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student has registered is considered a failed attempt. The number of repeat attempts is not counted; as a student, you are entitled to one repeat examination per semester - regardless of the frequency with which [...] Withdrawal Special Case: General Studies What happens if module grades are not submitted in PABO? Repeat Exams (+ Corona Exceptions) Non-Attendance of Exams Due to Illness Academic Adjustments for Impairments [...] module coordinator directly. If this does not help, please contact the relevant dean of studies. Repeat Exams (+ Corona Exceptions) Please be aware of deviating special regulations that may arise in the
Section: Studies
universities. Since Bologna, the aim has been to promote and test competences rather than just repeating facts. But what exactly is meant by "competences"? How can they be operationalised and assessed
electric bells to get people out of the way. In the most busy hours of the day, these constantly repeating sounds can get quite annoying, but you’ll get used to it, trust me. On the other hand -as some of