
Beating the Drum for Equal Opportunity!

The Verein Arbeit und Zukunft has presented the University of Bremen with the Trommel 2013” [Trommel = drum] for its model project entitled “InWi – Inclusion in academia”. The project is the only one of its kind nationwide, and it currently enables a total of twelve severely physically challenged young researchers to undertake doctoral studies at the University of Bremen, an important contribution towards helping them lead independent and self-reliant lives. The positions are funded to the tune of 70 percent by the Federal Ministry of Labor and the Agency for Integration.

About the award:

The Bremen Verein Arbeit und Zukunft awards its “Work & Future Drum” to enterprises, institutions or persons in Bremen and the surrounding region who make outstanding contributions to improving the situation of long-term unemployed persons and sustainably enhancing their chances of taking part in normal social life. Beside the University of Bremen, the disabled persons’ representative of the Mercedes Benz works in Bremen, Alfons Adam, also received the accolade. The message is that we should beat the drum for more equal opportunity. Acting in cooperation with the Bremen Employment Bureau, the Agency for Welfare and Integration, the Bremen Jobcenter, AlsoNord and the Senator for Economy, Labor, and the Ports, so far the Verein has awarded the drum 11 times this year.

Prominent cooperation partners and sponsors of the “InWi” University project

Integrationsamt beim Versorgungsamt Bremen; the Senator for Economy, Employment, and the Ports; Landesbehindertenbeauftragter des Landes Bremen; Arbeitgeberservice für schwerbehinderte Akademiker (ZAV – Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung Bonn).

For further information, please contact:
Universität BremenOffice of the Rector
TinaHoffmann (Assistant to the Director of Finances and Administration)
Phone: +49 421-218-60102
email: t.hoffmannprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Zwei Frauen und drei Männer blicken in die Kamera und halten eine Trommel.
Freuen sich über die Auszeichnung (v.l.): Professor Jochen Zimmermann (Dekan, Fachbereich 7), Tina Hoffmann (Projektverantwortliche), Henry Spradau (Leiter des Versorgungsamtes Bremens und Laudator), Antje Löwa (schwerbehinderte Nachwuchswissenschaftler