Course Catalog

Study Program WiSe 2018/2019

Englisch Fachwissenschaften/Fachdidaktik, M.Ed


Allgemeine Hinweise: Zeit- und Raumaenderungen stehen im Internet.

ECTS-Punkte fuer Gast- und Austauschstudierende: Gast- und Austauschstudierende erhalten in BA-Lehrveranstaltungen grundsaetzlich 3 - 6 ECTS-Punkte je nach Leistungsaufwand und in Abstimmung mit den Lehrenden.
ECTS-Punkte in der Sprachpraxis: Fuer zweistuendige sprachpraktische Lehrveranstaltungen sind 3 ECTS-Punkte vorgesehen. Hoehere Punktwerte koennen vergeben werden, wenn Lehrveranstaltungen mehr als 2 SWS umfassen oder die Studierenden besondere Auflagen erfuellen.
ECTS-Punkte im Bachelor-Studiengang: Hier werden grundsaetzlich keine ECTS-Punkte fuer Einzelveranstaltungen vergeben, sondern ausschliesslich fuer komplette Module.

Das Veranstaltungsprogramm mit Veranstaltungsinhalten, Kommentaren, Zeiten und Raeumen finden Sie unter:
Die Modulbeschreibungen/Studienplaene finden Sie unter:

Im Wintersemester wird grundsaetzlich der Veranstaltungspool "Handlungskompetenzen" (Fachdidaktik IV: Transfermodul 1), im Sommersemester der Veranstaltungspool "Bewertungs- und Reflexionskompetenzen" (Fachdidaktik V: Transfermodul 2) angeboten.

Die fachwissenschaftlichen Anteile, die im M.Ed. ggf. nachzustudieren sind, sind im Bachelor-Studiengang ESC verzeichnet. Angaben zu den Veranstaltungen des Abschlussmoduls (auch fuer FBW-Studierende) finden sich unter der Rubrik 5. Studienjahr.
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-M80-1-OrMo-07Handlungskompetenzen (in English)
Introduction to Language Testing and Assessment

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Thu. 18.10.18 12:00 - 16:00
Thu. 15.11.18 12:00 - 16:00 GW2, A4290
Thu. 29.11.18 12:00 - 16:00 GW2, A4290
Thu. 06.12.18 12:00 - 16:00 GW2, A4290
Thu. 10.01.19 12:00 - 16:00 GW2, A4290
Thu. 24.01.19 12:00 - 16:00 GW2, A4290

Assessment and evaluation take on an important role in foreign language learning and teaching, since they allow insights into learner development and achievement. It is not only the learners who get feedback and thus can plan their next steps. The teachers, as well, benefit from assessment and evaluation by gaining insights into the effectiveness of their teaching.
In the seminar, we will discuss basic concepts and notions in the field of language assessment and reflect on the complex interactions between learning, teaching and assessment. Against the backdrop of this theoretical basis, we will critically analyse assessment instruments applied in foreign language classrooms and finally develop instruments for diagnostic and assessment practice ourselves.


regular attendance and active participation
careful reading and preparation of assigned readings and tasks
short in-class presentation
term paper

Please note that prior enrollment via Stud.IP is mandatory.

Anika Müller-Karabil
10-M80-1-OrMo-08Introduction to Language Testing and Assessment (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Thu. 18.10.18 12:00 - 16:00 GW2 B3009
Thu. 15.11.18 12:00 - 16:00 GW2 A4290
Thu. 22.11.18 12:00 - 16:00 GW2 A4290
Thu. 06.12.18 12:00 - 16:00 GW2 A4290
Thu. 10.01.19 12:00 - 16:00 GW2 A4290
Thu. 24.01.19 12:00 - 16:00 GW2 A4290

Assessment and evaluation take on an important role in foreign language learning and teaching, since they allow insights into learner development and achievement. It is not only the learners who get feedback and thus can plan their next steps. The teachers, as well, benefit from assessment and evaluation by gaining insights into the effectiveness of their teaching.
In the seminar, we will discuss basic concepts and notions in the field of language assessment and reflect on the complex interactions between learning, teaching and assessment. Against the backdrop of this theoretical basis, we will critically analyse assessment instruments applied in foreign language classrooms and finally develop instruments for diagnostic and assessment practice ourselves.


regular attendance and active participation
careful reading and preparation of assigned readings and tasks
short in-class presentation
term paper

Please note that prior enrollment via Stud.IP is mandatory.

