Master Craftsman or Master Tradesman Examination

Access to university education via continuing vocational training

Under certain conditions, if you have a certain level of vocational education you can be directly admitted to a degree program offered by the University.

Anyone who has completed one of the following career advancement trainings obtains a general university entrance qualification and is admitted to study at the University of Bremen.

Master Craftsman or Master Tradesman Examination

  • Master Craftsman or Master Tradesman Examination
  • completed a comparable training according to entry requirements, duration, total number of teaching hours and final objective of the master's advanced training and passed a test comparable to the master's examination ,
  • a course of education of a two-year technical college ( not vocational school) with state examination  gem. KMK- "framework agreement on technical colleges" (eg state- recognized educator or educator) or has completed a course of study comparable in terms of admission requirements , duration, total hours taught and final objective, and has passed the final exam,
  • has completed a qualification according to §§ 53 or 54 of the Vocational Training Act or §§ 42 or 42a of the Handwerksordnung, provided that the course has covered at least 400 teaching hours ,
  • has a degree after comparable training for health professions and social care or socio-pedagogical professions .


Do you have any questions?
Bachelor- FAQs

Student Office
VWG Building
Ground floor

Personal office hours:
Mon, Thurs 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Virtual office hours:
Make an appointment via the contact form

By telephone:
Brief information
Mon, Tue, Thu 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Fri 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Office hours
Mon, Wed, Thu 10 a.m.-12 p.m. and Tue 1 p.m.-3 p.m.

► contact us
Bachelor team: +49 (0)421 218-61110
Master team: +49 (0)421 218-61111

Admission to Studies

For subjects without restricted admission, enrollment can be done directly. For restricted admission subjects, a selection procedure first has to be carried out. The study places in restricted admission programs are assigned on the basis of the final grade of the respective preceding examination or the waiting period. The period after obtaining the higher education entrance qualification is regarded as a waiting period. Applicants who acquired a higher education entrance qualification due to their professional development are treated the same as applicants who have an Abitur. There is no separate quota in the application process.