
2013 Summer University for Female Engineers and Informatica Feminale 2013

This is the 5th time the University of Bremen has invited female students from all disciplines, including further education, to attend the Female Engineers’ Summer University. This time it takes place between 19th and 30th of August 2013.

Three Weeks of Summer Studies in Bremen

Between 19th August and 6th September some 250 female students and experts are expected to arrive from all over Germany and abroad to attend the 2-week block of seminars. In a total of 60 courses they will participate on subjects covering the entire spectrum of the engineering and computer sciences – including introductions, foundation courses, and specialist topics. Career workshops round off the program. The broad spectrum of topics covered by the courses includes robotics and technical networks, software systems, product development and quality management, agile software development, stock flows and materials, micro-electronics, project management, academic writing, as well as self-marketing and negotiating skills. The program encompasses lecture courses lasting one or more days, and workshops and seminars run by female experts from academia and the practice – some of the items on the agenda will be delivered in English. Participants will be able to gain certificates of attendance and credit points. Many of the courses on offer enjoy Bildungsurlaub status [paid educational leave] to enable as many women as possible to attend.

Excursions, networking events and JobForum

In addition to the specialist topics, participants can choose from a number of excursions to institutes embedded in the University of Bremen’s Faculties of Production Engineering, Physics / Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science. On 22nd August there will also be an excursion to the Astrium Works in Bremen as well as a number of networking events. A JobForum will be held on 28th August 2013. This event is attended by firms and institutions active in the fields of engineering and computer Sciences, and augmented by a comprehensive program of talks and lectures. The firms represented will be seeking sustainable contacts with talented students with a view to future recruitment.


The University of Bremen has been hosting Informatica Feminale for 16 years now. The 2-week Engineers’ Summer University organized by the Competence Center for Women in Science and Engineering is held every August and has since become a landmark annual event. It is a joint effort involving all the University’s engineering and science faculties. The Bremen concept has been successfully transferred to other universities in Germany and abroad. It received the accolade “innovative best practice project in the area of engineering degree courses”.

If you would like to have more information, please contact:
Universität Bremen
Maya Schulte
Kompetenzzentrum Frauen in Naturwissenschaft und Technik
der Universität Bremen
Phone: +49 421/218-64471
email: m.schulteprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Zwei Frauen arbeiten an einer Platine.
Studentinnen und Fachfrauen nutzen die Sommeruni zum fachlichen Einblick und Austausch aber auch zur Vernetzung unter Technikerinnen.