Anika Müller-Karabil


FD-3 Transfermodul Fachdidaktik, Gy u. BiPEB (MPO 2014) Wintersemester

MPO 2014

Modulbeauftragte/r: Dr. Tim Giesler

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen (Prüfungsplan WiSe 15/16) finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-1-FD3-01Handlungskompetenzen (in English)
Teaching Varieties of English

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 14:15 - 15:45

This seminar is reserved for M.Ed. students in their 1st semester. It is offered in combination with a seminar in Key Topics in Linguistics, "10-E76-3-LING-01 Language History for Teachers of English: Varieties of English in the foreign language classroom (Mo 14:15 - 15:45) taught by Prof. Dr. Marcus Callies. Students are strongly requested to register for both seminars. The two seminars build upon each other and should thus be taken together.

This seminar is the practical application of the knowledge gained in the linguistics seminar “Language History for Teachers of English: Varieties of English in the foreign language Classroom”. Here we will discuss ways of incorporating different varieties of English into our teaching and evaluate existing teaching and learning materials. Students will also create a unit focused on varieties, which they will then be able to "try out" at one of our partner schools in Bremen.

Heather Haase
10-M80-1-OrMo-07Handlungskompetenzen (in English)
Introduction to Language Testing and Assessment

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Thu. 18.10.18 12:00 - 16:00
Thu. 15.11.18 12:00 - 16:00 GW2, A4290
Thu. 29.11.18 12:00 - 16:00 GW2, A4290
Thu. 06.12.18 12:00 - 16:00 GW2, A4290
Thu. 10.01.19 12:00 - 16:00 GW2, A4290
Thu. 24.01.19 12:00 - 16:00 GW2, A4290

Assessment and evaluation take on an important role in foreign language learning and teaching, since they allow insights into learner development and achievement. It is not only the learners who get feedback and thus can plan their next steps. The teachers, as well, benefit from assessment and evaluation by gaining insights into the effectiveness of their teaching.
In the seminar, we will discuss basic concepts and notions in the field of language assessment and reflect on the complex interactions between learning, teaching and assessment. Against the backdrop of this theoretical basis, we will critically analyse assessment instruments applied in foreign language classrooms and finally develop instruments for diagnostic and assessment practice ourselves.


regular attendance and active participation
careful reading and preparation of assigned readings and tasks
short in-class presentation
term paper

Please note that prior enrollment via Stud.IP is mandatory.

Anika Müller-Karabil
10-M80-1-OrMo-08Introduction to Language Testing and Assessment (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Thu. 18.10.18 12:00 - 16:00 GW2 B3009
Thu. 15.11.18 12:00 - 16:00 GW2 A4290
Thu. 22.11.18 12:00 - 16:00 GW2 A4290
Thu. 06.12.18 12:00 - 16:00 GW2 A4290
Thu. 10.01.19 12:00 - 16:00 GW2 A4290
Thu. 24.01.19 12:00 - 16:00 GW2 A4290

Assessment and evaluation take on an important role in foreign language learning and teaching, since they allow insights into learner development and achievement. It is not only the learners who get feedback and thus can plan their next steps. The teachers, as well, benefit from assessment and evaluation by gaining insights into the effectiveness of their teaching.
In the seminar, we will discuss basic concepts and notions in the field of language assessment and reflect on the complex interactions between learning, teaching and assessment. Against the backdrop of this theoretical basis, we will critically analyse assessment instruments applied in foreign language classrooms and finally develop instruments for diagnostic and assessment practice ourselves.


regular attendance and active participation
careful reading and preparation of assigned readings and tasks
short in-class presentation
term paper

Please note that prior enrollment via Stud.IP is mandatory.

