Course Catalog

Study Program SoSe 2023

Biologie, B.Sc./LA

Profilmodulbereich 1

Moore, Tundra, boreale Wälder: Seminar (PM1.52)

Bogs, tundra ecosystems and boreal forests
Modulbeauftragter: Prof. Martin Diekmann
3 CP
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
02-02-PM1-52Lecture and seminar: Bogs in the landscape (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 14:00 - 15:00 NW2 C0300 (Hörsaal 2)

Mo 14-15 Uhr, NW2 A0242

Weitere Informationen in Stud.IP.

Dr. Hans Konrad Nettmann
Dr. Josef Müller

Moore, Tundra, boreale Wälder: Seminar und Exkursion (PM1.53)

Bogs, tundra ecosystems and boreal forests
Modulbeauftragter: Prof. Martin Diekmann
6 CP
Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
02-02-PM1-53Ecological excursion and field course (in English)

Study trip (Teaching)

14-tägige Exkursion
Exkursionsdaten werden noch bekanntgegeben.

Dr. Hans Konrad Nettmann
Dr. Josef Müller

Exkursionen - Angebote aus den Masterprogrammen

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
02-M19-414Long ecological excursion and field course (in English)

Study trip (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 2) Mon. 16:00 - 18:00 NW2 B4100

+ seminar

Gschnitz Valley in the Alps in Austria
22.07./ 23.07. - 31.07.2023
Number of participants limited

Accompanying seminar:
17.04.- 03.07.2023
Mondays, 4 - 6 pm
NW2 B4100

Further information in Stud.IP or contact Prof. Diekmann (

Prof. Dr. Martin Reemt Diekmann
Dr. Cecilia Dupre
Prof. Dr. Juliane Filser
Dr. Josef Müller