
Uni Bremen: Award for Two Volunteer Projects

The "In Touch" project enables refugees to attend lectures and courses.  The University’s  Erasmus-Initiative provides assistance to international students studying in Bremen. Both initiatives rest on the activities of engaged volunteers. In recognition of this unselfish dedication the University of Brementhey have been awarded the "Campus International" prize. The prize was introduced in 2013 by the University’s Vice Rectress for Intercultural and International Affairs in recognition of activities undertaken by volunteers.

Refugees can continue studying

The University launched the "In Touch" project in cooperation with the refugee hostel in Hastedt. Moussa Dieng, leader of the hostel in the Ludwig-Quidde-Straße was the initiator. Many refugees had to abandon their studies due to the political situation in their home countries. Being able to attend courses at the University makes a welcome break from the monotony of hostel life, giving them a certain feeling of returning to everyday life and normality. Most important is that the program enables them to continue studying, despite their precarious personal situations. Through contact with fellow students they are more able to adapt to their new surroundings and German culture. The prerequisite for being granted international guest-student status is a university entrance qualification and knowledge of English or German.

Students volunteer to help international guest-students

It is now 15 years since the Erasmus-Initiative was established at the University of Bremen. In 2008 it was registered as a voluntary association. It is supported by more than 30 students who themselves studied in other countries and now wish to help the international students in Bremen. They support the work of the University’s International Office and also organize activities of their own like regular meetings and excursions. Their work constitutes an important contribution towards making international guests of the University feel more at home – from prepare for studying in Bremen right up to graduation.

The “Campus International” prize

The “Campus International” prize was introduced in 2013 by the University’s Vice Rectress for Intercultural and International Affairs as a thank-you gesture for volunteer activities. The thousand-euro prize is financed from money granted to the University in 2012 in connection with being awarded the accolade “International University” from the German Academic Exchange Office and the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft. Each year in November a selection committee decides on who shall win the “Campus International” prize. Proposals can be submitted the International Office up to 1st November in each year.

You can receive more information on this topic by contacting:

University of Bremen
International Office
Annette Lang
Phone: +49 421/218-60360
e-mail: annette.langprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

The awardees of this year's"Campus International" prize with the awarding Vice Rector: f. l. Alev Sönmez, Markus Knak, Maria Kyrarini, Prof. Yasemin Karakasoglu, Gerrit Stadler and Moussa Dieng.