
Series of Public Lectures „Die Uni (in) der Stadt“ Gets Underway

This year the University of Bremen celebrates its 40th anniversary. Over the past forty years it has never shied away from addressing the burning issues of our times – not in ivory-tower seclusion, but in discourse with the public and public institutions. It is in this tradition that the University is now holding a series of public lectures under the motto „Die Uni (in) der Stadt“ [The University (in) The Town]. All interested persons are welcome to attend the lectures, which are being organized in cooperation with some of the city’s most prominent institutions. The first lecture in the series is dedicated to the topic of employment conditions. It will take place on Tuesday 15th March 2011, 6.00 to 7.30 pm in the rooms of the Arbeitnehmerkammer [Chamber of Employees], Bürgerstr. 1). The question at issue this time will be: “Are we surrounded by precariousness?”

Ingo Schierenbeck, Managing Director of the Chamber of Employees, and Professor Wilfried Müller, President of the University of Bremen, will speak the opening words. This will be followed by short talks held by IreneDingeldey from Institut Arbeit und Wirtschaft on the topic “Arbeitslosengeld II: Bezug und Prekarität mit und ohne Beschäftigung” [Unemployment Assistance II: Entitlement and precariousness with and witjhout employment], Simone Scherger from the Zentrum für Sozialpolitik on “Bezahlte Erwerbstätigkeit im Ruhestand – Ursachen und Bedingungen” [Gainful employment in retirement – causes and conditions] and Marion Salot from the Chamber of Employees on “Arbeitsplatz Hochschule – privilegiert oder prekär?” [Workplace university – privileged or precarious?]. The ensuing discussion will be chaired by Elke Heyduck, who leads the section for policy advice at the Chamber of Employees. The event will be conducted in German.

You can find more details of the talks that will be held (in German) under the press release section on the University homepage.

The next event after this will be on 30th March 2011, held in cooperation with the BUND in Haus der Wissenschaft. The topic: “Geht uns der Saft aus? Knappe Ressourcen und der Umbau des Energiesystems” [Are we running out of juice? Scarce resources and transformation of the energy system].

Irene Dingeldey vom Institut Arbeit und Wirtschaft hält einen der drei Vorträge bei der ersten Veranstaltung der Reihe „Die Uni (in) der Stadt“.