Faculty International Coordinators

Within each faculty, an internationalization representative (Internationalisierungsbeauftragte/r) is chosen as the contact person for international affairs.
The internationalization representatives are responsible for both the coordination of international activities within the faculty and the strategic internationalization. In addition, there are  representatives for some degree courses or programs (such as Erasmus etc.). Their activities are coordinated by the internationalization representative of the respective faculty.

The board of internationalization representatives meets once or twice per semester at the invitation of the Vice President for International Affairs, Academic Qualification, and Diversity


Dr. Marejke Baethge-Assenkamp

SFG, room 0380
Phone.: +49 421 218-60361
Email: marejke.baethgevw.uni-bremen.de



Secretariat/administration of the International Office

SFG 0290
Tel.: +49-421-218-60360
E-Mail: walterprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de