The Deutschlandstipendium [German Scholarship] goes into its fourth round at the University of Bremen: Students of the University and newly enrolled students are able to submit applications up to 31 July 2014. The aim of this program supported by the German Government is to secure private funding for student grants. Each German Scholarship is endowed with 3,600 euros per year, of which 150 euros per month comes from private donations: The Federal State provides a further 150 euros. In addition to this financial support, the University of Bremen has set up a special support program for the scholarship holders. This includes workshops to improve the soft skills required for life and career, offers of internships and insights into working life on the part of the private contributors, and contacts to important networks. The University of Bremen’s criteria for funding are diverse: Talent and good grades are just two of the aspects involved. Social commitment, personal initiative, and the applicant’s special personal circumstances are also taken into account.
Number of scholarships increased by 40%
It is particularly gratifying to see how well the Deutschlandstipendium is being received at the University of Bremen: Thanks to the high level of commitment on the part of our friends and sponsors, in 2013 the University was able to realize a total of 154 German Scholarships. This represents a 40 per cent increase over the previous year, and is almost four times higher than in the year the program was launched in 2011. About 80 per cent of the University’s scholarship holders are involved in some kind of voluntary work beside their studies, over 50 per cent have non-academic family backgrounds, and some 20 per cent have migrant backgrounds.
Bremen and Saarland at the top nationwide
Also in comparison with the other federal states, with 365 scholarships Bremen comes out extraordinarily well: A survey carried out by the Stifterverband [Donors' Association for the Promotion of Science and Humanities in Germany] shows that together with Saarland, the federal state of Bremen has managed to realize the highest number of German Scholarships – and this is relative to respective student numbers. According to the survey, the secret to success lies in the commitment and initiative shown by the individual universities in creatively promoting the new funding instrument. In this respect, the University of Bremen is clearly on the right track. More sponsors are always welcome, though. If you are interested in participating in the scholarship scheme, or know someone who might be, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
You can find additional information on the Deutschlandstipendium at the University of Bremen under:
The survey carried out by the Stifterverband can be accessed under:
If you would like to have more information on this topic, please contact:
University of Bremen
Transfer and External Partners
Alexa Meyer-Hamme
Phone: +49 421 218-60336
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