Anika Müller-Karabil


Kulturelle Kategorien in den englischsprachigen Kulturen

Modulbeauftragte: Dr. Anke Schulz

Literaturwissenschaft 3CP; Sprachwissenschaft 3CP; Methodenseminar Literaturwissenschaft oder Cultural Studies oder Sprachwissenschaft 7CP (Hausarbeit)
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-76-3-D1-01Key Topics in Linguistics: Systemic Functional Grammar (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:15 - 11:45 GW2 A4020 (2 Teaching hours per week)

In this class you will learn a method for the grammatical analysis of texts which is based on Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG, Halliday 2004). This method can help us to recognize linguistic patterns that serve a range of purposes in communication. To begin, we practice to identify clause type, clause constituents and word classes. We will then look at the structure of clauses (theme and rheme), at modality, and at the agents and patients involved in the processes, e.g. action, relational or mental processes. For your assignments, you will use computer-assisted manual annotation to investigate a text (written or spoken) of your own choice.
A sound knowledge of clause constituents and their functions can be very useful for writing texts, for teaching, and for a general awareness of how writers or speakers can manipulate their audience.
Homework assignments (reading 10-30 pages each week; possibly some exercises).
Regular and active participation in all class work.

BA ESC D1a: An analysis of a text using the UAM corpus tool plus three pages written report (Portfolio, 3 CP, ungraded)
BA ESC D1c: A term paper describing your own grammatical analysis of a text of your choice with the UAM corpus tool (3 CP, graded)
Erasmus: 3 CP see BA ESC D1a, plus 2 CP for additional exam if required

Recommended Literature (you don’t have to buy any of these):
Coffin, Caroline & Jim Donohue & Sarah North. 2009. Exploring English Grammar: From Formal to Functional. London: Routledge.
Halliday M.A.K. 1985/1994/2004. An Introduction to Functional Grammar. London: Arnold.
Thompson, Geoff. 2004. Introducing Functional Grammar. 2nd ed. London: Arnold.
Young, Lynne & Fitzgerald, Brigid. 2006. The Power of Language: How discourse influences society. London: Equinox.

Dr. Anke Schulz


SP-3 Sprachpraxis / Practical Language Module for Secondary School (MPO 2014)

Modulbeauftragter: Dr. Vanessa Herrmann

1 Übung, 3 CP

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-3-SP3-02Grammar for Teachers (in English)

Exercises (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 16:15 - 17:45 GW1 A1070 GW1 B2130
Dr. Vanessa Herrmann

LIT Literaturwissenschaft (MPO 2014)

Modulbeauftragter: Prof. Dr. Norbert Schaffeld

1 Seminar "Literatures in English", 3 CP

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-3-LIT-01Literatures in English: Graphic Novels and Literary Fiction (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 B1405 NUR Mo. + Di.

This seminar is reserved for M.Ed. students in their 1st semester. It is offered in combination with a seminar in FD-3 Transfermodul Fachdidaktik, Gy u. BIPEB, 10-E76-1-FD3-02 Handlungskompetenzen - Teaching Graphic Novels (Tue 16:15 - 17:45 GW2 B2890) taught by Dr. Tim Giesler. Students are strongly advised to register for both seminars. The two seminars build upon each other and should thus be taken together.

This course aims to engage students enrolled in the Master of Education programme with the highly popular and thematically complex world of contemporary Anglophone graphic narratives. Following a brief introduction to the history of graphic novels, we will explore medium-specific aspects of storytelling in the graphic novel and identify selected critical approaches to the three novels selected for class. We will read and analyse the following three works: Anne of Green Gables: a graphic novel (2017), an adaption of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s renowned children’s novel first published in 1908; The Outside Circle: a graphic novel (2015) by Patti LaBoucane-Benson and Kelly Mellings focussing on the violent legacy of Canadian Colonialism from an indigenous perspective, and William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, first written as a dramatic text for the stage and now adapted to the world of visual/verbal-pictorial storytelling. Students will need all three novels in our weekly course sessions.

All primary texts and additional secondary sources can be accessed in the "Semesterapparat", a reference only section on the third floor of the library building and in the weekly document folders on Stud.IP (secondary sources only).

