
University of Bremen Sets up Own Foundation

Boasting around 300 foundations of one sort or another, Bremen could be called a foundation city. Now the University of Bremen has set up its very own foundation, with assets totaling 1 million euros. The purpose of the new foundation is to provide stimuli for the University’s future development: Over the long term the foundation will contribute to exploring ground-breaking fields of research, probing new teaching concepts, promoting young researchers, and supporting the dissemination of research findings to the general public.
The Stiftung der Universität Bremen [University of Bremen Foundation] stems from the foundation set up by unifreunde e.V. [Friends of the University]. Numerous private persons, other foundations, clubs, associations and corporations agreed to make endowments to raise the foundation‘s capital stock. Then the Kellner & Stoll-Stiftung for climate and environment became the University of Bremen’s first sheltered foundation.

“We are naturally very pleased that the University now has its own foundation”, says Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Rector of the University of Bremen and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the new foundation. “We are also extremely grateful to the many people and institutions that made this exciting move possible. May the foundation flourish and grow, opening up new scope for research and learning at our University.”

A stela bearing the names of the foundation’s donors has been erected in the forecourt to the administration. This should not deter anyone who wants to from making their own long-term and sustainable contribution towards fostering science in Bremen by either contributing to the foundation’s capital stock or setting up a sheltered foundation. Year by year, the names of new donors will be added to the stela.

The founding donators and other sponsors

Dr. Gerhard Bohrmann, Conrad-Naber-Stiftung, Prof. Rolf Drechsler, Dr. Julius Drumm, Dr. Iselin und Dr. Dieter von Ehrenstein, Ursula und Manfred Fluß, Gabriele Zollner-Freksa und Christian Freksa, PhD., Dr. Jürgen Friedrich, Barbara Grobien, Detlef Hanke, Sabine Mohaupt-Hickel und Dr. Rudolf Hickel, Dana und Dr. Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Monika Höhn, Dr. Manfred Hüttner, Wolfgang Köhler-Naumann, Dr. Wolfgang Kliemann, Monika und Gerd-Rüdiger Kück, Helmut Kückens, Heide und Willi Lemke, Dr. Karin Lochte, Dr. Martin G. Möhrle, Prof. Wilfried Müller, Conrad Naber, Dr. Ilka Peeken und Dr. Michael Schulz, Die Sparkasse BremenAG, Prof. Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Dr. Norbert Schulz,
Michaela und Dr. Heiko Staroßom, Horst Temmen, Tönjes-Vagt-Stiftung, Dr. Katerina Vatsella und Jan R. Schulze-Smidt, Dr. Gisela Wefer-Bierhaus und Dr. Gerold Wefer, Wolfgang-Ritter-Stiftung, Dr. Friedrich Widdel, Dr. Dieter Wolf-Gladrow, Dr. Jochen Zimmermann und Ian M. Ferguson, GmbH, Edgar Mersmann, Dr. Herbert Müffelmann.

For more information, please contact:
Universität Bremen
Transfer & Externe Partner
Dr.Christina Jung
Phone: +49 421 218-60336
email: christina.jungprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Derk Schöfeld
Phone: +49 421 218-60333
email: derk.schoenfeldprotect me ?!vw.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Drei Männer und eine Frau enthüllen eine Stele.
Schwungvolle Enthüllung: v.l.n.r Prof. Bengt Beutler (Vorsitzender unifreunde e.V.), Prof. Bernd Scholz-Reiter (Rektor und Kuratoriumsvorsitzender), Dr. Volker Meyer-Guckel (stellvertretender Generalsekretär des Stifterverbandes für die Deutsche Wissen