
Dr. Katharina Klug

Dr. Katharina Klug has been a researcher in the area of business psychology with a focus on social psychology within the Faculty of Business Studies & Economics at the University of Bremen since April 2021.

Mrs. Klug, what are you currently working on?

In my research, I investigate how the modern working world affects workers’ stress level, health, and quality of life. One of my main interests is economic uncertainty in employment relationships. Together with a team, I am currently working on a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which investigates the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of experiences of economic insecurity and mental health among those workers who lost their jobs or whose employment was reduced or disrupted.

A second research focus is the role of leadership for employee well-being. In a current study, I am investigating the question of what working conditions leaders themselves need in order to be able to create a healthy and motivating work environment for their employees.

I also teach classes on the introduction to psychology, work and occupational health psychology, social psychology, and research methods in the master’s degree program in Business Psychology.

Why did you decide on a career path as a (senior) researcher / lecturer?

The tenure track and being independent in my research and teaching were decisive for me. A tenure-track position offers attractive career prospects in academia, including a transparent target agreement. Being employed at the faculty level, I have a great deal of autonomy in my research and teaching. That being said, the specific position also had to suit my interests and expertise, of course.

Would you choose this career path again and if so, why?

Definitely. The researcher position enables me to pursue a long-term career in the academic mid-level sector. Thanks to excellent research conditions, the possibility of becoming a professor is still not ruled out.

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