Course Catalog

Study Program WiSe 2022/2023

Englisch Fachwissenschaften/Fachdidaktik, M.Ed


FD-3 Transfermodul Fachdidaktik, Gy u. BiPEB (MPO 2014) Wintersemester

MPO 2014

Modulbeauftragte/r: Dr. Tim Giesler

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen (Prüfungsplan WiSe 15/16) finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-1-FD3-01Handlungskompetenzen (in English)
Shakespeare in the classroom

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 08:15 - 09:45 GW2 B3010 (Kleiner Studierraum) (2 Teaching hours per week)

This course will be given in close cooperation with Dr. Jana Nittel’s “Literatures in English: Mayhem and Mystery – Detecting Classic Crime Narratives Across Media”. Attending both classes is, therefore, highly recommended.
This course aims to provide you with a solid foundation on how to teach literature in school. Starting from theoretical considerations on why literature still matters in secondary education, we will explore methods and approaches on how to actually teach different forms of literature. The main focus will be on (genre) fiction but we will also venture into the realms of poetry and drama (including some Shakespeare, of course).
We will try to apply our findings about the didactics of teaching literature to the reading material of the “Literatures in English” course.
  • weekly reading of course materials
  • short oral book presentation
  • active participation in discussions
  • term paper (lesson plan)

Matthias Myrczek
10-E76-1-FD3-02Handlungskompetenzen (in English)
Shakespeare in the classroom

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 14:15 - 15:45 GW1 A0160 (2 Teaching hours per week)

This seminar is reserved for M.Ed. students in their 1st semester. It is offered in combination with a seminar in Key Topics in Linguistics, "10-E76-3-LING-01 Language History for Teachers of English: Varieties of English in the foreign language classroom" offered on Tuesdays 12:15-13:45. The two seminars build upon each other and should thus be taken together. So, please also register for that course.

This seminar is the practical application of the knowledge gained in the linguistics seminar “Language History for Teachers of English: Varieties of English in the foreign language Classroom”. Here we will discuss ways of incorporating different varieties of English into our teaching and evaluate existing teaching and learning materials.

Dr. Joanna Pfingsthorn
10-E76-1-FD3-03Handlungskompetenzen (in English)
Shakespeare in the classroom

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 14:15 - 15:45 SFG 2070 (2 Teaching hours per week)

The ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN-BRK) in 2009 has defined requirements of inclusive education to be implemented into Germany’s educational policy. At the subject-specific level of foreign language education, inclusion requires the application of didactic processes that contribute to the dismantling of barriers to make learning accessible to all. Thus, the goal of this seminar is to inform pre-service teachers about inclusive English language education according to educational policy and consider the application of existing empirically informed approaches for teaching practice. A central part of the seminar is to foster critical reflexivity in relation to the role of the teacher as a contextual factor in the learning processes of their students that can both allow or hamper inclusive education.

The seminar focuses on inclusion in the teaching of learners experiencing specific learning differences (SpLD) in the classroom. SpLD refers to differences in students’ responses to learning requirements in a way that learning cannot be tackled without specific pedagogical support within the existing school structure. In the English language classroom, learners may experience differences in phonological processing, metacognitive language learning awareness, lack of attention or anxiety, and demotivation. Thus, teachers are required to respond flexibly and develop the necessary competences to offer higher learning accessibility.

The seminar consists of three central themes:

1. SpLDs and foreign language education
2. Inclusive teaching approaches
3. Social and emotional aspects of specific learning differences

The seminar aims to explicitly problematize how changes in the requirement for inclusive practice impact the English language teaching profession, such as teachers' beliefs, attitudes, and teaching conceptions.

By the end of the seminar, students should be equipped with some practical strategies for interventions and didactic-methodic approaches as well as be able to critically reflect on their role as teachers for inclusive foreign language education.

