
University of Bremen Starts Part-time Master of Inclusive Education

26 secondary school [Oberschule] teachers in Bremen have just taken up studies on the completely new part-time Master’s program. Graduates from the two-year program will be awarded the title “Master of Education Inklusive Pädagogik”, an additional degree in special education to augment their first teaching qualification. The program is led by Prof. Simone Seitz (Department of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences) and her team in cooperation with Akademie für Weiterbildung [academy of further education]. The concept is attracting attention from all over Germany. It has since been approved by the Bremen Senator for Education and Research and will be financed by the State of Bremen.

The Stage 1 secondary school teachers are already actively teaching inclusive groups, where pupils with quite different learning backgrounds are taught together in one class. Their task is to coordinate the learning content, making it accessible to everyone in the group. They will be taught the necessary theoretical and practical skills at the University of Bremen. While studying for this additional qualification their teaching load will be reduced by ten hours a week. “The idea is not to seek and correct the mistakes pupils may make, but rather to explore their individual potentials”, explains Prof. Seitz. The University also stands to benefit from the program as the teachers bring in their practical school experience. This close interrelation and mutual exchange between school and the University was a point often stressed during the opening event.

For further information:
Universität Bremen
Fachbereich Erziehungs-und Bildungswissenschaften
Arbeitsgebiet Inklusive Pädagogik
Prof.Dr. Simone Seitz
Office: +49 421 218-6 90 31
email: simone.seitzprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de 

Akademie für Weiterbildung
Phone: +49 421 218-6 16 00
email: boxlerprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

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