Course Catalog

Study Program SoSe 2023

Technomathematik, B.Sc./M.Sc. (Studienbeginn vor 2022)

Master: Pflichtveranstaltungen

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
03-M-MP-1Modeling Project (Part 1) (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 2340 Seminar
Prof. Dr. Andreas Rademacher

Master: Wahlpflichtveranstaltungen

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
03-IMAT-APX (03-ME-602.99a)Approximation Algorithms (in English)

Kurs (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 1110 Kurs
weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 1110 Kurs

Profil: SQ, KIKR.
Schwerpunkt: IMA-SQ, IMVT-AI, IMVT-VMC
weitere Studiengänge: M-M-Alg-Num, M-T

Prof. Dr. Nicole Megow
Dr. Felix Christian Hommelsheim
03-M-SP-11Optimal Control in Function Spaces (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 08:00 - 10:00 MZH 2340 Exercise
weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 2340 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 08:00 - 10:00 MZH 2340 Lecture
Prof. Dr. Andreas Rademacher
03-M-SP-12High-Performance Visualization (in English)
Interactive Exploration for Extreme Large-sized Scientific Data Analytics

Lecture (Teaching)
ECTS: 4,5 / 6

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 5500 Lecture and Exercise

Die Vorlesung beschäftigt sich mit den mathematischen Grundlagen der wissenschaftlichen Visualisierung und behandelt Methoden für das parallele Post-Processing großer wissenschaftlicher Datensätze. Anwendungsbeispiele werden anhand der Open-Source-Software ParaView erläutert.
Homepage zur Veranstaltung:

Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerndt
03-M-SP-14Scientific Programming and Advanced Numerical Methods - an Introduction with Case Studies (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 2340 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 16:00 - 18:00 MZH 2340 Exercise
weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 2340 Lecture

Additional dates:
Wed. 28.06.23 14:00 - 15:30 ZOOM
Alfred Schmidt
Prof. Dr. Stephan Frickenhaus
03-M-SP-15Analytic and Discrete Convex Geometry (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 1100 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 7200 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 7200 Exercise

Additional dates:
Fri. 23.06.23 08:00 - 10:00
Eugenia Saorin Gomez
03-M-SP-16Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 2340 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 2340 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 2340 Exercise
Peter Maaß
Dr. Matthias Beckmann
03-M-SP-17Deep Learning for Inverse Problems (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)
ECTS: 4,5

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 2340 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 2340 Exercise
weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 4140 Lecture

Die Veransaltungen 03-M-SP-17 "Deep Learning for Inverse Problems"und 03-M-SP-18 "Nonlinear Inverse Problems" bilden zwei einzeln belegbare Veranstaltungsblöcke im Themenbereich von inversen Problemen (Woche 1-7: Deep Learning for Inverse Problems; Woche 8-14: Nonlinear Inverse Problems), die hintereinander stattfinden. Sie können zusammen oder separat belegt belegt werden.

Tobias Kluth
Dr. rer. nat. Pascal Fernsel
03-M-SP-18Nonlinear Inverse Problems (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)
ECTS: 4,5

weekly (starts in week: 8) Tue. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 2340 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 8) Tue. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 2340 Exercise
weekly (starts in week: 8) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 4140 Lecture

Die Veransaltungen 03-M-SP-17 "Deep Learning for Inverse Problems"und 03-M-SP-18 "Nonlinear Inverse Problems" bilden zwei einzeln belegbare Veranstaltungsblöcke im Themenbereich von inversen Problemen (Woche 1-7: Deep Learning for Inverse Problems; Woche 8-14: Nonlinear Inverse Problems), die hintereinander stattfinden. Sie können zusammen oder separat belegt belegt werden.

Dr. rer. nat. Pascal Fernsel
Tobias Kluth
03-M-SP-19Mathematics of Quantum Computing (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 1470 MZH 1450 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 08:00 - 10:00 MZH 1110 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 1110 Exercise
Matthias Knauer
03-M-SP-20Digital Optimal Control and Optimal Feedback Control (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 08:00 - 10:00 Lecture (Room: NEOS Building)
weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 10:00 - 12:00 Exercise (Room: NEOS Building)
weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 08:00 - 10:00 Lecture (Room: NEOS Building)
Prof. Dr. Christof Büskens
03-M-SP-22Regression Models (Statistics II) (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 08:00 - 10:00 MZH 5500 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 08:00 - 10:00 SFG 1020 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 08:00 - 10:00 MZH 4140 Exercise

Additional dates:
Tue. 11.07.23 10:00 - 12:00
Prof. Dr. Werner Brannath
03-M-SP-23Sequential and Adaptive Designs (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)
ECTS: 4,5

weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 12:00 - 14:00 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 14:00 - 16:00 Lecture and Exercise
Prof. Dr. Werner Brannath
03-M-SP-24Evolution Equations (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 2340 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 2340 Exercise
weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 10:00 - 12:00 MZH 2340 Lecture

PD Dr. Hendrik Vogt

Master: Seminare

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
03-M-AC-6Mathematical Foundations of AI (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)
ECTS: 4,5 / 6
Sören Dittmer
Peter Maaß
03-M-AC-13Advanced Topics in Inverse Problems (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)
ECTS: 4,5 / 6

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 16:00 - 18:00 MZH 2340 Seminar
Tobias Kluth


Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
03-M-OS-7Oberseminar Parameter Identification - Analysis, Algorithms, Applications (in English)
Research Seminar - Mathematical Parameter Identification

Seminar (Teaching)

fortnightly (starts in week: 1) Wed. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 5600

Tobias Kluth
Daniel Otero Baguer

General Studies

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
03-M-GS-5Statistical Consulting (in English)

Seminar (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Fri. 10:00 - 12:00 Seminar
Dr. Martin Scharpenberg
03-M-SP-21Linear Regression Analysis with R (in English)

Lecture (Teaching)
ECTS: 4,5

weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 12:00 - 14:00 MZH 7200 Lecture
weekly (starts in week: 1) Mon. 14:00 - 16:00 MZH 7200 Lecture / Exercise

Additional dates:
Tue. 25.07.23 10:00 - 12:00
Maryam Movahedifar
SZHB 0625ONLINE: English for Mathematicians and Industrial Mathematicians (Zertifikatskurs UNIcert II) (B2.3) (in English)
Eingangsniveau: B2.2

Kurs (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Tue. 16:15 - 17:45 External location: Onlinekurs (2 Teaching hours per week)

Edwin Shillington

Sonstige Veranstaltungen

Course numberTitle of eventLecturer
03-M-RMS-1Review of Mathematical Statistics (in English)

Kurs (Teaching)

weekly (starts in week: 1) Thu. 16:00 - 18:00 MZH 7200

Dieser Kurs behandelt die Grundlagen der mathematischen Statistik für Studierende der Masterprogramme im Vollfach. Es können sich keine Credit Points für die Teilnahme angerkannt werden!

Daniel Oching Odipo