Ana Carolina Fernandes Pires Rovai
10-E76-1-FD3-04Handlungskompetenzen (in English)
Shakespeare in the classroom

Seminar (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Wed. 16.11.22 12:00 - 17:30 MZH 2490 (Seminarraum)
Wed. 14.12.22 12:00 - 17:30 MZH 2490 (Seminarraum)
Wed. 11.01.23 14:00 - 17:30 MZH 2490 (Seminarraum)
Wed. 22.02.23 14:00 - 20:00 MZH 2490 (Seminarraum)


Sabine Oda Doff


FD MEd.: Abschlussmodul (MPO 2014)

MPO 2014

Modulbeauftragte: Prof. Dr. Sabine Oda Doff

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-1-FD MEd-01Case Studies (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 B3010 (Kleiner Studierraum) (2 Teaching hours per week)

Dieses Seminar ist verpflichtend für alle Studierenden, die ihre Masterarbeit (M. Ed.) im Fach Englisch abfassen. Beachten Sie bitte, dass dieser verpflichtende zweite Teil des Seminars nur jeweils im SoSe angeboten wird (als Forsetzung des ersten Teils aus dem vorangehenden WiSe).
Dieses Seminar befasst sich mit der Analyse und Evaluation aktueller Forschungsliteratur im Bereich der Fremdsprachenforschung; in diesem akademischen Jahr liegt dabei ein Schwerpunkt auf der Methodologie des Design-Based Research. Das Seminar ist als Grundlage zur Begleitung der eigenen empirischen Studie im Rahmen der Masterarbeit konzipiert. Durch eine intensive Betrachtung der gängigen Forschungsmethoden und ihrer Umsetzung in bereits veröffentlichten Studien werden eine Reflexion über Sprachlernprozesse sowie die Förderung logischen und kritischen Denkens angeregt und das Eintauchen in die Hintergründe der Fremdsprachenforschung ermöglicht. Im Seminar sollen Studierende lernen, ihre Erfahrungen mit der Untersuchung neuerer Forschungsarbeiten im Sinne einer Entwicklung zum reflective practitioner als Basis für ihre eigene Lehrkompetenz im Fach Englisch zu begreifen. Deswegen beschäftigen wir uns im Seminar vorrangig mit der Interpretation von Erkenntnissen aus der Fremdsprachenforschung und ihrer Relevanz für die eigene Forschung im Rahmen der Masterarbeit sowie die (spätere) eigene Unterrichtspraxis.

Dr. Joanna Pfingsthorn
10-E76-1-FD MEd-03Case Studies (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 B3230 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Dieses Seminar ist verpflichtend für alle Studierenden, die ihre Masterarbeit (M. Ed.) im Fach Englisch abfassen. Beachten Sie bitte, dass dieser verpflichtende zweite Teil des Seminars nur jeweils im SoSe angeboten wird (als Forsetzung des ersten Teils aus dem vorangehenden WiSe).
Dieses Seminar befasst sich mit der Analyse und Evaluation aktueller Forschungsliteratur im Bereich der Fremdsprachenforschung; in diesem akademischen Jahr liegt dabei ein Schwerpunkt auf der Methodologie des Design-Based Research. Das Seminar ist als Grundlage zur Begleitung der eigenen empirischen Studie im Rahmen der Masterarbeit konzipiert. Durch eine intensive Betrachtung der gängigen Forschungsmethoden und ihrer Umsetzung in bereits veröffentlichten Studien werden eine Reflexion über Sprachlernprozesse sowie die Förderung logischen und kritischen Denkens angeregt und das Eintauchen in die Hintergründe der Fremdsprachenforschung ermöglicht. Im Seminar sollen Studierende lernen, ihre Erfahrungen mit der Untersuchung neuerer Forschungsarbeiten im Sinne einer Entwicklung zum reflective practitioner als Basis für ihre eigene Lehrkompetenz im Fach Englisch zu begreifen. Deswegen beschäftigen wir uns im Seminar vorrangig mit der Interpretation von Erkenntnissen aus der Fremdsprachenforschung und ihrer Relevanz für die eigene Forschung im Rahmen der Masterarbeit sowie die (spätere) eigene Unterrichtspraxis.

