
A=ANONYM – Regimes of anonymity in contemporary, hybrid online-offline worlds

Organizer : Universität Bremen / Universität Hamburg / Leuphana Universität Lüneburg / Kampnagel / VW-Stiftung
Location : Kampnagel, Jarrestr. 20, 22303 Hamburg
Start Time : 27. October 2018, 09:00
End Time : 27. October 2018, 23:00

Programme overview - October 27

Exhibition / open 9:00 – 23:00

9:00 – 12:30 / Workshop with artist collective RYBN.ORG
(registration required via workshop@reconfiguring-anonymity.net)

9:00 – 12:30 / Workshop with artist collective Bureau d’études
(registration required via workshop@reconfiguring-anonymity.net)


14:00 / Forum 4: Rethinking the Present and the Long History of Anonymity
(with Andreas Bernard, Daniel de Zeeuw, Urs Stäheli)

15:30 / Closing: Researching Anonymity (Reconfiguring Anonymity research group)

Evening programme

19:00 / Sand in the Eyes / Performance by Rabih Mroué / in English (
Tickets: 18 Euro, reduced 9 Euro)

20:30 / Welcome to Hell-Concert-Performance by SKILLS
(Camilla Milena Fehér & Sylvi Kretzschmar) / in German
(Tickets: 18 Euro, reduced 9 Euro)

Over the course of three days, we invite you to discuss anonymity with experts from science, art, technology and activism under the title “A=ANONYM”. How do contemporary regimes of anonymity arise in hybrid online-offline worlds? How is anonymity modified, evaluated, defended or opposed and abolished? When we rely on networked information and data infrastructure, how do information, ownership, transparency, privacy and anonymity interconnect? At Kampnagel, artists, activists and scientists will create a space of resonance for various forms of dealing with anonymity in transition. In workshops, lectures, laboratories, forums, and an exhibition, we will enquire how we create or suspend anonymity today and what this means, in political, aesthetical, and in social terms.

All conference events and workshops are held in English. Entry is free of charge, except for the evening programmes (tickets at www.kampnagel.de). Participation in the workshops and the performances requires registration (see programme).

The event is organized by the transdisciplinary research project “ Reconfiguring Anonymity “, in cooperation with Kampnagel.

“Reconfiguring Anonymity“ is a collaborative research project of the University of Bremen, the University of Hamburg, and Leuphana University of Lüneburg, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation’s initiative “Key Issues for Academia and Society”.


Die Veranstaltung findet überwiegend auf Englisch statt. Die Teilnahme ist mit Ausnahme der Abendveranstaltungen nach 18.00 Uhr kostenlos. Für die Workshops bitten wir um Anmeldung (über workshopprotect me ?!reconfiguring-anonymityprotect me ?!.net). Für die Performance mit Johannes Paul Raether über performanceprotect me ?!reconfiguring-anonymityprotect me ?!.net.

Weitere Informationen zur Konferenz sowie zum von der VolkswagenStiftung im Programm „Schlüsselthemen für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft“ geförderten Forschungsprojekt Reconfiguring Anonymity (RCA) finden Sie auf unserer Homepage:


sowie auf der Homepage unseres Kooperationspartners Kampnagel:
