricted admission
Researcher Bachelor by choice as
- teacher education subject
Bachelor Education subject for
- Primary Schools
- Secondary Schools
Is the subject suitable for me?
Additional Information
Study details
- Primary Schools
- Secondary Schools
Students should note that combinations of subjects vary according to the school category(elementary/secondary).
- Compulsory subjects for Primary Schools: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers, German Studies
Minor subjects: English-Speaking Cultures/English, Art - Media - Aesthetic Education, Interdisciplinary Science Education, Music Education, Study of Religion/Religious Education, Sports - Compulsory subjects for Secondary Schools: Biology, Chemistry, German Studies, English-Speaking Cultures/English, Franco-Romance Studies, Art - Media - Aesthetic Education, Mathematics, Music Education, Physics, Study of Religion/Religious Education, Hispanic Studies, Slavic Studies / Russian
Minor subjects: Geography, History, Politics-Labor-Economy, Sports
- teacher education subject: restricted admission
General qualification for university entrance or specific higher education entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur, Einstufungsprüfung).
- StudienverlaufsplanS_Sport_BiPEb_klein [pdf] (116.0 KB)
- StudienverlaufsplanS_Sport_BiPEb_groß [pdf] (57.0 KB)
- Studienverlaufsplan_Sport_GyOs [pdf] (55.6 KB)
- of 19.03.2024: AT-BPO-01-22_Lesefassung_berichtigt_automVerz.pdf [pdf] (445.6 KB)
- of 24.04.2024: BPO-Sport-2F-04-24.pdf [pdf] (162.9 KB)
- of 10.04.2024: BPO-BiPEb-05-23_Anl-1-9-Sport-04-24.pdf [pdf] (206.5 KB)
- of 26.08.2024: BPO-BiPEb-04-24_Gesamtlesefassung-08-24.pdf [pdf] (770.6 KB)
- of 22.09.2011: PraO-BA-BiPEb&2FaecherBA mit Lehramt-9-11.pdf [pdf] (16.7 KB)
To acquire the qualification to teach at state schools, students must subsequently obtain a Master of Education postgraduate degree (M.Ed). This has to be followed by an 18-month period of practice teaching in school, which ends with the second state exam for teachers in Germany.
Supplementary/optional courses
The Certificate Program Foundation Studies in Digital Media for Education is an optional course for students studying education related subjects.