
How to Tackle those Frightening Written Assignments

The communal fridge has been filled, the flat cleaned from top to bottom, even the window panes have been given an unaccustomed sparkle: all well-known student strategies to keep away from the desktop and avoid starting work on that long overdue written assignment. The result is always the same, though: blank pages and a feeling of depression – and the unfinished written assignment. But if you really want to, you can get on top of “procastinitis” and do away with that guilty conscience. Under the motto “Burning the midnight oil!” the University of Bremen’s study workshop [Studierwerkstatt] issues a standing invitation to students to attend a “long night of unwritten assignments”. The session starts on Friday 14th January 2011, at 8.00p.m. in the Studierhaus located on the campus Boulevard and lasts until the early hours of Saturday morning.

Instead of sitting alone in front of the computer, GabiMeihswinkel and Sylvia Schubert-Henning from the Studierwerkstatt will accompany students through the night, assisting with exchanges of ideas and tips on how to acquire writing skills. “The offer is open to all students of the University of Bremen who are prepared to try out new writing techniques, unusual working hours, and together with other students to work on old or new writing projects.” The two writing trainers will be standing by with help and advice throughout the night.

Interested students can call in any time they like and stay for as long as they are up to. They do have to register with the Studierwerkstatt at but are not tied to any particular times. They must also bring their own writing utensils, from pen and paper to laptop. Attendance is free of charge, though.