Marine Geosciences (Master)

  • Eine Person untersucht Korallen in einem Aquarium im Labor.

    Fachbereich 05

    Marine Geosciences (Master)

  • Schwarzer Raucher am Mittelatlantischen Rücken in 2.980 Meter Wassertiefe

  • On board training

Title on graduation
Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Standard course length
4 Semester

Language of delivery

Application period (beginner)
winter semester: 01.12. - 28.02.

Open admission

Study description

The international MSc Marine Geosciences program conveys the modern state of research and methods in marine geosciences. It is explicitly aligned with the marine research foci of the department and MARUM (Centre for Marine Environmental Sciences) and enables a close link between current research and teaching. Students benefit from the comprehensive equipment and personnel at the Department and MARUM and the wide range of research activities and the ship expeditions. The interdisciplinary character of modern marine geosciences is reflected in the topic-centred study structure.

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