Course Catalog

Study Program SoSe 2023

Fachbereich 10: Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften

Show courses: all | in english | for older adults | with sustainable development goals

English-Speaking Cultures: Language, Text, Media, M. A.

ExMo 1 - Extension Module 1 (9 CP)

In Extension Module 1, students develop the competence to deal with more complex theoretical, conceptual and methodological approaches within the three interrelated profile areas, i.e. language, text and media.

Modulbeauftragter: Prof. Dr. Nobert Schaffeld,
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-M80-2-ExMo1+2-04Writing Women: Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Literary Criticism (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:15 - 15:45 GW1 A0150 (2 Teaching hours per week)

This class introduces students to the study of ‘writing women,’ i.e. to women writers and their representation in fiction, as well as to the issues and stylistic, formal, and cultural practices that are involved when girls and women are written or write themselves into the literary and cultural imagination in North America. With a focus on Canada and the United States in the twentieth century, students will study not only select narrative texts (short stories, full novels and excerpts) but also the diverse, intersecting histories of feminist movements (such as Black, Chicana, Indigenous, or eco feminisms) and their works of feminist literary criticism.

Please acquire copies (print or electronic) of the following book-length texts and start reading them as soon as possible:
• Munro, Alice. Lives of Girls and Women (1971)
• Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street (1984)
Our university book store on the boulevard has some copies available for purchase.

Further primary and secondary material and information will be made available on Stud.IP. Prior enrolment via Stud.IP is mandatory and admission is limited to a maximum of thirty students. The class is open to M.A. E-SC students studying the Extension Modules 1 and 2, students studying the Vertiefungs- or Profilmodul in the M.A. Transnationale Literaturwissenschaft as well as international exchange students. Please check Stud.IP regularly for updates.

• active participation in weekly meetings,
• in-depth knowledge of the reading material,
• graded or ungraded assignment in accordance with the respective module requirements.

Dr. Paula von Gleich

ExMo 2 - Extension Module 2 (9 CP)

In Extension Module 2, students analyse and discuss topical issues of the three interrelated profile areas, i.e. language, text and media.

Modulverantwortliche: Dr. Jana Nittel,
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-M80-2-ExMo1+2-04Writing Women: Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Literary Criticism (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:15 - 15:45 GW1 A0150 (2 Teaching hours per week)

This class introduces students to the study of ‘writing women,’ i.e. to women writers and their representation in fiction, as well as to the issues and stylistic, formal, and cultural practices that are involved when girls and women are written or write themselves into the literary and cultural imagination in North America. With a focus on Canada and the United States in the twentieth century, students will study not only select narrative texts (short stories, full novels and excerpts) but also the diverse, intersecting histories of feminist movements (such as Black, Chicana, Indigenous, or eco feminisms) and their works of feminist literary criticism.

Please acquire copies (print or electronic) of the following book-length texts and start reading them as soon as possible:
• Munro, Alice. Lives of Girls and Women (1971)
• Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street (1984)
Our university book store on the boulevard has some copies available for purchase.

Further primary and secondary material and information will be made available on Stud.IP. Prior enrolment via Stud.IP is mandatory and admission is limited to a maximum of thirty students. The class is open to M.A. E-SC students studying the Extension Modules 1 and 2, students studying the Vertiefungs- or Profilmodul in the M.A. Transnationale Literaturwissenschaft as well as international exchange students. Please check Stud.IP regularly for updates.

• active participation in weekly meetings,
• in-depth knowledge of the reading material,
• graded or ungraded assignment in accordance with the respective module requirements.

Dr. Paula von Gleich

Transnationale Literaturwissenschaft, M.A.



Profilmodul I: Literatur 10-M83-2, Wahlpflichtmodul (2 von3 Modulen)

Modulbeauftragte: Prof. Dr. Axel Dunker, Kontakt:

Das Modul baut auf den im Grund- und Vertiefungsmodul erworbenen Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten auf und differenziert und vertieft diese. Anhand eines im Vergleich zum Vertiefungsmodul erweiterten Textkorpus, das insbesondere narrative und poetische Texte enthält, grundsätzlich aber alle Formen der écriture sowie ein weites Spektrum von Diskursen einschließt, wird die Transnationalitätsfragestellung nachdrücklicher fokussiert. Die Sprache der Lehre ist deutsch oder wird von den Lehrenden festgelegt.