Dr. Tim Giesler

SP-3 Sprachpraxis / Practical Language Module for Secondary School (MPO 2014)

Modulbeauftragter: Dr. Vanessa Herrmann

1 Übung, 3 CP

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-76-5-GS-01English Theatre Workshop (in English)

Exercises (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 09:45 - 12:00 FVG O0150 (Seminarraum) (3 Teaching hours per week)

In this workshop we will explore and experiment with contemporary methods of improvisational theater, which is the art of making up theatrical moments on the spot, without a script. It is one of the liveliest and most current forms of theater of today and ingrained in US popular culture. You will first learn the basic principles of improvisational theater and then apply them to improvised scenework. We will also reflect on the impact of improvisational theater on popular culture, its applications e.g. in teaching, explore its practical approaches to comedic as well as dramatic narrative structures and draw comparisons between communication in improvised dialogue and other types of communication.

There will be a regular meeting on Fridays 9.45 - 12.00 during the semester, in which we will cover the basics of improvisational theater, followed by an intensive in the lecture-free period, in which we will work on a specific form and prepare for a performance. If you only want to participate in the intensive you need to have some experience, either from this or a previous semester. There is no obligation to be part of the performances. You can also support the performances by helping with the organization and marketing.

Tobias Sailer ((LB))
10-76-5-GS-02English Theatre Workshop - Presentation & Performance (in English)

Exercises (Teaching)

Additional dates:
Mon. 06.03.23 - Fri. 10.03.23 (Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri.) 10:15 - 14:45 ZB-B B0490 (Theater)
Mon. 13.03.23 - Fri. 17.03.23 (Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri.) 10:15 - 14:45 ZB-B B0490 (Theater)

This part of the theatre workshop is based on our introductory work during the semester. Requirement is previous participation in the theatre workshop or some experience with long form improvisational theatre. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Tobias Sailer ((LB))
10-E76-3-SP3-01Online Pupil, Online Student, Online Teacher? (in English)

Exercises (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 10:15 - 11:45 SFG 2070 (2 Teaching hours per week)

NB: This course is planned to take place on campus and attendance is mandatory in language-practice classes.

"Mind the Gap"
Since you will become a teacher of English (soon), you might feel the need to fill any remaining ‘gaps’ regarding your own language learning and skills in English before going into school? Are there any grammatical areas which make you feel queasy? Do you feel confident when explaining these areas to learners of English? If not, now is the time to have another look at grammar....

We will adopt an active, hands-on approach to certain areas of basic syntax, among them tense selection and sequencing, use of the articles and reference, word order, and punctuation, examining their function to see how mis-selection can result in misunderstanding. Consideration of contrasting examples and work at the text level will underpin our analysis. You will be explaining the difference between potential options (e.g. the different ‘messages’ conveyed to the reader/listener by selecting Present Perfect or Past, or the definite or indefinite article, in a given context), and will give reasons for your syntactic choices. Thus, the class goes far beyond a merely ‘remedial’ level: if you can explain a grammatical point, you understand it, and can apply it correctly!

The class will also include
  • a refresher of English pronunciation (especially regarding i. individual sounds problematic for German learners (and teachers?!) of English; ii. sentence intonation, as well as methods for improving this)
  • an exploration of various online resources available to pupils, students and/or (future) teachers to detect their strengths and weaknesses and to evaluate their usefulness for learning and teaching English

Recommended Literature
  • Foley, Mark & Diane Hall, "MyGrammarLab" (Advanced C1/C2 level) Student Book, 'with answers', Pearson. (4x in SuUB)
ISBN 9781408299128, costing ca. €36 from online retailers. Pearson may offer discount. Info will be made available at the beginning of the teaching period.
  • Parrott, Martin, Grammar for English language teachers [with exercises and a key], Cambridge, 2000. (In SuUB, new edition requested)
  • Swan, Michael, "Practial English Usage", 4th Ed., Oxford University Press. (5x in SuUB)
  • Murphy, Raymond, "English grammar in use - a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students", Klett ed., 3. ed, 2010. (In SuUB)
  • Hewings, Martin, "Advanced Grammar in Use - a self-study reference and practice book for advanced students". Klett ed. (In SuUB, P03 Herrmann)

Registration: Please register for ONE SP-3 course only.
N.B.: Attendance is mandatory in language-practice classes.

