
Virtual Flight over the University Campus?

Want to take a 3D flight over the university campus? No problem at all these days, thanks to the work of thirteen enterprising geography students.  During their undergraduate studies they had to learn about geographic information systems.  One project involved mapping a large part of the campus and then modeling the results in 3D visualizations. They ended up with copious amounts of cartographic material – and a 3D film that takes spectators on a virtual flight over the university campus. A pilot project full of potential (Film link).

Among other things, 3D models are used by urban planners to enable detailed preparation of construction projects like the Bremen main station forecourt, for instance, as well as planning new locations for radio masts and solar power plants. As urban planning is a potential career area for geographers, the Bachelor students from the Institute of Geography spent a whole semester dealing with this topic. The group was led by TobiasTkaczick.

Using 3D film to find your way around the campus

In addition to the university buildings at the center of the campus, the students compiled a comprehensive picture of every single trash container, tree, and street lamp. This is the point where the project leader had intended to stop – but his highly motivated students decided to go a step farther, and on their own initiative they went on to produce the 3D animation. Unfortunately, due to financial constraints and the short time at their disposal they could only capture the central area of the campus. “With our pooled know-how and what we have already learned we would like to continue and carry out additional projects”, says TobiasTkaczick. Such 3D animations would be a great way to help freshers find their way around the campus, and even help persons in wheelchairs choose suitable entrances to buildings and barrier-free routes. “We would be happy to cooperate with other institutes or agencies in order to create such a tool”, offers Tkaczick. Another possibility may be to utilize the geographers’ know-how and results to enhance the campus app “eStudentLBS”.

Student: “We gained immensely from working on the project!”

“We students have gained immensely from working on the project and we learned a lot!” is the verdict of 5th semester Bachelor student, Daniel Hofmann. “It was a great experience to be able to work on the project from the planning stage right up to the end result, and we profited enormously from getting to learn new methods.”

For more information, please contact:
Universität Bremen
Institut für Geographie
Phone: +49 421 218-67411
e-mail: tkaczickprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de