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Digitization and Artificial Intelligence: Discussion on the Opportunities and Risks

What economic opportunities lie within the development and application of artificial intelligence? This question is at the heart of the event “Digitization and Artificial Intelligence: The Agenda for Bremen,” hosted by the University of Bremen and the Hans Böckler Foundation.

AI programs that write texts are now accessible to everyone. Digitization is part of everyday life for many people’s working and living environments. This raises a lot of questions that will be discussed at the event at the University of Bremen.

Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte, Mayor and President of the Senate of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, and political economist Dr. Verena Bader from Vienna University of Economics and Business will be presenting ideas on the topic of “Opportunities and Risks in the Use of Artificial Intelligence for Companies, Employees, and the Region.”

Short welcoming speeches will be given by Dr. Claudia Bogedan, Managing Director of the Hans Böckler Foundation, and Professor Michal Kucera, Vice President for Research and Transfer at the University of Bremen. The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion with Dr. Verena Bader, Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte, Dr. Ernesto Harder, Managing Director of DGB Region Bremen Elbe Weser, and Marcel Christmann, Managing Director of Unternehmensverbände im Land Bremen e. V.

You will then have the opportunity to take a tour of the Digital Hub Industry. Interested parties can register by March 17 at

The event also marks the start of the new series “Shaping Transformation: Concretely,” with which the Hans Böckler Foundation will shed light on issues of transformation together with regional cooperation partners. Since 2022, the foundation has offered a “Hub: Shaping Transformation,” which links their research and guidance, and addresses the issue of societal participation in shaping transformation in a practice-based and regional manner.

Representatives of the media are welcome to attend and report on the event.

Further Information:

Register online at:

Date: March 24 from 12 noon to 4 p.m.
Location: Digital hub industry
Konrad-Zuse-Strasse 6 A
28359 Bremen
and live streamed at www.Bö (in German)



Professor Michal Kucera
Vice President for Research and Transfer
University of Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218-60021
Email: kon1protect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Christian Hoßbach
Head of the “Hub: Shaping Transformation”
Hans Böckler Foundation
Phone: +49 211 7778-637
Email: hub-transformationprotect me ?!boecklerprotect me ?!.de

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