Please note that prior enrolment via Stud.IP is mandatory. Deadline: 15 September 2018.

regular attendance, informed participation in class discussion,
in-depth knowledge of the selected reading material,
presentation of research paper or group project,
research-based term paper.

Required reading materials (you need a copy of these publications for class):
LaBoucane-Benson, Patti. The Outside Circle - A Graphic Novel. (Italics) Art by Kelly Mellings, House of Anansi Press Inc., 2015. (ISBN 9781770899377)
Marsden, Mariah. Anne of Green Gables: A Graphic Novel. (Italics) Illustrated by Brenna Thummler. Adapted from L.M. Montgomery's classic story, Andrews McPeel Publishing, 2017. (ISBN 9781449479602)
Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. (Italics) Illustrated by Ken Hoshine, Ernst Klett Sprachen, 2008/2018. (ISBN 9783125782150)
Copies can be purchased at the bookstore on our campus (Universitätsbuchhandlung Bremen:

Dr. Jana Nittel
10-M80-1-OrMo-01Maths on Stage and Screen (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 14:15 - 15:45 SFG 1030

In the course of this seminar, we shall discuss two maths plays and two maths films in terms of their contributions to what is today known as scientific literacy. While Tom Stoppard's outstanding play Arcadia (1993) attempts to maintain a dramatic focus on its thirteen-year-old heroine and maths prodigy, Thomasina, the other play under scrutiny, David Auburn's Proof (2000), presents Catherine, a largely self-taught mathematician, against the backdrop of human attractions, relationships, and conflicts.
In addition to an in-depth analysis of the two plays, we shall discuss the generic make-up of a so-called maths play and compare it to two films. One will be John Madden's adaptation of Proof (2005), starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Anthony Hopkins, and Jake Gyllenhaal. The other example is Matthew Brown's biopic The Man Who Knew Infinity (2015) highlighting the special professional relationship between the Indian mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan (Dev Patel), and a prominent Cambridge professor, G. H. Hardy (Jeremy Irons).

• regular attendance and active participation
• in-depth knowledge of the reading material
• oral presentation (handout) or
• research in progress and final paper

Please note that prior enrolment via Stud.IP is mandatory. The number of participants is limited to 15 students.

Auburn, David. Proof. London: Faber & Faber, 2001.
Stoppard, Tom. Arcadia. London: Faber & Faber, 1993.

Prof. Dr. Norbert Schaffeld
10-M80-1-OrMo-05Literatures: Narrating the Black Diaspora I (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 14:15 - 15:45 IW3 0200

This class will work through a series of texts from different spatial contexts to address very different aesthetic, political and representational modes and issues of recent Black Diaspora literature.
Required readings will be:
Christina Sharpe, In the Wake,. Duke UP 2016
John Eichler, Verbotenes Land. Ein schwarzer deutscher Roman, Edition 1.70, 2018
Igiaba Scego, Adua (engl. translation) New Vessel Press 2015
Fatou Diome, The Belly of the Atlantic (engl. translation) , Serpent's Tail 2008.
Please check back with Stud-IP regularly for additional secondary material.
Please activate RSS feed for STUD IP announcements, thank you!

Prof. Dr. Sabine Bröck

LING Sprachwissenschaft (MPO 2014)

Modulbeauftragter: Prof. Dr. Marcus Callies

1 Seminar "Key Topics in Linguistics for Teachers of English", 3 CP

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-3-LING-01Key Topics in Linguistics / Language History for Teachers of English: Varieties of English in the foreign language classroom (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 A3390 (CIP-Labor FB 10) CART Rotunde - 0.67


* This seminar is reserved for M.Ed. students in their 1st semester. It is offered in combination with a seminar in FD-3 Transfermodul Fachdidaktik "Handlungskompetenzen (Spotlights-Projekt)" taught by Heather Haase. Students are strongly requested to register for both seminars. The two seminars build upon each other and should thus be taken together. M.Ed. students in their 3rd semester can register for the alternative seminar(s) in the linguistics module. *

