
Great Honor: Duke University Makes Computer Scientist a “Term Member”

There is an established tradition of cooperation between the Group of Computer Architecture at the University of Bremen and the renowned Duke University in North Carolina (USA). Under the leadership of Prof. RolfDrechsler, the group works with Duke on the development of new techniques for testing computer chips. Duke, a private university, ranks among the world’s most excellent academic institutions. Just recently, the “Harvard of the South” honored Prof. Drechsler by making him a “Term Member” of its Graduate School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The elite private university reserves this title – roughly equivalent to außerordentliche Professor in the German university system – exclusively for top scientists of high international repute. The objective behind the appointment is the development of a joint research project designed to further strengthen cooperation between the two universities. This will involve the computer scientist frequently travelling to Duke between now and September. As a Term Member he is also empowered to act as an examiner.

Prof. Drechler’s résumée:

Prof. RolfDrechsler is not only the leader of the Group of Computer Architecture in the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science at the University of Bremen. He has also held the position of Vice Rector for Research and Young Researchers since April 2008. Since November 2011 he has been head of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Bremen, as well as the research area “Cyber-Physical Systems” (CPS). RolfDrechsler studied Mathematics and Computer Science at the Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main. He was awarded his doctorate in 1995, followed four years later by a post-doctoral dissertation. His academic career has seen him clad positions at the universities of Saarbrücken, Frankfurt and Freiburg. In 2000 RolfDrechsler took up a position with Siemens AG in the Department of Corporate Technology at Fachzentrum Entwicklungsautomatisierung in Munich. In 2001 he was appointed to the professorship “Computer Architecture” in the Faculty of Mathematics / Computer Science at the University of Bremen.

For information on Duke University and its Graduate School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. go to  and  .

For more details, please contact:
Universität Bremen
Fachbereich Mathematik / Informatik
Arbeitsgruppe Rechnerarchitektur
Prof. Dr. RolfDrechsler
Phone: 0421 218-63932
e-mail: drechslerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 

Prof. Dr. Rolf Drechsler