
University of Bremen Winner of “MINTernational” Competition

The University of Bremen and the Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences are the winners of a competition organized by the Stifterverband [Donors' association for the promotion of science and the humanities in Germany)] and the Daimler und Benz-Stiftung with the title “MINTernational”. Each institution receives prize money in an amount of 250,000 euros.

Under the auspices of the International Office, the University of Bremen’s proposal for internationalization of the so-called MINT subjects convinced the jury. The University of Bremen was represented by the Rector, Professor Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Dr.AnnetteLang, leader of the International Office, Dr.Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer, internationalization appointee of the Faculty of Physics / Electrical Engineering, and Antoine Olivier Nguelefack, a student of neurosciences from Cameroon.

Over the next two years the money will be used to promote internationalization projects in the University of Bremen’s science and engineering faculties. The concept underlying the winning proposal is to learn from others who have already been successful: this refers to the fact that internationalization efforts have already been successful in other subjects. The idea: Over the next two years to transfer these good examples in an attempt to achieve comparably high quality standards of internationalization in all areas. The measures that will be supported include for example the introduction of additional dual degree programs, the organization of summer schools, and an increase of students from MINT subjects in existing offers such as the Certificate of Intercultural Competence. Apart from funding positions, some of the prize money will be used for organizing workshops with partner universities.

Beside the convincing concept underlying the winning proposal, it is thought that the presence of all of the University’s status groups for the presentation played an important role in winning the competition. Of all the competing universities, Bremen was the only one to include a member of the actual target group in its presentation team: Namely, a student representative. As the Rector of the University of Bremen, Prof. Bernd Scholz-Reiter commented: “Here, once again, we were able to demonstrate that the University of Bremen not only talks of flat hierarchies – but we also practice what we preach”.

If you would like to have more information on this topic, please contact:
University of Bremen
International Office
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Pressemitteilung des Stifterverbandes

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