Das Englische als globale Lingua Franca verfügt über eine enorme Variationsbreite. Wie alle Sprachen zeigt es Variation entlang sozialer, funktionaler und regionaler Dimensionen, kommt aber darüber hinaus weit mehr als andere Sprachen in einer Vielzahl nationaler und regionaler Erscheinungsformen vor. Der traditionelle Englischunterricht orientiert sich aber noch immer nahezu ausschließlich an den beiden großen Referenzvarietäten, dem britischen und amerikanischen Englisch, wohingegen andere nationale Standardvarietäten, regionale Varietäten oder die „Postcolonial Englishes“ dagegen kaum Berücksichtigung finden.
Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich deshalb für die Ausbildung von EnglischlehrerInnen, die überwiegend selbst keine MuttersprachlerInnen des Englischen sind, sowie für den schulischen Englischunterricht die Frage nach der zu verwendenden Standardvarietät bzw. den -varietäten und wie diese Varietätenvielfalt (inklusive von Nicht-Standardvarietäten) in der LehrerInnenausbildung sowie später im Unterricht thematisiert werden kann und sollte. Dieses Seminar greift diese Fragestellungen explizit auf. Es werden zunächst zentrale Forschungsergebnisse zu Standard- und postkolonialen Varietäten des Englischen zusammengetragen, die für die LehrerInnenausbildung im Fach Englisch relevant und für das Verständnis der Rolle des Englischen als weltweite Lingua Franca sowie der verschiedenen Varietäten von Bedeutung sind. Anschliessend sollen existierende Lehrmaterialien für den Schulunterricht evaluiert und auf ihre Nutzbarkeit hin untersucht werden. Die daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden in Rückbezug auf gegenwärtige Bildungsstandards aufgearbeitet und nutzbar gemacht. In einer praktischen Phase werde dann Unterrichtsdesigns und Lehr- und Lernmaterialien entwickelt und in schulischen Praxisphasen in Zusammenarbeit mit einer Bremer Partnerschule erprobt. Das Seminar bietet auch die Möglichkeit, Themen für forschungsbasierte Masterarbeiten an der Schnittstelle von Sprachwissenschaft und Fremdsprachendidaktik zu entwickeln.

> Literatur <

Galloway, Nicola (2017). Global Englishes and Change in English Language Teaching. Attitudes and Impact. London and New York: Routledge. [Kapitel 1 als einführende Lektüre empfohlen]

Matsuda, Aya (2017). Preparing Teachers to Teach English as an International Language. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Siemund, Peter, Davydova, Julia & Maier, Georg (2012): The Amazing World of Englishes. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. [als E-book verfügbar über die SuUB unter]

> Assessment <

Portfolio (u.a. inkl. language learning biography und linguistischer Sachanalyse als Teil eines Unterrichtsentwurfs)

Prof. Dr. Marcus Callies
Stefanie Hehner
10-E76-3-LING-02Key Topics in Linguistics for Teachers of English: Why good linguists are better teachers (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 12:15 - 13:45 GW2 B1632
N. N.

KULT Kultur- und Sprachgeschichte (MPO 2014)

Modulbeauftragte: Dr. Karin Esders

1 Seminar "Key Topics in Cultural History for Teachers of English" oder "Key Topics in Language History for Teachers of English", 3 CP

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-76-3-D1/WD1-01Key Topics in Cultural History: Gender Culture Feminism (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 16:15 - 17:45 GW2 B2900

This is course is a mixture between a lecture course and a regular class. Scholars and teachers both from FB 10 and from other universities will deliver lectures on various aspects of our general topic initiating a transdisciplinary discourse on "Gender - Culture - Feminism". In the sessions between the lectures we will discuss corresponding texts and resources to prepare ourselves for the diverse subject matters of the presentations and to critically reflect on their respective ideas and arguments.
Essential readings will be available for download on Stud-IP. You should also consult the 'Semesterapparat' (SuUB) for further readings.
• regular attendance and oral participation
• in-depth knowledge of the reading material
• oral presentation and handout
Please note that prior enrollment via Stud.IP is mandatory.

