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rainbow families titled "Wir sind Eltern!" ("We are Parents!"), author of the website and project "Bunte Kitas starke Kinder NRW" (Colorful Daycare Centers Strong Children North Rhine-Westphalia), and author
Section: Sites
rainbow families titled "Wir sind Eltern!" (We are Parents!) and the author of the website and project "Bunte Kitas, starke Kinder NRW" (Colorful Daycare Centers, Strong Children NRW). They have authored brochures
much fun technology can be! In summer 2018, we offered the working group "MINTFarbige Zustände - so bunt sind Technik und Naturwissenschaften!" for girls in grades 5 - 7. For this pilot project the SFB has
ser, A./Jessel-Campos, C./Busch,T./Kranefeld, U./Schwippert, K./Nonte, S./ Busch, V./Schurig, M./Bunte, N. (2013): Teilhabe und Teilnahme. In: Koordinierungsstelle des JeKi-Forschungsprogramms (Hg.):