Katja Müller, M.A.
10-E76-3-SP3-02Language-Literature-Screen (in English)

Exercises (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 08:15 - 09:45 GW2 B3010 (Kleiner Studierraum) (2 Teaching hours per week)

As the title of this course suggests, we will look at three rather complex entities of the English language classroom. Each one brings forth its own set of rules and requirements which will be discussed during the semester. We will look at literature, its representations on screen(s) and how each medium helps students gain access to the language.

This course is part of the Practical Language Module, and therefore the focus is on the language functions and the active use of the language rather than didactic concepts.

Dr. Vanessa Herrmann
10-E76-3-SP3-03The Language of Young Adult Fiction (in English)

Exercises (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 A4020 (2 Teaching hours per week)

Please note that this class is part of the Master of Education and only MA students are eligible to take part.

The aim of this course is to show that YA fiction is not “dumbed down” or a subcategory of literature as some people may suggest. Quite the contrary is the case, a this section of literature provides insights into human nature and helps young adults understand the complexities of this world. We will analyse the language of selected pieces of YA fiction in this class and find ways to incorporate the texts into the language classroom.

This course is part of the Practical Language Module, and therefore the focus is on the language functions and the active use of the language rather than didactic concepts.

Preliminary reading list:
Fforde, Jasper: The Last Dragonslayer (2010)
Gaiman, Neil: Coraline (2008)
Hughes, Kiku: Displacement (2020)
McManus, Karen M.: One of Us is Lying (2017)
Oseman, Alice: Heartstopper Vol. 1 (2019)
Springer, Nancy: Enola Holmes (2019)

Dr. Vanessa Herrmann

LIT Literaturwissenschaft (MPO 2014)

Modulbeauftragter: Prof. Dr. Norbert Schaffeld

1 Seminar "Literatures in English", 3 CP

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-3-LIT-01Literatures in English: Mayhem and Mystery - Detecting Classic Crime Narratives Across Media (in English)
M.Ed. module LIT

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 12:15 - 13:45 GW2 B3010 (Kleiner Studierraum) (2 Teaching hours per week)

This course is connected to Matthias Myrczek’s course “Handlungskompetenzen – Teaching Literature” (10-E76-1-FD3-01 Fridays 08:15 a.m. to 09:45 a.m.) and aims to engage students enrolled in the Master of Education programme with the highly popular and thematically complex world of classic detective fiction in English. Following a brief introduction to the emergence of the classic detective story and its cerebral detectives as well as exploring the cultural context that fostered the stellar rise of the genre, we will critically re-read two short stories by Edgar Alan Poe (Chevalier Auguste Dupin); Gilbert Keith Chesterton (Father Brown), followed by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Hound of the Baskerville (1902) in its various medial transformations and finally touching upon contemporary young adult fiction, Andrew Lane’s novel Young Sherlock Holmes: Death Cloud (2010).

We will meet in weekly seminar sessions, but students will also have access to weekly study units and worksheets. Since all of the participants are required to submit a research-based term paper, we will use parts of our seminar discussions to the development of topics, the formulation of a thesis statement, as well as considerations about the methodological approaches of writing such a paper. A reader with selected secondary text materials will be made available for download on Stud. IP. Please be aware that your registration on Stud. IP. is mandatory. You may wish to check the sections "Information" and "Schedule" further details such as requirements, weekly schedule, select bibliography and modes of assessment.

Requirements and Assessment
• Interest in the topic discussed and ideally a regular attendance and informed participation in class discussion (not part of your formal assessment);
• in-depth knowledge of the selected reading material,
• homework assignments,
• research-based term paper.

