
Neurobiologist Roth corrects BILD article

The news propagated by the German newspaper BILD-Zeitung that the neurobiologist Prof. Roth from Bremen University identified a "central lobe" of the human brain as seat of the evil is wrong and due to a deep misunderstanding of statements in an interview. Such a lobe does not exist at all. Professor Roth and his collaborators are presently investigating the effect of early psychotraumatization on the brain as one important factor for the development of later criminal behavior. Different types of criminal behavior can be related to functional disturbances of different centers of the limbic system including the lower frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex) of the brain.

Further information:
Universität Bremen
Zentrum für Kognitionswissenschaften
Prof.Dr. Gerhard Roth
E-Mail: gerhard.rothprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de


Älterer Mann mit Brille lächelt in die Kamera.
Professor Gerhard Roth