Dr. Karin Esders-Angermund
10-E76-3-KULT-01Key Topics in Cultural History - Critical approaches to Popular Culture for Master students (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:15 - 11:45 GW2 B3010 (Kleiner Studierraum)

This course will critically approach popular culture. We will engage in debates on popular culture, discuss various ways and methods of analyzing it and engage in exemplary investigations of specific examples. Employing a cultural historical perspective we will focus on categories of difference such as race, class, gender, sexuality. Students will improve their critical reading skills that can be applied to academic as well as to popular texts. Moreover, we will develop ideas how to productively use popular culture in schools.
Essential readings will be available for download on Stud-IP. You should also consult the 'Semesterapparat' (SuUB) for further readings.
• regular attendance and oral participation
• in-depth knowledge of the reading material
• oral presentation and handout
• term paper
Please note that prior enrollment via Stud.IP is mandatory.

Dr. Karin Esders-Angermund
10-E76-3-LING-01Key Topics in Linguistics / Language History for Teachers of English: Varieties of English in the foreign language classroom (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 A3390 (CIP-Labor FB 10) CART Rotunde - 0.67


* This seminar is reserved for M.Ed. students in their 1st semester. It is offered in combination with a seminar in FD-3 Transfermodul Fachdidaktik "Handlungskompetenzen (Spotlights-Projekt)" taught by Heather Haase. Students are strongly requested to register for both seminars. The two seminars build upon each other and should thus be taken together. M.Ed. students in their 3rd semester can register for the alternative seminar(s) in the linguistics module. *

Das Englische als globale Lingua Franca verfügt über eine enorme Variationsbreite. Wie alle Sprachen zeigt es Variation entlang sozialer, funktionaler und regionaler Dimensionen, kommt aber darüber hinaus weit mehr als andere Sprachen in einer Vielzahl nationaler und regionaler Erscheinungsformen vor. Der traditionelle Englischunterricht orientiert sich aber noch immer nahezu ausschließlich an den beiden großen Referenzvarietäten, dem britischen und amerikanischen Englisch, wohingegen andere nationale Standardvarietäten, regionale Varietäten oder die „Postcolonial Englishes“ dagegen kaum Berücksichtigung finden.
Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich deshalb für die Ausbildung von EnglischlehrerInnen, die überwiegend selbst keine MuttersprachlerInnen des Englischen sind, sowie für den schulischen Englischunterricht die Frage nach der zu verwendenden Standardvarietät bzw. den -varietäten und wie diese Varietätenvielfalt (inklusive von Nicht-Standardvarietäten) in der LehrerInnenausbildung sowie später im Unterricht thematisiert werden kann und sollte. Dieses Seminar greift diese Fragestellungen explizit auf. Es werden zunächst zentrale Forschungsergebnisse zu Standard- und postkolonialen Varietäten des Englischen zusammengetragen, die für die LehrerInnenausbildung im Fach Englisch relevant und für das Verständnis der Rolle des Englischen als weltweite Lingua Franca sowie der verschiedenen Varietäten von Bedeutung sind. Anschliessend sollen existierende Lehrmaterialien für den Schulunterricht evaluiert und auf ihre Nutzbarkeit hin untersucht werden. Die daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden in Rückbezug auf gegenwärtige Bildungsstandards aufgearbeitet und nutzbar gemacht. In einer praktischen Phase werde dann Unterrichtsdesigns und Lehr- und Lernmaterialien entwickelt und in schulischen Praxisphasen in Zusammenarbeit mit einer Bremer Partnerschule erprobt. Das Seminar bietet auch die Möglichkeit, Themen für forschungsbasierte Masterarbeiten an der Schnittstelle von Sprachwissenschaft und Fremdsprachendidaktik zu entwickeln.

> Literatur <

Galloway, Nicola (2017). Global Englishes and Change in English Language Teaching. Attitudes and Impact. London and New York: Routledge. [Kapitel 1 als einführende Lektüre empfohlen]

Matsuda, Aya (2017). Preparing Teachers to Teach English as an International Language. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Siemund, Peter, Davydova, Julia & Maier, Georg (2012): The Amazing World of Englishes. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. [als E-book verfügbar über die SuUB unter]

> Assessment <

Portfolio (u.a. inkl. language learning biography und linguistischer Sachanalyse als Teil eines Unterrichtsentwurfs)

Prof. Dr. Marcus Callies
Stefanie Hehner