Reading materials (please read in advance)
Short Stories
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith. ‘The Blue Cross’ and ‘The Honour of Israel Gow’. Reclam, 1999.
Poe, Edgar Allan. "The Murders in the Rue Morgue”. 1841. Selected Tales. Penguin, 1994.
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur. “The Hound of the Baskervilles”. Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Illustrated Novels. London: Chancellor Press, 1987, pp. 201-352.
Lane Andrew, Young Sherlock Holmes: Death Cloud. Macmillan Children's Books, 2010.
Graphic Novel
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur. The Hound of the Baskervilles: A Sherlock Holmes Graphic Novel. Illustrated by I. N. J. Culbard. Text adapted by Ian Edington. London: SelfMadeHero, 2009. (vier weitere Graphic Novels verfügbar)
TV – Serial Narration
“The Hounds of Baskerville”. Sherlock – Series 2. Created by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat. UK BBC, 2010. Hartswood Films Ltd., 2011. DVD.
“The Hound of the Baskervilles”. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. Perf. Jeremy Brett and Edward Hardwicke. UK Granada Television Ltd, 1988. Cinema Club, 2003. DVD. (auch auf YouTube erhältlich
“The Hound of the Baskervilles”. 1976 Part 5 The Hound of Hell and 6 The Curse of the Hell-Hound. Marvel Preview.
Classic Illustrated:

Dr. Jana Nittel
10-E76-3-LIT-02Shakespeare's Richard III (in English)
This course is filled to capacity.

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 B3010 (Kleiner Studierraum) (2 Teaching hours per week)

In his well-known history play King Richard III, William Shakespeare offered a dramatically effective portrait of a malicious king, a villain whose unscrupulous and sinister machinations have turned him into a highly politicised icon of a power-thirsty, diabolic ruler. Yet one has to bear in mind that the drama was written on the biased evidence of Tudor historiography, while contemporary historians tend to look at Richard III in a slightly different way.

In the course of this seminar we shall address two major topics, i.e. the reaction of an audience torn between disgust and fascination as well as the contrast between the ideological construction of a Machiavellian king and the findings of recent historical research.

• active participation
• in-depth knowledge of the reading material
• presentation of research in progress and final research-based paper

Please note that prior enrolment via Stud.IP is mandatory. The enrolment period ends on September 15. The number of participants is limited to 25 students.

Shakespeare, William. King Richard III. The Arden Shakespeare. London: Methuen Drama, 2009.

Prof. Dr. Norbert Schaffeld

LING Sprachwissenschaft (MPO 2014)

Modulbeauftragter: Prof. Dr. Marcus Callies

1 Seminar "Key Topics in Linguistics for Teachers of English", 3 CP

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-3-LING-01Key Topics in Linguistics for Teachers of English: Varieties of English in the foreign language classroom (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 12:15 - 13:45 SFG 2070 (2 Teaching hours per week)

This seminar is offered in combination with a seminar in module 10-E76-1-FD3-02 Handlungskompetenzen (Fridays 14:15 - 15:45). The two seminars build upon each other and should thus be taken together. Please register for both courses.

The massive spread and diversification of the English language, its dominance as a second/foreign language and its use as a global lingua franca has brought about a change in the foundations of how English should be taught and learned. However, in English Language Teaching (ELT) in Germany there is still an exclusively exonormative orientation towards "Standard English", i.e. British and/or American English. But setting a monolingual, inner-circle native-speaker benchmark for todays' learners, including the corresponding cultural norms, does not correspond to the linguistic reality and is therefore no longer considered appropriate in many contexts.
This seminar aims at helping teacher students develop an awareness of the sociolinguistic and pedagogical implications of the global spread of English, also beyond school curricula. In this linguistics seminar, we will approach World Englishes from a pedagogical point of view and discuss the sociolinguistic and pedagogical implications of the global spread of English.