Beachten Sie bitte, dass das Studienangebot in diesem Modul im Sommersemester breiter als im Wintersemester ist.

Achtung: Die CP-Zahlen einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen können von der Anzahl der im Modul zu vergebenden CP abweichen. Zu Beginn der LV informiert der/die Lehrende über die zu erwerbende CP-Zahl.
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-M80-2-ExMo1+2-04Writing Women: Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Literary Criticism (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:15 - 15:45 GW1 A0150 (2 Teaching hours per week)

This class introduces students to the study of ‘writing women,’ i.e. to women writers and their representation in fiction, as well as to the issues and stylistic, formal, and cultural practices that are involved when girls and women are written or write themselves into the literary and cultural imagination in North America. With a focus on Canada and the United States in the twentieth century, students will study not only select narrative texts (short stories, full novels and excerpts) but also the diverse, intersecting histories of feminist movements (such as Black, Chicana, Indigenous, or eco feminisms) and their works of feminist literary criticism.

Please acquire copies (print or electronic) of the following book-length texts and start reading them as soon as possible:
• Munro, Alice. Lives of Girls and Women (1971)
• Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street (1984)
Our university book store on the boulevard has some copies available for purchase.

Further primary and secondary material and information will be made available on Stud.IP. Prior enrolment via Stud.IP is mandatory and admission is limited to a maximum of thirty students. The class is open to M.A. E-SC students studying the Extension Modules 1 and 2, students studying the Vertiefungs- or Profilmodul in the M.A. Transnationale Literaturwissenschaft as well as international exchange students. Please check Stud.IP regularly for updates.

• active participation in weekly meetings,
• in-depth knowledge of the reading material,
• graded or ungraded assignment in accordance with the respective module requirements.

Dr. Paula von Gleich


Vertiefungsmodul 10-M83-3, Pflichtmodul, ECTS (Credit Points): 6 CP

Modulbeauftragte: Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlickers, Kontakt:

Das Modul dient der Vermittlung der Grundlagen einer Beschäftigung mit Literatur und Film aus transnationaler Perspektive. Es wird in der Fremdsprache der jeweils im Mittelpunkt stehenden Literatur gelehrt und vertieft die kommunikative Kompetenz in der jeweiligen Philologie. Gegenstände sind u.a. Analysen von Schlüsseltexten der deutschen, englisch-, französisch-, spanischsprachigen und italienischen Primärliteratur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, von Filmen (z.B. Filmklassiker, Literaturverfilmungen) sowie theoretischer Texte unter wechselnden Fokussierungen (Literaturgeschichte, Gattungen / Strömungen, Postkolonialität, Narratologie, Lyrikanalyse, Filmanalyse).

Achtung: Die CP-Zahlen einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen können von der Anzahl der im Modul zu vergebenden CP abweichen. Zu Beginn der LV informiert der/die Lehrende über die zu erwerbende CP-Zahl.
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
10-M80-2-ExMo1+2-04Writing Women: Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Literary Criticism (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:15 - 15:45 GW1 A0150 (2 Teaching hours per week)

This class introduces students to the study of ‘writing women,’ i.e. to women writers and their representation in fiction, as well as to the issues and stylistic, formal, and cultural practices that are involved when girls and women are written or write themselves into the literary and cultural imagination in North America. With a focus on Canada and the United States in the twentieth century, students will study not only select narrative texts (short stories, full novels and excerpts) but also the diverse, intersecting histories of feminist movements (such as Black, Chicana, Indigenous, or eco feminisms) and their works of feminist literary criticism.

Please acquire copies (print or electronic) of the following book-length texts and start reading them as soon as possible:
• Munro, Alice. Lives of Girls and Women (1971)
• Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street (1984)
Our university book store on the boulevard has some copies available for purchase.

Further primary and secondary material and information will be made available on Stud.IP. Prior enrolment via Stud.IP is mandatory and admission is limited to a maximum of thirty students. The class is open to M.A. E-SC students studying the Extension Modules 1 and 2, students studying the Vertiefungs- or Profilmodul in the M.A. Transnationale Literaturwissenschaft as well as international exchange students. Please check Stud.IP regularly for updates.

• active participation in weekly meetings,
• in-depth knowledge of the reading material,
• graded or ungraded assignment in accordance with the respective module requirements.

Dr. Paula von Gleich