
University Awards Prize for “Senior Citizen” Project

Social excursions, coaching, combating homesickness – for over 2 years now, in their free time senior citizens enrolled at the University of Bremen have been offering pro-active support for fellow students who have come to Bremen from all over the world. These volunteers were recently awarded the very first “Campus International” prize for their commitment. The prize is awarded to groups or institutions for their honorary efforts towards promulgating an international campus. Worth 1,000 euros, it will in future be awarded by the International Office on an annual basis.

Although intended for the prizewinners themselves, the “senior citizens” already have other plans for the money: “It will come in very useful for financing some of the activities we are planning with our students”, says senior citizen Heiner Cramer.

The Senior Citizens

The group of senior students has no shortage of ideas: They organize outings to the North Sea coast, countryside walks culminating in the traditional North German kale dish, visits to museums, and events featuring the different cultures represented on campus. Moreover, international students know who they can turn to when they have problems or are feeling homesick, and members of the group also act as coaches. They make a valuable contribution toward helping international students to settle in here and come to terms with what for them is often a completely different culture. A highlight of this year’s activities was the first “Free Shop” organized by the International Office in September, where international students were able to pick up bed clothes, kitchen utensils and towels free of charge, relieving them of some of the costs of settling in. The senior citizens are supported in their efforts by the International Office and the University of Bremen’s Academy for Further Education, who help them establish contact with international students and coordinate activities.

The “Campus International” Prize

The University of Bremen was acclaimed “International University of 2012” by the German Academic Exchange Service and Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft. The prize endowed with 50,000 euros will among other things make it possible to award the “Campus International” prize for the next five years. Every year in November, the prizewinner will be selected by a committee comprising the Vice Rectress of Intercultural and International Affairs, the International Office of the University of Bremen, University employees and two University students. Anyone who wishes can submit their nomination by 1 November to Dr. Jutta Paal of the International Office.

You can obtain further information by contacting:
University of Bremen
International Office
Dr. Jutta Paal
Phone: 0421/218-60363
e-mail: jutta.paalprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Academy for Further Education
Friedrich Wilckhaus
Phone: 0421/218-61616
e-mail: wilckhausprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Gruppenfoto mit Seniorstudierenden
Ehrenamtliches Engagement mit Auszeichnung: Seniorstudierende der Uni Bremen haben bereits neue Pläne.