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easily adapt to the hot spring environment. Several times I found the same big old grouper hovering 2 meters above a vent taking a hot bath. We eventually followed his lead because even 30 degrees C water becomes
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hat 1,22 Milliarden Euro gekostet. „Die Tunnel-Anlage ist 3,4 Kilometer lang und liegt bis zu 38 Meter tief“, erklärt Vogt. Beiden Anlagen ist gemein, dass sie die hellsten Röntgenblitze der Welt erzeugen
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on the floor and blows upwards, and a large balloon floats stably above the fan at a height of one meter without being blown off to the side. The experiment can also be carried out with a normal household
W, Roberts S, Yeats CJ, Scott, SD (2004): Fluid inclusion insights from anhydrite veins up to 350 meters below the seafloor at the deep-sea PACMANUS hydrothermal field. Manus Basin back-arc rift, Papua