Dr. Ramona Kreis
10-E76-3-LING-02Key Topics in Linguistics: Corpora and Language Teaching (in English)
digital asynchron

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:15 - 15:45 Online (2 Teaching hours per week)

Kategorie C1. Die digitale Lehre findet im Wesentlichen asynchron statt.
Corpora can be used in a variety of ways in language teaching. With a direct approach, language learners use a corpus to find out, for example, in what context a word is used, or whether a phrase is idiomatic or rather an error, or the difference between synonyms, or between varieties of English. With the indirect approach, the language teacher uses corpora to develop teaching materials. In this class, we want to weigh the pros and cons of both approaches, and try them ourselves.
By taking this class, you as a prospective teacher will become familiar with different corpora, different search interfaces, and you will build your confidence in your own corpus literacy. You will be able to guide your students in their own corpus studies, and to use corpora to develop up-to-date teaching material.
Assessment: Portfolio

Friginal, Eric. 2018. Corpus Linguistics for English Teachers. New Tools, Online Resources, and Classroom Activities. Routledge. Print.
Poole, Robert. 2018. A Guide to Using Corpora for English Language Learners. Edinburgh University Press. E-Book available from the library.

Dr. Anke Schulz

KULT Kultur- und Sprachgeschichte (MPO 2014)

Modulbeauftragte: Dr. Karin Esders

1 Seminar "Key Topics in Cultural History for Teachers of English" oder "Key Topics in Language History for Teachers of English", 3 CP

Weitere Informationen zum Studienverlauf und den Modulprüfungen finden Sie auf unserer Fachwebseite:
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-E76-3-KULT-01Key Topics in Cultural History for Master Students: Intersectional Approaches to Popular Culture (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:15 - 15:45 GW2 B3010 (Kleiner Studierraum) (2 Teaching hours per week)

In this course we will engage in critical debates on popular culture, discuss various ways and methods of analyzing it and carry out intersectional investigations of selected cases. Employing a cultural historical perspective we will focus on categories of difference such as race, class, gender, sexuality. Students will improve their critical reading skills that can be applied to academic as well as to popular texts. Moreover, we will develop ideas how to productively use popular culture in schools.
Essential readings will be available for download on Stud-IP. You should also consult the 'Semesterapparat' (SuUB) for further readings.
• regular attendance and oral participation
• in-depth knowledge of the reading material
• oral presentation and handout
• term paper
Please note that prior enrollment via Stud.IP is mandatory.

Dr. Karin Esders-Angermund
10-E76-3-LING-01Key Topics in Linguistics for Teachers of English: Varieties of English in the foreign language classroom (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 12:15 - 13:45 SFG 2070 (2 Teaching hours per week)

This seminar is offered in combination with a seminar in module 10-E76-1-FD3-02 Handlungskompetenzen (Fridays 14:15 - 15:45). The two seminars build upon each other and should thus be taken together. Please register for both courses.

The massive spread and diversification of the English language, its dominance as a second/foreign language and its use as a global lingua franca has brought about a change in the foundations of how English should be taught and learned. However, in English Language Teaching (ELT) in Germany there is still an exclusively exonormative orientation towards "Standard English", i.e. British and/or American English. But setting a monolingual, inner-circle native-speaker benchmark for todays' learners, including the corresponding cultural norms, does not correspond to the linguistic reality and is therefore no longer considered appropriate in many contexts.
This seminar aims at helping teacher students develop an awareness of the sociolinguistic and pedagogical implications of the global spread of English, also beyond school curricula. In this linguistics seminar, we will approach World Englishes from a pedagogical point of view and discuss the sociolinguistic and pedagogical implications of the global spread of English.

Dr. Ramona Kreis
10-M80-3-SpecMo-08Studying and Working with Indigenous Films in Norh America (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 16:15 - 17:45 SFG 2070 (2 Teaching hours per week)

In this seminar we will learn about Indigenous history, issues, problems, and identities through watching documentaries and other films dealing with Indigenous topics in North America. We will cooperate with the 'Indianer Inuit Filmfestival' in Stuttgart and will watch a selection of the films that will be shown there in February 2023. We will also transcribe, translate and provide the German subtitles for a small selection of films that will run at the festival in Stuttgart. As a highlight, a selection of students will go to the festival (we will get free festival passes) and participate in all showings and events and help with moderation of film slots.
The class will be held in English and in presence. All texts will be provided electronically or through Stud IP. Requirements are regular attendance, participation in discussions, and in-depth knowledge of reading materials as well as a written exam at the end of the semester. Please note that prior enrollment via Stud.IP is mandatory.

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Knopf